Thursday, 19 November 2020

Adria Business Network #12 a Hit with Special Guest Jako Andabak

November 19, 2020 - Adria Business Network #12 was held at the FORUM Congress Center in Zagreb with special guest Jako Andabak.

Organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency ( and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management (, the goal of the event is business networking in Croatia and the region, creating business opportunities and encouraging continuous education. The event allows all participants to get to know each other and network better and targeted.

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The guest lecturer was Jako Andabak, owner of the largest hotel chain in Central Dalmatia - Bluesun Hotels & Resorts - which consists of 11 hotels, 4 resorts, and 1 camp where he combines many years of experience and tourist traditions of Brela, Tucepi, Bol, Supetar and Starigrad Paklenica providing innovation, new technology and implementation of international standards.

Jako Andabak looked back on his schooling, his first entrepreneurial steps, and motives. Quality, he says, is primarily about the service, what everything is based on, regardless of which sector it is. It results in a satisfied guest, who returns, and the capital grows, and then it is possible to further invest in raising the quality:

"Croatia deserves a higher level of quality than it currently has - we have opened up opportunities to attract and receive guests of higher purchasing power through tourist services. What does investing mean? It does not primarily go to decorating rooms, but first to people to provide superior service, then to the environment because the guest does not want a huge facility, created for mass tourism, he needs an experience, authentic Mediterranean. He is willing to pay well for it."

He looked back on the 2020 season, the toughest and shortest ever, which hit the hotel sector hardest, forcing them to work in a completely different, new environment where the hotel operations system changed almost fundamentally. Everyone had to adapt almost overnight. Regardless, looking at the peak season, which showed that recovery is possible, especially where a quality product was offered, he believes that in two years, with a vaccine and normalized situation, the numbers will reach those great results from 2019.

The organizers and leaders of the event were thrilled:

"We are extremely pleased with Mr. Andabak's lecture, for which we needed a bigger hall, not just more chairs. From his rich life and entrepreneurial experience, our guest looked back at the very beginnings of his business, then commented on the situation related to tourism and the upcoming season. His reflections were joined by a large number of those present in the audience with their questions. Most of our visitors are established entrepreneurs, but this time we also had students from Aspira High School who stimulated an interesting discussion with their questions and brought new energy to the whole event," said Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and one of the founders of Adria Business Network.


Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management in Zagreb and co-founder of Adria Business Network, was also pleased: “I am delighted that our guest was such a big and successful entrepreneur as Jako Andabak. The response was great, and the hall was full of knowledgeable and eager people. We have learned that quality control of services and harmonization of interests is the most important thing in business, and that satisfied employees lead to a satisfied guest, which results in the growth of the company and the brand."

The diamond partner of the event is A1. Silver sponsors are FINA and ManpowerGroup. The event sponsors are the Bagatin Polyclinic, the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, and Kreativ info.

Partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Aero Print, Kupinovo vino - Kupilek, Valenta wines, PLACE2GO, Aspira High School, and Planet Art Theater.

The event's media partners are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, Academy of Art and Radio 92 FM.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Adria Business Network #12 Tackles Tourism in New Age, Challenges and Visions for 2021

November 3, 2020 - Adria Business Network #12, organized by successful entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency, and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management, will be held on November 17, 2020, at 6 pm at the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, Radnička cesta 50, 1st floor.

In the first part of the event, the guest is Jako Andabak, owner of the largest hotel chain in Central Dalmatia Bluesun Hotels & Resorts, which consists of 11 hotels, 4 resorts, and 1 camp where he combines many years of experience and tourist traditions of Brela, Tucepi, Bol, Supetar and Starigrad Paklenica innovation, with new technology and implementation of international standards.

His professional path has been marked by efficiency, determination, and clarity in making decisions that are always based on knowledge, innovation, and a healthy dose of risk. Simultaneously, in addition to extremely responsible work, he was engaged in scientific work and won awards for numerous innovations.

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Through his business career, he shows that he is the one who, guided by unmistakable intuition and exceptional life and business experience - creates new standards in entrepreneurship. 

The second part of the event is followed by a personal presentation of all those present through a one-minute pitch.

