
No Need to Review State Budget Over Coronavirus Yet

By 10 March 2020

ZAGREB, March 10, 2020 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Monday that there was no need for now to review the state budget in light of increased costs caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Plenković said that the situation regarding the new coronavirus is being followed, with concrete measures being taken to ensure the safety of citizens in public health and monitor the possible impact on the economy, finances and tourism.

"When the time comes, we will know what measures to introduce. We are conducting all processes responsibly and soberly," he said.

Earlier in the day Plenković held a video conference with the president of Cyprus and the prime ministers of Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Italy and Romania on possible joint activities in containing the spread of the coronavirus. He will conduct a similar conference on Tuesday with EU heads of state.

"We have to find a common European response considering the global and European nature of this case," he said.

Court decision on my complaint against the Conflict of Interest Commission delivered in legally prescribed time

Reporters also asked Plenković whether he was surprised with the speedy decision by the Zagreb Administrative Court regarding his complaint against the Conflict of Interest Commission, to which Plenković said that the decision was delivered within the legally prescribed time.

I would never put any private interest before the interests of the country and its citizens or the professional and legal conduct of my duties. I have the right, just like any other citizen, to legal protection and legal remedy against decisions by government institutions which from my point of view have caused injustice or political damage to me, Plenković explained.

Asked to comment on a drop in the Croatian Democratic Union's approval rating, Plenković said that the party's rating is stable and has fallen only insignificantly.

More coronavirus news can be found in the Lifestyle section.
