
Plenković: Croatia Will Support Sanctions Against Russia, Help Ukraine

By 24 February 2022
Plenković: Croatia Will Support Sanctions Against Russia, Help Ukraine
Image: @AndrejPlenkovic/Twitter

ZAGREB, 24 Feb 2022 - Croatia will support the sanctions against Russia and is ready to provide Ukraine with humanitarian and technical assistance, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Twitter on Thursday, calling on Russia to halt its military operations.

"We will support the sanctions package and are ready to provide humanitarian and technical assistance to Ukraine," the Croatian PM wrote, calling on Russia to immediately stop its military operations that put innocent people in danger.

Plenković met with Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Kyrylych on Thursday morning, saying that "the Croatian government condemns in the strongest terms Russia's invasion and aggression on Ukraine."

"This is a direct attack on democracy, international law, and Ukraine's sovereignty," he added.

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs tweeted that it was following the situation in Ukraine and exchanging information with other countries.

The Croatian Embassy in Ukraine is in contact with Croatian nationals and stands at their service for any consular and other assistance, the Ministry said.

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