Finally, in an informal gathering with quality sponsor wines, everyone present will have the opportunity to share experiences with other participants.

The number of spots is limited, and you can secure your place on time by registering HERE.

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The diamond partner of the event is A1. Silver sponsors are FINA and ManpowerGroup. The event sponsors are the Bagatin Polyclinic, the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, and Kreativ info.
Partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Aero Print, Kupinovo vino - Kupilek and Valenta wines.

The event's media partners are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, and Radio 92 FM.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Ready for New Challenges: Second Season of Adria Business Network Opens!

October 24, 2020 - Adria Business Network # 11 was held at the FORUM Congress Center in Zagreb, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management.

The event's goal is business networking in Croatia and the region, creating business opportunities, and encouraging continuous education. The event offers all participants the opportunity to get to know each other better and network better and in a targeted way.

The guest lecturer was investor and entrepreneur Saša Cvetojević, founder and owner of many companies, communicator of the year in 2014, member of the Croatian jury for the EY Award - Entrepreneur of the Year, an active promoter of e-mobility, the first owner of a Tesla electric car in the region and the first person to cross the Sahara Desert by electric car.

The organizers and hosts said the following about the atmosphere at the event:

"An extremely successful opening of the second season of our event in which our guest inspired us all with his many years of entrepreneurial experience and some anecdotes, which gave the whole conversation a special charm. This time there were mostly new faces in the audience, which makes us especially happy. In addition to loyal visitors, we always want to offer a chance for new acquaintances and quality networking. I would say that the selection of the guest was a complete success and that the three-hour gathering gave enough positive energy to prepare for the next event, which we will start today," said Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and one of the founders of Adria Business Network.

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Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management in Zagreb and also the founder of Adria Business Network, said the following about the event:

“I am very pleased that the new season started so successfully. Entrepreneurs have recognized us as an event where they can learn a lot, and with good company and networking, make some lucrative business. Our guest Saša Cvetojević told us a little more about the challenges he faced and gave us some positive guidelines and advice for the future. The panel was also attended by those present with their questions, which contributed to the great atmosphere and the exchange of interesting views and thoughts."

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The diamond partner of the event is A1. The silver sponsor is FINA and ManpowerGroup.

The event sponsors are the Bagatin Polyclinic, the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, and Kreativ info. Partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Aero Print, Kupinovo vino - Kupilek, Valenta Wines, and MY MY CONCEPT.

The event's media partners are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, and Radio 92 FM.

The next Adria Business Network event will occur on November 17, 2020, at 6 pm at FORUM Zagreb, Radnička Cesta 50, on the 1st floor.  The guest of the event is Jako Andabak, owner of the hotel group Bluesun Hotels & Resorts.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 12 October 2020

11th Adria Business Network in Zagreb Features Saša Cvetojević

October 12, 2020 - The monthly Adria Business Network event, which networks and brings together established entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to become one, is entering its second season. The 11th event on October 21 features Saša Cvetojević.

After the successful first season in which the guest lecturers were some of the most successful Croatian entrepreneurs, the second edition begins on October 21, 2020, at 6 pm in the Congress Center FORUM, Radnička cesta 50, on the 1st floor. It will open with a conversation led by entrepreneur and investor Sašo Cvetojević on the topic 'ready for new challenges.'

Everyone is thus invited to attend the Adria Business Network #11 organized by successful entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency, and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management, which will take place on the mentioned date.

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In the first part of the event, the guest lecturer is Saša Cvetojević, a successful entrepreneur with many years of experience in the healthcare sector, mobile telecommunications, and in the distribution of consumer goods. He is the founder and owner of numerous companies and health care institutions in Croatia. He is actively involved in CRANE (Croatian Network of Business Angels) and is an investor in numerous startups, some of which have become leading companies that generate revenue globally. He was a member of the board of the Croatian Health Insurance Institute and the Croatian negotiating team during the process of accession to the European Union in the field of health and consumer protection. He is a co-founder of ZIP (Zagreb Entrepreneurship Incubator), which launched in 2012. He was named Communicator of the year in 2014 and is a Croatian jury member for the EY - Entrepreneur of the Year award. He is an active promoter of e-mobility, the first owner of a Tesla electric car in the region, and the first person to cross the Sahara Desert by electric car.

