Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar spent January 1, 2016 at the refugee centre in Dobova and thanked everyone who have assisted in the transfer of 380,000 migrants through Slovenia. He expressed his wish to meet as soon as possible with the future Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Tim Orešković to discuss the refugee crisis.
In order for the permanent solution to the refugee crisis to be found, all countries of the European Union should cooperate in organizing better controls of external borders." Technical obstacles at the border are needed, as well as the cooperation with Croatia", Cerar said and added that the razor wire fence on the border with Croatia will stay until the crisis is resolved.
Croatia has improved its cooperation in comparison with the beginning of the refugee crisis when it transferred migrants without sufficient controls and agreement with Slovenia, but cooperation can be further improved, the Slovenian prime minister said. "As soon as possible, I will meet with the new Croatian Prime Minister Orešković and talk with him about the issue", he said.
He added that the fence on the border is essential, since a mass influx of migrants to the European borders is still possible. "Slovenia must be prepared for even more difficult scenarios, but together with other European countries we are working together to solve the refugee crisis. If we succeed, we will remove the wire fence and I will be a very happy man", he said.
"But, while there is a danger that great masses of refugees could scattered on our territory, I am responsible to make Slovenia secure and to effectively monitor the influx of refugees", Cerar said, adding that in the future Slovenia will continue to adapt its measures in dealing with the refugee wave according to the policies and decision made by Austria and Germany.