
Latest Poll: HDZ and SDP at the Top, MOST and Orešković Losing Support

The latest poll confirms the trends from the last few months.

The latest regular monthly CRO Demoskop survey conducted by Promocija Plus agency from 2 to 5 May shows falling support for MOST and Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković, reports Index.hr on May 6, 2016.

The very top of the list of parties belongs as usual to HDZ with 29.5 percent of support (29.8 percent in April) and SDP with 29.2 percent of support (29.0). After eight months, Živi Zid is again the third party, with the support of 7.3 percent of voters (5.7), overtaking MOST which is now in the fourth place with the support of 5.7 percent (6.3). Since December, MOST has lost two thirds of its support, while Živi Zid has more than doubled its support. The four largest parties are followed by HNS (3.1), HSS (2.8), the Bandić Milan 365 Party (1.6) and HSLS (1.3).

The list of positive Croatian politicians is led by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who is the choice of 20.7 percent of voters (19.3 percent in April). The second place belongs to Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković who is a choice of 12.5 percent of voters (17.8 percent in April). He is followed by SDP president and former Prime Minister Zoran Milanović (12.3) and Ivan Sinčić (Živi Zid; 6.7).

At the top of the list of negative Croatian politicians are leaders of the two main political parties: Tomislav Karamarko (HDZ; 34.3) and Zoran Milanović (SDP; 26.4). They are followed by “all politicians” (10.7), and Božo Petrov (3.1).

Asked about the most important event in April, voters mostly chose among four topics: conflicts in the ruling coalition (22.5 percent), arrival of the body of St. Leopold Mandić in Zagreb (12.4), robbery at the Zagreb Police Department headquarters (11.6), and government’s reform programme (11.2).

At the moment, 16.4 percent of citizens support the direction of the country (compared to 18.8 percent in April, 20.6 percent in March, 24.1 percent in February and 29.4 percent in January), while 71.4 percent think that Croatia is heading in the wrong direction (the same as in April, 64.8 percent in March, 58.6 percent in February and 49.4 in January).

At the beginning of May, 42.0 percent of voters support government’s activities (compared to 50.3 percent in April), while 41.5 percent of citizens do not support them (30.8 percent in April). The average mark for the government on the 1-5 scale is 2.12 (2.25 in April, 2.31 in March). President Grabar-Kitarović received the average mark of 3.07 (3.25 in April), while Parliament received the mark of 2.06 (2.22 in April).
