
Ivan Kelava Lost In Translation; “I Didn’t Say That!”

Ivan Kelava denies the statement published by which caused a disturbance in Spain.

Croatian goalkeeper Ivan Kelava found himself in trouble after released his statement according to which he spoke about bonuses for his team. He held a press conference on May 11, 2016 denying this kind of statement was ever given. He told the media that he had spoken to the Croatian newspaper 24 Sata, but has never said anything about this matter.

As we investigated the matter, we found the original interview at the paper's web-site, and it is true that the issue was not spoken. As the sentence which caused a disturbance was published by the Italian version of the international web-site, we found the article in the Croatian and found the incriminating sentence.

It was written by the same author as it was in 24 Sata web-site, and it was the words of the journalist which ended in quotes, so apparently the Italian journalist was misguided while translating the article.

Even though the mistake was not ours, we apologize to Mr. Kelava for connecting him with our article. Nevertheless, the incriminatin sentence was born in Croatia, the country always doubting in fair play, so the most of our points made yesterday still stand.
