Friday, 4 March 2022

Chops Grill in Split Reopening on March 5, TCN is Giving Away Dinner for Two!

March 4, 2022 - Chops Grill in Split reopens on March 5 after a short winter hibernation - and we are giving away dinner for two! 

It's the moment we've all been waiting for... the doors to Split's famous steakhouse will welcome you with open arms and the juiciest cuts of meat on Saturday, March 5! 

Chops will reopen tomorrow with their special Chopsylitious 3-course menu, loved by locals and foreigners alike, and will also offer a smaller selection of their celebrated a la carte meat options, including USDA steaks and the original Japanese wagyu beef. 


Better yet, TCN is giving away a Chopsylitious dinner for TWO with a glass of wine, valid for the next month while the promotional Chopsylitious menu is on offer! All you need to do is follow our TCN Instagram and Total Split Facebook page and tag the person you want to have dinner with when we share this article. TCN will contact the winner on Saturday, March 5, by noon! 

But it isn't only about the beef. 

Guests can begin with scampi & shrimp pate, burrata with smoked prosciutto and peaches, ceviche, grilled scallops, and wagyu beef carpaccio, to name a few. 

Pistachio pesto linguine, mushroom and truffle tagliatelle, langoustine and apricot risotto, and a fish selection from salmon to sea bass and local bluefin tuna are just some of the menu items beyond the beef. However, we'd highly recommend the Frenched rack of lamb and Beef Wellington if you're feeling fancy! 

Classic soups and salads are readily available to lighten the load, and a dessert selection from homemade sorbet to chocolate lava cake, upside-down cake, raw cake, and Schwarzwald are just a few of the ways you can end a stellar meal. 

Chops will also be honoring Women's Day on Tuesday, March 8, offering a glass of bubbly to all the ladies on their special day!

You can explore the full Chops Grill menu HERE.

For all info and reservations, call +395 91 365 0000.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Split Winter Tourism at Chops Grill: Chopsylicious Menu, Weekend Music, Christmas Flair

November 15, 2021 - Is Split winter tourism that hard to achieve? Croatia's second-largest city and the star of summer loses its buzz as soon as the seasons change. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our new TCN series looks at the Split businesses working hard in winter to give locals, and visitors, the environment they deserve. Continuing this week with Split winter tourism at Chops Grill. 

I was lucky to be introduced to Jasmina, the owner of Chops Grill, in my early days with TCN. That is something I am grateful for to this day. Not only is Chops one of Split's best restaurants, maintaining quality and culinary consistency year-round, but Jasmina and I have built a wonderful relationship over the years - and she continues to inspire me season after season. 

Chops Grill is not your typical Split restaurant, but a superb steakhouse that rewards guests with the best cuts of meat, American influences, and, of course, a Dalmatian touch. Jasmina and Chops also know no season and are applauded for working tirelessly year-round, adapting their offer depending on the time of year, from unique 3-course menus to on-the-go breakfast sandwiches. 

But what motivates Jasmina, Chops, and sister cafe bar Paradiso to bring the best to guests even in the winter? 

Croatia and Split had booming year-round tourism in the 1980s until the outbreak of the Homeland War, but now the Dalmatian coast sleeps through the winter. Why do you think that is?

First of all, I think we were a more affordable destination at that time. I know this because when I worked for Sunčani Hvar back in 2006, we had half-board offers that were very cheap per person through agencies. 

There also aren't as many big tour operators today. Everything is done online. Tourists do their own research and don't need agencies or operators as much.

And because nothing is state-owned, the prices are much higher, even in the winter. 

Back in the 1980s, many hotels offered health tourism, spas, and indoor pools, allowing older travelers to visit here even when the weather wasn't as nice. Today, we mainly have city hotels that do not have spas or facilities to accommodate winter tourism. 

If flights were not the problem, does Split have a winter tourism offer, and if yes, what is it?

