
Journalists' Association Worried about Death Threats against Drago Pilsel

By 22 August 2018

ZAGREB, August 22, 2018 - The Croatian Journalists' Association (HND) on Tuesday condemned in the strongest terms the death threats against journalist Drago Pilsel, warning about a worrying increase in unpunished death threats against journalists and demanding that those making them be prosecuted.

HND president Hrvoje Zovko recalled in a press release that Pilsel had received hundreds of threats and insults via Facebook this month and that, as Pilsel stated in a police report, they began after Andrija Hebrang, a senior official of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party, accused him of being "a falsifier of the losing side" and a "sympathiser of the aggressor army."

"We demand a swift and efficient response in finding and prosecuting those making death threats. We ask the leaders of this country to strongly and unambiguously condemn the threats made against our colleagues. In this case, the HND will also notify international organisations for the protection of press freedoms," Zovko said.
