
Kujundžić Reveals Plan: Tax Increases on Cigarettes, Alcohol and More

By 21 September 2017

The Health Minister has revealed that until further notice, additional health insurance will not be touched.

As Poslovni Dnevnik reports on the 21st of September, 2017, Health Minister Milan Kujundžić's bill on adding an additional three billion kuna to the health budget has been completed. That amount can be collected by the use of the so-called ''luxury tax'', which is the additional taxation of cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and phone calls, writes Novi List.

As mentioned, additional health insurance, the minister reveals, will not be touched. With the aim of financially stabilising the system, there are plans to reduce the right to health care for Croatian citizens who have left the country and been hired abroad.

"There are four key points which [can allow us] to reach three billion kunas without endangering people's standards, and most of them are harmful to health. I'm talking about cigarettes, alcohol, alcoholic drinks with alcohol concentration of about 40%, I'm talking about phones and gambling. Experts have elaborated on it in detail,'' Kujundžić stated.

''Will I, as a smoker, smoke 20 cigarettes or 17? I don't think I'll suffer significantly, the same as if I had two cognacs instead of three," Kujundžić said.

The application of the additional tax can't pass without consent in Parliament. "I believe that people are independent of party membership, those who are in power, and those in the opposition understand it," concluded the Health Minister for Novi List.


Translated from Poslovni.hr
