
As the Execution Deadline Looms, Concern is Growing

By 7 August 2015

The search intensifies as time is running out for Tomislav.

According to an independent Egyptian newspaper al-Masri al-Jum, Egyptian authorities have intensified their search for the abducted Croatian national Tomislav Salopek who is being held by the members of the so called Islamic State. In a joint action, Egyptian army and police lead by the Egyptian Minister of Interior Magdi Abdel Gafar: It is believed Tomislav is being held in the desert near the Libyan border.

With only few hours until an execution deadline of 17:35 today, the reasoning behind the kidnapping of Tomislav Salopek who is an employee of a French company, is still not immediately clear. Hours after the video release, supporters of the IS online have justified it either with Croatia’s minimal support to the anti-IS coalition or with French President François Hollande's close relationship with Cairo.

Croatian Government and Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs are still doing everything they can to help in this situation, Minister Pusić is still in Cairo, and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović spoke to the Egyptian president Abdul Fatahom al-Sisi.

"For security reasons, I cannot give you any more details. I would like to assure you all that we are doing absolutely everything we can to resolve this difficult matter".

President Al -Sisi is yet to comment on the abduction.