I feel bad for tourists that visit Split in the winter, especially now. The only real options are for visitors to have dinner then drinks in a half-empty bar. Guests ask us what they should do after dinner, and we honestly don't know what to tell them.

The museums here are great and interesting for Croatian schoolkids needing to learn about the history of Croatia, but for international tourists, and even if I was a tourist here, there are no interactive museums where you could spend the day. When it comes to culture, we are also lacking in offering shows. HNK is amazing, but the program is mainly in Croatian, which doesn't tempt tourists - especially when musicals or drama plays are in focus. 


If I am on a city-break getaway with my husband, I would also want to go shopping, which is a huge problem here. My guests often ask where they can buy certain designer items. The people that come here are minimum middle to upper-class guests. They pay big money for their hotel room - around 300-400 euros. Most people on city-break trips travel without their kids - usually with their significant other or friends. This then targets travelers who want to go to a nice show, dinner, enjoy good cocktails, and maybe explore a museum. But they will also want to go shopping, and there isn't a designer shopping offer in Split. This is a problem we need to start addressing now. The wealthy Russian tourist cannot buy their Chanel in Split but can elsewhere. They could go to Montenegro instead. 

Istria already has a winter tourism offer, but Inland Dalmatia is not yet as developed. If you're coming to Split for 3-4 days, wouldn't you want to spend one day in nature with a local family that will serve you their homemade wines and products? Especially somewhere that is only a taxi ride away from Split? There are few places you can send tourists for that experience, and we see a lot of interest around this idea from our guests at Chops. We already have beautiful villas with pools in Imotski, but a nice family farm or winery where you can spend the day? Our current offer mainly targets Croatian families for a Sunday lunch. It's not a Michelin-star experience, but it's an authentic and local experience, and tourists would love it, too.

Are you aware of any initiatives to improve the winter tourism situation?

Only Paul and Total Croatia News, haha. I've been part of the tourism industry for a long time, and I don't know of anything happening at the moment. Oh, but I do know that the Mall of Split bus is running from the ferry port! 

Give us a few quick wins that could make Split a bit more attractive in the winter months?

Shopping, winery day trips from Split, contemporary/interactive art and museums, and shows. This is what I believe is most important for Split to offer in the winter. There also are not many destinations that offer both the beach and city-break getaways. Maybe Nice and Cannes if we are talking about cities comparable to Split. But what do they have? Shopping, art, and beautiful restaurants - but why? Because they have yachts. They have a similar climate, but it is not swimmable in the winter there either. Yacht owners, however, keep their yachts there in the winter. They check up on them and maintain them in the offseason. They know that bars and restaurants are open and that they can shop. Montenegro is starting to do the same thing. We have a lot of regular guests at Chops that live abroad but keep their yachts here in the winter, but what can we offer them? We also have an advantage compared to similar cities because these guests can easily fly into Split Airport, check on their yacht, and spend 2-3 days in Split. We need this tourism. 


Are you planning an event(s) of your own soon?

On Saturday night we had a lot of reservations, due mainly to our Chopsylicious menu, which we have been doing for the last 7 years! Once we announced it this year, the interest was crazy. Everybody wants to try the menu, which is an excellent value for money. Diners can taste some of our products during the winter when they have more time. We have adjusted the menu to the season. For example, we are not selling the wagyu for 200 kuna. Instead, we changed the menu and are using it to test new dishes for next year. We are tracking what guests like and improving what is needed. When next season comes, we can introduce it to our menu. It's a win-win situation. And guests who like the Chopsylicious menu revisit us in the summer or recommend us to friends and family!  




Besides Chopsylicious, we host two music professors from the Josip Hatze school who play inside the restaurant every weekend. Paradiso will be bringing in some light live music from next weekend, and we will begin decorating for Christmas as part of our winter wonderland. We have done it already for two years, and it's beautiful. This year we are going the extra mile to create a Christmas village. We will once again offer our breakfast sandwiches at Chops and Paradiso, so people will always have a place to eat and drink. 