The second part of the event is followed by one-minute pitches by the participants in attendance.

Finally, in an informal gathering with quality wines, everyone will have the opportunity to share experiences with other participants.

The number of places is limited, and you can secure your place on time by registering HERE.

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The diamond partner of the event is A1. The silver sponsor is FINA and ManpowerGroup. The event sponsors are the Bagatin Polyclinic, the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, and Kreativ info.

Partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Aero Print, Blackberry Wine - Kupilek, Valenta Wines, and MY MY CONCEPT.

The event's media partners are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, and Radio 92 FM.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Adria Business Network #4: Business 2.0 - What to Invest In?

May 19, 2020 - The next Adria Business Network will be held online on May 27, 2020. 

Everyone is invited to the fourth online version of Adria Business Network, which will take place via the Zoom platform on May 27, 2020, at 6 pm, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management.

Recall, at the first online event, Dejan Nemčić, Professor of Geography and the initiator of a different way of learning geography through the project "Live from All Continents", in cooperation with Croatian expats, was the guest, while the second event featured Hrvoje Bujas, President and Co-founder of UGP / Association Glas Poduzetnika, entrepreneur, co-owner of the companies Pravi Klik doo and Siguran Klik doo and better known for the brands - Crno Jaje, GoHome and

The third online gathering was held on May 14, 2020, under the theme 'Returning to the New "Normal" - Restart Business', with the famed director of Bagatin Clinic, Ognjen Bagatin, as the guest.

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The topic this time will be 'Business 2.0 - what to invest in?' with guest Davorin Štetner, President of the Croatian Network of Business Angels - CRANE.

The estimated duration of the event is 90 minutes, the guest will give a lecture lasting 40 minutes, and then participants will have the opportunity to join the discussion.

Participation in the event is free, and registrations can be done via the link (Meeting ID: 831 1583 9677).

The general sponsors of the event are the Bagatin Polyclinic, Kreativ info, and the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center. The silver sponsor is FINA - Financial Agency.

You can follow Adria Business Network through the official Facebook and Instagram pages, the YouTube channel of the same name and on the websites &

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Adria Business Network Online: Returning to New "Normal" - Restart Business

May 7, 2020 - In the wake of the pandemic, the Adria Business Network team has no choice but to move their event to an online platform and connect with their followers via Zoom.

Thus, at the first online event, Dejan Nemčić, Professor of Geography and the initiator of a different way of learning geography through the project "Live from All Continents", in cooperation with Croatian expats, was the guest, while the second event featured Hrvoje Bujas, President and Co-founder of UGP / Association Glas Poduzetnika, entrepreneur, co-owner of the companies Pravi Klik doo and Siguran Klik doo and better known for the brands - Crno Jaje, GoHome and

The third online gathering will be held through Zoom on May 14, 2020, at 6 pm, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management. Everyone is invited to join in and participate in the discussion.

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The theme this time will be 'Returning to the New "Normal" - Restart Business', and the guest is the famed director of Bagatin Clinic, Ognjen Bagatin.

The estimated duration of the event is 90 minutes, the guest will give a lecture of 40 minutes, and then participants will have the opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Participation in the event is free, and you can register via the link: (Meeting ID: 846 0352 0081, Password: 010576)

General sponsors of the event are the Bagatin Clinic, Kreativ info and the FORUM Zagreb Convention Center. The silver sponsor is FINA - Financial Agency.

You can follow the Adria Business Network through the official Facebook and Instagram pages, the YouTube channel of the same name, and at &

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

“No Stress - Being Fit Is Your Success”: Fifth Adria Business Network Held in Zagreb

March 6, 2020 - The fifth Adria Business Network was held at the FORUM Convention Center in Zagreb, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić and Kristina Krstinić. 

The event is aimed at business networking in Croatia and the region, creating business opportunities and encouraging continuing education. Through the event, everyone was offered the chance to find new clients and enter into lucrative deals.

