
Save a Life, Donate Blood - Significant Drop in Blood Supplies in Croatia

Save a Life, Donate Blood - Significant Drop in Blood Supplies in Croatia

January 3, 2023 - The Croatian Blood Donors Association has announced that the blood supply has dropped significantly, with blood group A+ being the most lacking, urging everyone to donate blood.

"Due to the sudden drop in blood supplies, we appeal to A+ donors and donors of all blood groups with a negative RH factor to contact the Croatian Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Petrova 3, as soon as possible.

The photo shows the current state of blood supplies according to blood groups. As can be seen, the stocks of all negatives and A+ are in decline.

Please respond to the appeal and donate blood for your fellow citizens in need.

Thank you for sharing this information so that it reaches as many people as possible," reads the announcement, as reported by Index.

Due to the upcoming holiday when blood is not collected and the current reduction in the blood supply of A positive blood group, the Croatian Institute of Transfusion Medicine (HZTM) also invited citizens to donate blood as a preventive measure.

"As soon as there is a non-working day, we immediately appeal and call citizens to donate blood to those supplies that are currently lower," said HZTM director Irena Jukić Hina.

She added that the institution is not currently in a situation where there is a blood shortage, but supplies have been reduced and a holiday is approaching when blood is not collected. Currently, stocks of A-positive blood groups and blood groups with a negative Rh factor are lower.

The lack of supplies of blood groups depends on the current demand, and, as Jukić said, there is never 100 percent certainty or reliability in transfusion that everything will be available. "Patients are the ones who dictate the state of supplies - currently, there is an increased demand trend for A positive blood group, and this is prevention," Jukić said.

Citizens can donate blood every working day and on Saturdays from morning to evening in Petrova 3 in Zagreb. To donate blood, it is necessary that a person feels well, is young enough (from 18 to 65 years old), and weighs more than 55 kilograms.

Before donating blood, a short medical examination and a hemoglobin test are performed. Jukić also emphasizes that donators should eat and drink something before donating blood.

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