
(VIDEO) Hajduk Fan Group Torcida Split Steps Up in Time of Need

By 17 March 2020

March 17, 2020 - Hajduk fan group Torcida Split steps up to fight the coronavirus crisis.

It was announced earlier this week that all the institutes, clinics and departments from Split’s Križine Hospital will make its first-ever move to Firule Hospital, as Križine prepares to accommodate those with respiratory problems caused by the coronavirus.

Hajduk fan group Torcida Split has thus stepped up in this time of need. 

After announcing a call on Monday, Torcida members showed up to Križine Hospital in numbers on Tuesday to get the job done as soon as possible, moving the equipment necessary for a seamless move. They even took protective measures in the process and wore masks and gloves.

Screenshot 2020-03-17 at 13.24.16.png

About 60 Torcida members were at the scene on Tuesday morning, and were said to be joined by members of KK Split who made available all their first-team players and coaches of all categories. Torcida was welcomed by the Head of the Internal Medicine Clinic, Dr. Daniela Marasović Krstulović and Head Nurse of the Clinic, Dolores Poljak.

This isn't the first time Torcida stepped up to help those in need. Recall, when the wildfires broke out in Dalmatia in 2017, Hajduk’s biggest fans were on the front line.

The hospital complex on Križine will thus be intended for the needs of patients with the coronavirus who, fortunately, are not yet present in Split or Split-Dalmatia County. Firule Hospital will only receive emergency and acute cases.

“Their Clinical Department of Hemodialysis Nephrology can be hermetically sealed so they have absolutely no contact with the outside world. There would be guards at the entrance to the ward to control who was entering. There are also hematologic patients at Križine who are staying at the Clinical Department of Hematology and who need complete isolation. Fortunately, we do not have severe hematologic patients now. If necessary, hematologic patients will be sent home and more difficult cases transferred to Firule, and there is a possibility of transporting them to Zagreb,” reported Slobodna Dalmacija

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