
Zdravko Mamić Resigns as Executive Chairman of Dinamo

By 9 February 2016

He will continue on as the club's advisor

Zdravko Mamić is no longer the president of Dinamo. He announced his resignation during a press conference held at Dinamo headquarters on February 9, 2016. This move comes less than 48 hours after the Office for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK) decided to extend the investigation against him for illegal withdrawal of at least 70 million kunas from Dinamo.

Zdravko Mamić arrived at the press conference accompanied by his defense team Jadranka Sloković and Čedo Prodanović (same team which is defending former Croatian Prime Minister Sanader and which advised the new Prime Minister during the affair with the now dismissed Veterans Minister Crnoja). Dinamo spokesperson opened the press conference stating no questions will be allowed and that Zdravko Mamić is just here to make a statement.

"I am no longer the Executive Chairman of Dinamo. As of today, I will be an advisor and will remain at their disposal for anything they may need" Mamić stated. "I am doing this so Dinamo, the club in which I have invested so much, can keep going forward without me as a burden in order to avoid people taking advantage of that fact to harm the development of the club" he continued.

He then went on to describe all the things he has done for Dinamo since he was appointed, including using his own money to save the club and accused the former government of causing all the problems he is currently facing "In 2009 politics decided to ruin me and my family. Former President Josipović was the first to say that mafia is ruling Croatian football, and that was the trigger. Then former Minister of Sports Jovanović announced that he will dry out the swamp that is Croatian football. Satanization of the Mamić family has been going on for the last 6 years. So what else can the state authorities do but start arresting us one by one? This is nothing more than a political process against my family".

Mamić's statements were repeated by both members of his defense team. Jadranka Sloković "This process reminds me a lot of the process against Ivo Sanader. The pressure is enormous but we are still not seeing any evidence to prove their claims. We want to prove that things are not as USKOK and the State Attorney want us to believe. We are preparing for a huge battle” she commented.

Čedo Prodanović added „Everything Zdravko Mamić said today, all the things he was threatened with, it is all happening at the moment. His rights are being violated".

Press conference is still in progress and we will update with new information once it finishes.
