
MOST Party Wants Just, Green, Entrepreneurial, Sovereign Croatia

By 17 February 2019

ZAGREB, February 17, 2019 - The MOST opposition party on Sunday presented its platform pillars which push for stronger sovereignty, the development of enterprise, an improved justice system, enhanced social rights, better education and healthcare, and the preservation of the environment.

Every one of us is important for Croatia's better future and for future generations. First and foremost, believe in yourselves, MOST leader Božo Petrov said at the party's national conference in Zagreb.

"The day is coming when each of us can decide what will happen to our families and our Croatia. You can choose whether to fight or die quietly, because this false stability and perfect thieves' balance to which Croatian citizens are exposed on a daily basis is a quiet death," said Petrov.

Speaking of upcoming European Parliament elections, he said MOST would base its activity in the EP on a sovereign Croatia.

The party's political secretary, Nikola Grmoja, said a responsible ruling system was key for eradicating corruption, which he said was practically public and legalised in today's society. "Only the fight against corruption can restore morality, ethics and honour to politics."

MOST MP Robert Podolnjak said every citizen must actively and equally participate in public and political life. He added that it was necessary to change the electoral system and reduce the number of MPs.

MP Ivana Ninčević Lesandrić said the party's enterprise platform pillar was based on cutting employers' costs and reducing the tax burden. MP Ante Pranić said the biggest problem was the overstaffed state administration.

Slaven Dobrović and Ružica Vuković said the key to a green Croatia was sustainable development based on innovative and ecological solutions in the municipal sector, energy and transport.

MP Sonja Čikotić said MOST wanted an education system in which an industrious and skilled

More news about MOST can be found in the Politics section.
