
Protesters against COVID Certificates are Hypocrites, Health Minister Says

By 24 November 2021

ZAGREB, 23 November, 2021 - Health Minister Vili Beroš said on Tuesday that protesters against COVID certificates are hypocrites because now they are opposed to testing, vaccination and restrictions, and "then they will come knocking on the doors of the overburdened healthcare system."

"It seems that Saturday's protest produced a new motto - take care of yourself, infect others. You can be against, but give us an alternative," Beroš said in a message to opponents of COVID certificates while speaking to the press after a meeting of the ruling coalition.

"The government, trying to avoid tougher restrictions such as a lockdown, has offered an alternative. Take advantage of testing because that's the way to stop the infection from spreading to others. Think of others, don't be hypocrites. Don't avoid testing, vaccination and epidemiological measures and then coming knocking on the doors of the overburdened healthcare system," Beroš said.

"I know that there were no flat-earthers among the protesters, but I know that there were doctors and intellectuals, which can mean only one thing - these people are manipulated, and the manipulators have shown their true colours," Beroš said, adding that "populists are using the deaths of our fellow citizens to promote their political views and score political points."

He called on the citizens to trust the medical profession and doctors, and criticised those refusing to get tested.

Beroš said that European countries that had introduced COVID certificates earlier were now witnessing the benefits of their use. "COVID certificates do not stop the epidemic from spreading, but help contain it. If people are responsible enough, epidemiologists believe that that should suffice," the health minister said.