Guest Lecturer Marko Loncar, New Generation Fitness Trainer and Owner of the BITI FIT brand educated everyone on how to eat healthily and keep fit in the business world.

A look at what the organizers and presenters said bout the event below:

“My dear friend Marko is always interesting and inspiring every time he teaches me something new, so this time I learned why professional sports are not for the human body, because our bodies are not designed for this level of effort. We also learned why none of the next five ranked athletes wanted to take Michael Joran's medals. An interesting fact was that in Croatia, 44% of children do not eat breakfast during the week, 76% do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, while only 30% of boys and 17% of girls are engaged in physical activity, and we are eighth in the EU with 18.7% obesity The guest lecturer also inspired us to motivate ourselves through three questions at the end of each day; what have we done today for ourselves to be happy, what have we done for others, and why are we a better person today than yesterday? The lecture enriched me not only with tips but also with the facts presented,” said Zeljka Barisic, owner of Forca Digital Agency and one of the founders of Adria Business Network.

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Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management in Zagreb and founder of Adria Business Network, also added her thoughts on the event: “Today, stress is a fact of life that every single individual encounter. It is for this reason that it is important to know how they can alleviate and even avoid the negative effects of stress on the body and mind. Guest lecturer Marko Loncar said that by exercising and eating healthy, we could eliminate the negative effects of the environment, do something positive for ourselves, and set a good example for others. Keep in mind that a healthy spirit is in a healthy body, so it is up to us to make sure that it is.”

Sponsors of the event are Bagatin Clinic, FORUM Zagreb Convention Center and Creative info. The silver sponsor of the event is FINA.

Other sponsors include Vladimir Abicic Photography, InspireMe, Prtenjača  Delicatessen, Aero Print, Kupinovo Wine - Kupilek and Valenta.

Media sponsors of the event are Poduzetnik, the magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama and ZgExpress.

The next Adria Business Network event will be held on April 2, 2020. at 6 pm at the FORUM Zagreb Convention Center, when the guest of the event is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in this region, the owner of Orbica, Mr. Branko Roglic.

You can learn more about Adria Business Network here.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

No Stress – Being Fit Is Your Success: 5th Adria Business Network Announced

February 20, 2020 -  The fifth Adria Business Network, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić and Kristina Krstinić, will be held on March 4, 2020, at 6 pm at the FORUM Zagreb Convention Center.

To lead the first part of the event, the guest lecturer is a new generation fitness trainer and owner of the brand BE FIT - Marko Loncar. We are aware of how much work and daily stress can affect our diet, lifestyle, and thus our health. Keeping top form and avoiding potential burnout is a challenge for us all. 

Thus, at this Adria Business Network event, participants will learn what is required for proper nutrition and superior health in the business world.  Marko is a columnist for Men's Health and Vecernji List and an ambassador for many companies. He has lectured at numerous seminars and workshops at major conferences in the region, schools, and companies. He is a longtime author and guest in numerous media. He is also an influencer with over 80,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram. Marko’s lectures are always packed to the brim.

The second part of the event follows with the one-minute pitch presentations of all present. 

Finally, in an informal gathering with quality wines from the sponsors, everyone will have the opportunity to exchange their experiences with the guest lecturer and other participants.

Seating is limited and you can secure your spot on time by registering here.

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The general sponsors are Bagatin Clinic and FORUM Zagreb Convention Center.

Adria Business Network is conceived as a networking event for business people in Croatia and the region, creating business opportunities and encouraging continuing education. Through the event, participants are offered the chance to find new clients and enter into lucrative business deals.

The event is organized in such a way that the guest lecturer speaks for 30 minutes, followed by a pitch (i.e., personal presentation) by the event participants, which is 60 seconds per person, and up to 60 minutes in total. This is followed by time for socializing and networking, where guests can enjoy the perks of attractive sponsors. The guest speaker selection is always in line with the latest market trends.

The brains behind the event are Željka Barišić and Kristina Krstinić. 

