
Croatian Football Federation Assembly Reflects on Excellent 2021

By 17 March 2022
Croatian Football Federation Assembly Reflects on Excellent 2021
Drago Sopta / HNS

March 17, 2022 - A regular session of the Croatian Football Federation Assembly was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb, chaired by HNS President Marijan Kustić.

President Kustić addressed the Assembly with a speech, as reported by HNS.

“Dear members of the Assembly, dear friends, thank you for coming to today's Assembly, where the main topic is the report on the work in 2021, which was great for the Croatian Football Federation. But I believe that the current year will be even more successful, even better, and even richer with top sports and business results. I believe that we all agree that the agreement on the sale of TV rights is a historically important step forward for Croatian football and our clubs. I want to thank Hrvatski Telekom and Supersport for their trust. I am convinced of the very successful cooperation through which we will further strengthen our First League and other competitions in terms of commercial, marketing, and PR. The agreed 44 million euros in four years will be a significant contribution to the budgets of our clubs and will ensure the further development of football in the country," said Kustić, among other things.


Drago Sopta / HNS

You can read the entire speech of the president of HNS, Marijan Kustić, here.

The President of the Verification Commission, Dubravko Galović, submitted a report in which it was established that 68 deputies were present at the session, with 11 absent.

The assembly members then adopted the report of the verification commission, the proposed agenda, and the minutes from the last session.


Drago Sopta / HNS

The members of the Assembly adopted the final account for 2021, which was presented by the Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Ružica Bajrić. Revenues of HRK 286,510,776.64 and expenditures in the amount of HRK 260,107,490.26 were realized, i.e., a surplus of revenues over expenditures of HRK 26,403,286.38. The largest revenues were generated from the following activities: revenues from the participation of the A national team in the European Championship, revenues from marketing, TV rights, tickets, and equipment. On the other hand, the biggest expenses are related to the association's activities, i.e., the organization of matches of all national teams, development and promotion, football, expenses for employees, depreciation, donations, and other expenses.

John Gašparac summarized the main points from the audit report.

"In our opinion, the financial reports fairly presented the financial position of the HNS and its financial performance, following the Law," Gašparac said.


Drago Sopta / HNS

The General Assembly Secretary-General Siniša Krajač, Director of the Sports Directorate at the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Krešimir Šamija, UEFA Hattrick Program Manager, Denis Bastari, and HNS Honorary President, Branko Mikša, increased the Assembly session.

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