
Croatian Cyber-Soldiers Being Used to Help Ukraine as Russia Invades

By 24 February 2022

February the 24th, 2022 - Croatian cyber-soldiers are being used to help Ukraine out in its hour of need as Russia launches its invasion of that Eastern European country.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian cyber-soldiers who are being sent to the aid of Ukraine during these tremendously difficult times are part of the CRRT, a team for rapid action in cyberspace, which was established by Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania as one of the European Union's ultra modern and enhanced defense cooperation projects.

The Republic of Croatia is among a group of six European Union (EU) member states that are helping Ukraine by mobilising its military cyber forces for rapid action. It is one in a series of reactions from European Union allies to the Russian military's incursion into another part of territory that Russia is formally but illegally trying to seize from Ukraine - the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which Russia recognised as independent states very recently.

According to Lithuanian defense sources, the CRRT, including the aforementioned Croatian cyber-soldiers has been activated to help Ukrainian institutions cope with growing cyber threats as Russia begins its invasion of Ukraine which has been strongly condemned across the board. This is the first time that this new European defense project has been activated in real circumstances. In a request for help, the Ukrainian Government said it expects CRRT members to be physically deployed in the City of Kiev in order to help defend key Ukrainian Government computer networks and systems.

So far, there has been no confirmation that the CRRT member states have agreed to physically send their military cyber experts, or that Croatia has agreed to send its people, be they Croatian cyber-soldiers or others, to Kiev, as reported by Vecernji list.

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