
Mamić Sings and Dances, Without Crutches, After Lovren Testimony

By 2 September 2017

Welcome to the wonderful world of Zdvrako Mamić. The circus adds even more entertainment.

Croatian footballer Dejan Lovren testified at the Osijek County Courthouse yesterday for the corruption trial of Zdravko Mamić and his associates for charges of money laundering from Dinamo, reports on September 2, 2017. 

Zdravko Mamić, his brother Zoran, the former director of Dinamo Damir Vrbanović, and tax associate Milan Pernar are being prosecuted for the charges that GNK Dinamo has been damaged by no less than 116 million HRK, and the state by 12.2 million HRK in unpaid taxes and surtaxes.

When Lovren made the transfer from Dinamo to Lyon, Dinamo was meant to receive around 9 million EUR. Instead, prosecutors said that Dinamo paid around half of the money into Lovren’s account which he then transferred to Mamić. Lovren stated that the money was paid to Mamić as a loan and that most of the money has been returned. 

The former Dinamo and today Liverpool defender’s suspicious testimony was contradictory to what has been previously stated to USKOK, and after accounts by both of his parents which explained that Lovren’s mother was in charge of all of the paperwork, we had a feeling this would end no differently than Modrić’s testimony a few months ago. We were right, and the trial will be continued on September 11, 2017. 

But this is where things get a bit funny. 

As most of you know by now, Mamić was shot in the leg in Tomislavgrad just over a week ago. The football man spoke publicly for the first time after the incident just the other day, posting photos of his wounds with words of gratitude to his supporters on his Facebook account.

Because the timing of the shooting and the trial was just over a week, Mamić was forced to arrive at yesterday’s hearing on crutches, with a look of excruciating pain on his face. 

While Lovren’s testimony was underway, running relatively smoothly, it was only a matter of time before we saw one of Mamić’s famous courtroom outbursts. And we got one.

After he was angered by the prosecutor’s questions to Lovren, in true Mamić courthouse fashion, the controversial football man jumped to his feet and walked towards the exit with shouts and swears from his mouth. His crutches were nowhere in sight. 

“Do you want my blood? My liver? Shame on you,” he was heard saying before he was asked to leave the courtroom. 

Mamić signaled for his crutches and left, with his crutches in his hand. 

After the trial, it was reported that Mamić would make no statements because he was tired and in pain, but that he would be going to lunch with Damir Vrbanović and Branimir Glavas.

Later that evening, Mamić had a rather speedy recovery and was seen at extreme right-wing TV show host Velimir Bujanec’s wedding.

As you can see in the video below, Mamić not only sang, but he danced to “My Hercegovina”, without crutches. 

The timeline of the Mamić circus

August 22, 2017: Zdravko Mamić is shot in the leg in Tomislavgrad.

August 30, 2017: Mamić speaks publicly for the first time since the shooting, publishing photos of his wound on Facebook and giving thanks to all of his faithul supporters. 

September 1, 2017: 

Lovren’s Testimony

Before: Zdravko Mamić arrives at the Osijek courthouse for the trial in crutches, with a look of excruciating pain on his face. 

During: Mamić jumps to his feet, without crutches, screaming and swearing. He leaves the courthouse with crutches, not in use.

After: Mamić is seen singing and dancing at a wedding, without crutches. 

As you can imagine, the memes are flowing freely.

To be continued. 
