
First Agrokor Commission Meeting: Orsat Miljenić Invites Todorić

By 12 October 2017

The very first preparatory session for the Investigative Committee for Agrokor has drawn two conclusions...

After what seems like an eternal wait and a lot of back and forth, HDZ and SDP finally agreed on the basis for an Investigative Committee for Croatia's largest privately owned company and a preparatory session has been held.

As Poslovni Dnevnik reports on the 12th of October, 2017, the process, which, as with everything else in relation to Agrokor, will most likely be a very long one, hasn't begun without heated comments, one of which echoes what was controversially stated by SDP MP Gordan Maras today in Parliament.

"I'm using this opportunity to publicly call upon him to [come to] testify, and this will be sent to his home address," Miljenić said.

The President of the Commission, Orsat Miljenić, stated that they had already arrived to two conclusions which appear to set a heavy tone for things to come.

As N1 writes, the first of the aforementioned conclusions is that the first regular session of the Investigative Committee will be held on November the 3rd, 2017, and the second is that the first witness to be invited will be the burdened company's owner, Ivica Todorić.

"We're waiting for him on November the 3rd," Miljenić stated.
