
Walk for Life March Postponed Until Autumn

By 24 June 2020
Walk for Life March Postponed Until Autumn
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ZAGREB, June 24, 2020 - Due to the epidemiological situation with the coronavirus, the Walk for Life march won't be held in Zagreb on June 27 as scheduled and is being postponed until the autumn, the organisers announced on Wednesday.

"We wish to inform the public that the Walk for Life, Family, and Croatia, which was to have been held on Saturday, June 27, is being postponed until the autumn," the march's coordinator in Zagreb Andrea Kotnik said.

She added that there was a huge interest to participate in the walk and that more than 500 people had registered for the walk, which is how many people would have been allowed to gather according to recommendations by the National Civil Protection Authority.

"We decided on the postponement due to the spike in the number of people infected. We are all disappointed, our volunteers invested a lot of effort but we concluded that life, safety, and public health are more important and that we need to be responsible and protect every human life and everyone who was going to come to the walk because families with children often attend the walk," said Kotnik.

Ivan Mihanovic recalled that the Walk for Life advocates the protection of every human life from conception without discrimination. He told the authorities that it is necessary to create a friendly and motivating environment in society for new families to be created and to encourage young people to have children regardless of the circumstances.