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Adria Business Network takes place every month and lasts 3 hours. You can learn more about Adria Business Network here.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Turning Contacts into Contracts: 4th Adria Business Network Announced at FORUM Zagreb

January 12, 2020 -Everyone is invited to the 4th Adria Business Network, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić and Kristina Krstinić, which will be held on February 5,2020, at 6 pm at the FORUM Zagreb Convention Center, Radnička cesta 50.

Guest speaker Dace Ulste will lead the first part of the event. Ulste is known for bringing together and helping Croatian entrepreneurs effectively reach new clients and business opportunities through mutual personal recommendations using a BNI structured and focused business networking system. BNI, the world's largest and most successful business networking network, which currently has 250,000 actively involved businesses from 80 countries, came to Croatia six years ago.

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Through BNI’s activities, Croatian entrepreneurs, through personal mutual recommendations, have concluded transactions worth over EUR 8 million, without any commissions. The result shows that Dace Ulste is an expert in business networking, and her specialty is referral marketing, which gives entrepreneurs the tools to grow their business and work smarter, not harder. More information on business networking in Croatia can be found at or globally at

The second part of the event features one-minute pitches, or personal presentations, of all participants present. 

Finally, in an informal gathering with quality wines from the sponsors, all participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with the guest lecturer and other attendees.

Seating is limited and you can secure your spot on time by signing up at

The Adria Business Network event takes place every month and lasts an average of 2 hours. You can find out more about the event here

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Friday, 20 December 2019

Adria Business Network Humanitarian Event Successfully Held at Bagatin Clinic

December 20, 2019 - The third Adria Business Network was organized at the Bagatin Clinic and hosted by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić and Kristina Krstinić. The primary goal of this event was to donate a portion of the ticket sales to the blind and partially sighted residents of the "Vinko Bek" Center for Education in Zagreb.

Director of Bagatin Clinic and guest lecturer Ognjen Bagatin, revealed: 

“The third Adria Business Network business event was held on December 18, 2019, with us in the educational area of the Bagatin Clinic, where, in a holiday atmosphere, I was pleased to welcome many people of goodwill and open hearts.

It is often difficult to convey the atmosphere in words and pictures, but the radiant faces and extremely positive feedback of all participants is one of the most beautiful things that I, as a lecturer and host, could receive. Speaking of business optimization and growing the Bagatin Clinic brand, which is today the best cosmetic surgery clinic in the world, I actually wanted to send a more profound message that can be identified by all people of the enterprising spirit, from those who are just starting out to those who lead a big business. Most of all, I am glad that ticket sales went into the right hands. The funds from this event will be donated to the Vinko Bek Center for Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Thanks to everyone who responded! Thank you Željko and Kristina, for successfully connecting us! As far as I'm concerned, the Christmas celebration can begin!"


During the event, everyone was given an opportunity to network, find new clients, and take part in a lucrative business, as is the purpose of this gathering.

“The top lecture by the Bagatin Clinic director delighted all those present to the point that they almost left the room floating! I must admit that I have not heard such an inspirational speech in a long time, and everyone in the hall agreed. I want to thank Mr. Bagatin for hosting us in his premises and for making this the most successful Adria Business Network by all criteria. I would also like to thank everyone who helped the Vinko Bek Center for Education by purchasing a ticket. We are happy and motivated to continue, so follow us on social networks and visit us at the next event to continue feeling this fantastic energy,” said Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and one of the founders of Adria Business Network.

Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management in Zagreb and founder of Adria Business Network, added:

“It is imperative that entrepreneurs and those who want to become one hear as many inspirational and encouraging stories as possible. One of these is certainly the successful, but not easy, journey of Ognjen Bagatin and his team at the Bagatin Clinic. That is, when you have clear goals and are committed to them, success will come. I want to thank everyone who supported us in raising funds for the Vinko Bek Center for Education, and we are pleased that during this holiday time, we were able to contribute to bettering the lives of the Center's residents."


The general sponsor of the event was the Bagatin Clinic, while other sponsors were photographer Hrvoje Podobnik Gero, Avon, InspireMe, Delicatessen Prtenjača, Aero Print, Bisneys and Montana Plus.

Media sponsors of the event are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, Časopis, Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina and Total Croatia News. 

You can follow Adria Business Network on Facebook here.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

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