As Croatia accepts the 15 migrants refused by Slovenia, is a new migrant and refugee policy on the way?
New Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković and his team gathered this morning for their first unofficial meeting. One of the topics of discussion was the refugee crisis and relations with Brussels. Speaking about the issue of the refugee crisis, First Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko said that Interior Minister Vlaho Orepić will on Monday go to Brussels for a meeting of European interior ministers in order to renew communication with them, as well as with neighbouring countries. Asked about the position of the new government with regards to the refugee crisis, he answered: "We must act as Europe. The question is what will Germany decide and how many more people they can receive. We can see that requirements are becoming more stringent and therefore we will have to do the same in Croatia, that is certain," reports and 24Sata on January 23, 2016.
Asked whether Croatia will behave like Slovenia or like Europe, he responded the Croatia will behave like Europe, but that Slovenia is also part of Europe and it is obvious that some things must be discussed. Talking about the possibility of Croatia putting a wire fence on its borders, he replied: "We will not allow Croatia to become a hotspot for refugees. How are we going to do that remains to be decided. I do not know the technical details of how that would be implemented, if it ever is. It all depends on what we agree with our allies", he said.
"Cooperation with Croatian police on an operational level is good, after Slovenia yesterday introduced new measures to regulate migrant flows into Austria", said in Ljubljana yesterday the Slovenian State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior Boštjan Šefic. "Our police has discussed some operational issues with colleagues from Croatia and Austria, and cooperation with Croatia is satisfactory", said Šefic. He added that Slovenia will propose to Croatia a meeting at the level of interior ministers as soon as new Croatian government takes power.
He confirmed that Croatia had agreed to accept 15 migrants who had arrived in Dobova on Thursday night. They were stopped because they had no intention to claim asylum in Slovenia, Austria or Germany, which is one of the new conditions to enter Slovenia.
Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar said that the Slovenian initiative to better regulate the migrant wave along the Balkan route and for stricter control of migrants in Macedonia has already brought some success. In a statement issued by his office, he said that the initiative was supported by Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, and countries of the Visegrad Group, with positive signals coming from Brussels as well. Cerar added that it was necessary to adopt more effective measures to curb inflow of migrants along the Balkan route. His initiative was welcomed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was in Slovenia on Friday on an official visit.