Will you close at all this year?

We always close from January 6 to March 1. It gives us a small break, but we also need to use the time to prepare for the season with renovations. We cannot preserve everything and need to repaint, repair the chairs, and the like. We also use this time to create the menu. 

Back in 2020, we had plans to keep Chops open year-round. But, of course, the pandemic happened instead. That remains our ultimate goal, and I don't think we would have much trouble doing business even in January and February.

When winter tourism is mentioned, many locals say that they do not want it, as they are tired after the busy season. What is your perspective as a successful business owner?

We want it! We do need a break; everyone needs a break. I know I do because I have never worked harder on the operational side of things than this summer. But I only need about 15 days. I get nervous after that, haha. I need to do something actively; I cannot just twiddle my thumbs at home and not work because we had a 'successful season'. The Chopsylicious menu and our winter offer keep us busy, and I am happy we have that.


I would be terrified to close my doors for the entire winter. You cannot keep quality by doing that. Businesses that close in the winter also make the hospitality industry less desirable. It makes us a servant to our tourists. If you can work for an entire year, especially at a restaurant with a lot of business in the summer, and have good business throughout the winter with a year-round salary, then being a waiter is a beautiful job where you can support your family. Who wants to be a waiter only for 4 months? Then it's just a student job. 

We care about our suppliers a lot and try to find a lower-cost product in the winter than the premium products we offer in the summer. With our chefs and their innovation, we create affordable dishes that guests can enjoy in the offseason. For example, the tuna salad on the Chopsylicious menu uses lower-cost ingredients but looks beautiful. The most expensive part of that dish is that someone had to come up with it in their head. If I am looking at that as the owner, the cost of that dish is lower, but someone needs to think about how to create that using the products available. That is why I invest in my staff throughout the year, and that is how you can adapt your offer in the winter to make sense for your restaurant and your guests. 

What are the key steps in your opinion to getting more flights in winter? (Optional)

The Marriott (which will open eventually), Le Meridien Lav, Radisson Blu, and Atrium offer over 1,000 hotel rooms combined. All of those hotels have a spa, which I've already mentioned is crucial for city-break destinations. That's about 2,000 potential guests per day, offered beautiful hotels, great service and food, and indoor pools. If they all got together and spoke to a low-cost carrier about offering and filling these 1,000 rooms, that's a solution. It could almost be some non-formal tour operator. Say, for example, you buy the flight from a low-cost carrier and are offered reasonable rates at these hotels. This is especially important on the weekends when there are no business people from Zagreb in Split. But I truly believe these hotels with indoor pools need to come together; that is the only way it will work. Think - 2,000 people per day is 14,000 potential tourists per week. Those guests will be able to visit the hotel spa and swim, have a nice dinner in town, go to a cocktail bar, and even go to Joker for shopping!


I would also try to create a promo video for tourists showing them exactly how their 4 days in Split would look, instead of just sharing Croatia's most beautiful destinations from above, usually without people. You could create a beautiful 'day-in-the-life' type of promo video showing exactly what you can expect on your Split trip. We need to show tourists what they can do here and not just share aerial footage. 

Message to other businesses in Split?

If you stay open in winter, the summer will be easier since you can keep your staff. You'll offer better service, too. If you have both of those things, you'll earn even more money. And if we are all open during the winter, buying from our suppliers won't be as complicated!

Some businesses see each other as competition. If you have a city with many good restaurants, people visit for gastronomy, meaning they'll choose a new restaurant every day. Having more quality restaurants means more business for everyone. This would also help us to be recognized as an excellent gastronomic destination. We all need to support each other. Why can't other restaurants recreate the Chopsylicious idea? That is a wonderful idea, and it gives us more places to visit for dinner!

