
Tears and Injuries: Čilić Loses in the Wimbledon Final

By 16 July 2017

Roger Federer has won his eighth Wimbledon title, having beaten Marin Čilić, who, despite injury, had a heroic performance in the final.

An unfortunate injury prevented a grand finale at Wimbledon between Marin Čilić and Roger Federer. While we all hoped for a brilliant battle like last year’s final which ended 3:2, we instead had to stomach Marin in tears during his second set. Federer took the crown 6:3, 6:1, 6:4 to win his eighth title at Wimbledon, making him the absolute record holder. So far, the record has been shared with Pete Sampras and William Renshaw, reports on July 16, 2017. 

The very beginning of the match was more than encouraging for Čilić fans, and Marin was able to hold his own. But shortly thereafter, injury struck the Croat who quickly sought medical attention. Once medical assistance arrived, Čilic, who hid behind his towel, burst into tears. It was then made clear that he could no longer give his best in the Wimbledon final.

Marin pulled it together and returned to the duel, gritting his teeth to play a heroic third set. Marin held Federer to 3:3, but once Federer shifted gears, Čilić could no longer keep up.

Federer has proven once again that he is greatest tennis player of all time.

Bravo to Marin who had an incredible Wimbledon tournament this year. We wish him a speedy recovery. 
