
Hello Split, This is the Pope Calling!

By 24 July 2015

He wanted to know if Croatia really is as beautiful as they say.

Imagine this….You’re on a holiday in Croatia and your mobile phone rings…upon answering you hear: “Hi, this is Pope Francis”! As reported by Slobodna Dalmacija, this is exactly what happened to Msgr Marcello Semeraro, Bishop of Albano who is currently holidaying in a convent located in Kamen near Split.

After explaining to the Pope that he is currently on holiday in Split wth his priests and theologians, Pope said that he heard Croatia is a beautiful country and asked if there were many tourists in Split. Upon hearing of this unusual event, Split-Makarska Archbishop invited the Pope to visit Croatia during feragosto (Assumption Day, public holiday in Italy). “Croatia is a beautiful country for his annual holiday and it's not far“ -Archbishop Barišić commented.
