
What an Evening for Croats in the NBA: Bogdanović a Hero, Bender with First Double-Double

By 27 December 2016

Last night the NBA played 11 matches and the Croats were in full operation. The title role was the best for Bojan Bogdanović, reports on 27 December 2016.

Babo is after 29 games, which began with the first lineup match against the Hornets where he started off the bench, although this did not prevent him from playing one of the best games in his NBA career. Dragan Bender in the defeat of the Suns at Houston played the best game since coming to the NBA. Dario Šarić played solid in the defeat of Philadelphia in Sacramento, while the duo of Orlando Hezonja - Rudež played a big part in the Magic victory against Memphis.


In the difficult 120:118 victory for the Brooklyn Nets, the best Croatian player Bogdanović participated with 26 points (7/11, 4/7 three-pointers, free throws 8/9) and was the top scorer of Brooklyn. In 27 minutes he had four rebounds and two assists.

Phoenix lost to Houston with a convincing 131:115, and Dragan Bender for the Suns played the best game since he went through ''bar''. The great advantage in this game was the fact that the Rockets quickly went over 20 points, allowing the coach of Arizona to give players a chance from the bench. Bender was imposed and for 27 minutes he made his first double-double with 11 points (5/11, 1/4 three-pointers) and 13 rebounds, which he then added two assists, three steals and two blocks.

The Philadelphia 76ers and Dario Šarić had a close game in Sacramento against the Kings but lost 100:102. Orlando Magic came out with a win against the Memphis Grizzlies defeating them 112:102.

