
Adria Business Network Online: Returning to New "Normal" - Restart Business

May 7, 2020 - In the wake of the pandemic, the Adria Business Network team has no choice but to move their event to an online platform and connect with their followers via Zoom.

Thus, at the first online event, Dejan Nemčić, Professor of Geography and the initiator of a different way of learning geography through the project "Live from All Continents", in cooperation with Croatian expats, was the guest, while the second event featured Hrvoje Bujas, President and Co-founder of UGP / Association Glas Poduzetnika, entrepreneur, co-owner of the companies Pravi Klik doo and Siguran Klik doo and better known for the brands - Crno Jaje, GoHome and

The third online gathering will be held through Zoom on May 14, 2020, at 6 pm, organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management. Everyone is invited to join in and participate in the discussion.

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The theme this time will be 'Returning to the New "Normal" - Restart Business', and the guest is the famed director of Bagatin Clinic, Ognjen Bagatin.

The estimated duration of the event is 90 minutes, the guest will give a lecture of 40 minutes, and then participants will have the opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Participation in the event is free, and you can register via the link: (Meeting ID: 846 0352 0081, Password: 010576)

General sponsors of the event are the Bagatin Clinic, Kreativ info and the FORUM Zagreb Convention Center. The silver sponsor is FINA - Financial Agency.

You can follow the Adria Business Network through the official Facebook and Instagram pages, the YouTube channel of the same name, and at &

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
