
Two Charming Old Neighborhoods: Veli Varoš and Radunica

By 11 March 2013

On either side the historic core of Split you will find two charming neighborhoods with each their personal history to tell. They are known as the oldest suburbs of Split.

Veli Varoš (Varoš) is located above Trumbićeva obala street just west of Riva, on the southern slopes of Marjan. You can venture into Varoš through many winding roads that lead you into this labyrinthine neighborhood. Easy access points include; next to St. Francis church, beyond Prokurative, or via stairs at the western end of Trumbićeva obala

This charismatic neighborhood takes more after an island village with traditional Dalmatian rural-like stone houses, narrow lanes, and scattered churches. This is becuase Varoš was developed by fishermen and farmers who came to Split to make a living and to seek shelter from the Ottoman invasion. Varoš however, was indeed later havocked by the Turks. Today, Varoš is not only the living quarters of fishermen who are surviving off their daily sardine catch but is quite a prestige joint to invest in. Varoš’s real estate market has boomed and many boutique luxury apartments have chosen the cute houses of this neighborhood to be their home.

The most notable structure in Varoš is the adorable Church of St. Mikula from the 11th century. Notice the inscriptions on the portal; the names of a couple from the neighborhood. If you pass by in spring, the roof blooms with a few colorful flowers. Other prominent churches include the Kris church with an onion dome and Gospe o' Soca.

Radunica is located east of the city across the street from the vegetable market built in a medieval urban style. Radunica was the central street of the Lučac suburb that was settled 500 years ago by the arrivals from the Republic of Poljica, an autonomous community of “peasants” from Omiš. Although Radunica is in essence a street name, the whole neighborhood is referred to as such today. The many intersecting streets are named after those original families; Kuzmanić, Ninčević, Kuzmić, Ružić, Bubalo, Trumbić, Duplančić, Dumanić, Petrić, Prvan, Vešanović, Dvornik, Čulić and so on.

Radunica is famous for its popular street festival “Days of Radunica” first held in 1994 in an attempt to spark independent Croatia’s socials and cultural identities. It is held during the last week of June every year during the celebrations of St. Petar; also the name of a church in Radunica that was destroyed in WWII. The Days of Radunica take on a real folk feel with klapa performances, traditional bingo, poetry readings, traditional food and drinks.

