
Pupovac Says No Statements until Everything is Discussed, Analysed

By 28 August 2019

ZAGREB, August 28, 2019 - Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) president Milorad Pupovac would not comment on Wednesday on Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's assessment that Pupovac's comparison of Croatia with the WWII Nazi-styled Independent State of Croatia and calling it a factor of instability in the region was inappropriate and unacceptable.

"We won't make statements until we have discussed and analysed everything," Pupovac told Hina, declining to comment on Plenković's assessment and the widespread condemnation of his statements in Croatia.

"We consider extremely inappropriate, even unacceptable, the statements by our coalition partner that would point to the conclusion that Croatia is a factor of instability in Southeast Europe and that present-day Croatia should be compared with the NDH regime. We consider that to be absolutely untrue and this should be said clearly and I resolutely reject that," Plenković said after a meeting of the leadership of the ruling HDZ party on Monday night.

In an interview with the Radiosarajevo.ba website last weekend following recent attacks on Serbs in Croatia, Pupovac said the situation in the country was not good in terms of peace, security and respect for the constitution, the law and international agreements.

"This type of historical revisionism in which one wants to rehabilitate Ustashism in the European context and accuse everyone else - Yugoslavia, the socialist order, the communist movement, other nations on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbs and others - is the matrix on which this is happening in Croatia. And that contributes to Croatia becoming a factor of instability on the territory of the former Yugoslavia," Pupovac was quoted as saying.

More news about Serbs in Croatia can be found in the Politics section.
