
MP Criticises Veterans’ Attempts to Influence Government

By 17 September 2018

ZAGREB, September 17, 2018 - The leader of the regional Croatian Democratic Party of Slavonia and Baranja (HDSSB) Branimir Glavaš told a news conference in Osijek on Sunday that his party would remain a reliable partner to the ruling coalition until the end of its term.

In a message to Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, Glavaš, the sole HDSSB MP, said that Plenković should not give in to any pressure even at the cost of an early parliamentary election and that war veterans associations should be dealing exclusively with problems of the veteran population and stop acting "like the former Federation of Associations of National Liberation Army fighters (SUBNOR) which... played a crucial role in defining political life in the former Yugoslavia."

Glavaš said that Plenković should not give in to "any blackmail or pressure by individuals from the ruling majority or other political camps, or those who want to destabilise the government and cause an early parliamentary election."

Asked if by mentioning individuals from the ruling majority who were blackmailing the prime minister he was referring also to members of Plenković's Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party, Glavaš said that there were HDZ members who were unhappy with Plenković as party leader and his policy and only waited for him to make a mistake so that they could impose their own party concept.