We also need to think about the minds of tourists and understand that they may not want to eat Dalmatian food every day of their trip. While local food should be enjoyed, it is impossible to expect that someone will eat grilled fish and blitva all the time. I know that when I am visiting Mexico, I cannot eat Mexican food every day. Sometimes you need a burger or pizza; comfort food that hits the spot and gives you a taste of home. And that is fine, too.

We offer eggs benedict on our breakfast menu and make the English muffins in-house because you cannot find them in Croatia. While we have to put in more work, knowing that our guests have that piece of familiarity is worth it.  We also can't expect that every tourist likes eating fish or can peel scampi! A lot of these experiences may be new to them. That's why we should think about what tourists have available at home and try to recreate it in our way with traditional influences. 


This is the direction we need to be going in. We should never lose our identity, but let's celebrate international cuisine with a Dalmatian twist. 

You can explore Chops HERE.

If you are a business in Split with a winter program, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject Split Winter Tourism. 

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Start Your Split Morning Right with Chops Breakfast, Fresh Juices, and Fit Options

November 4, 2021 - Because Chops breakfast serves every kind of Split morning, rain or shine. 

Breakfast - sworn by parents as the most important meal of the day, never missed by athletes, and indeed a meal no tourist traveling Croatia can afford to miss before their sightseeing adventures. 

And while you're exploring Split, you'll notice that some restaurants do breakfast better than the rest. Chops Grill is one of them. 

Making waves last year with their affordable yet quick grab-n-go brekky options, like the irresistible croissant sandwich with prosciutto or salmon and tangy spring onion and honey mustard touch, dining at Chops for your morning meal comes with a generous selection of feel-good food you won't soon forget. 

A staple on the Chops breakfast menu is the hard-hitting eggburger, which first made its debut last year on the new Chops to-go menu with the favorite croissant sandwich. A perfectly chewy bun warmed by fluffy scrambled eggs, cheese, sriracha mayo, and spring onion make for a delightful yet just filling enough morning munch. 


But Chops' breakfast goes beyond these beloved sandwiches. Classics like eggs benedict on in-house English muffins, the ham, cheese, and pancetta omelet, or the over-the-top Chops breakfast with scrambled eggs on focaccia with pancetta, grilled sausage, and asparagus will teleport your morning from Split to the USA. You can even sit down for American pancakes to seal the deal! 


But that's not all. 


Those of you looking to keep things light can opt for the chia pudding, fit breakfast with Greek yogurt, avocado toast, or veggie omelet, or quench your thirst thanks to a variety of freshly squeezed juices, from apple, mint, and ginger, to Super Green, Veggie Focus, or the Heartbeat abounding in avocado, banana, apple, and red beet! 


And juices aren't the only way to whet your morning palate, with standout items like the avocado or almond butter berry shake on offer, too. 


Topped off with award-winning coffee, there is something for everyone at Chops Grill - and you'll likely return for dinner to try their star-studded selection of steaks! 

You can see the full Chops breakfast menu HERE

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

The Wait is Over: Chops Grill in Split Reopens Terrace for All Steak Lovers!

March 18, 2021 - Chops Grill in Split has reopened its spacious terrace for all steak lovers in the city!

"The spacious and airy, unique and pleasant ambiance of #ChopsGrill restaurant is perfect for birthday celebrations, baptisms, first communions, and Confirmations, as well as business gatherings with colleagues and partners. Share unforgettable moments with your loved ones and enjoy the top gastronomic delicacies of our chefs."

It's the moment we've all been waiting for... Chops Grill has reopened their roomy terrace for all meat lovers in Split! 

From Thursday, March 18, at noon, the doors to Split's famous steakhouse will welcome you with open arms, the highest safety standards, and the juiciest cuts of meat. 

Whether you'd prefer a veal ribeye, Black Angus ribeye and beef tenderloin, T-Bone, striploin, or tomahawk on the bone, Chops' vast selection of meats has a cut for everyone. 

But it isn't only about the beef. 

Guests can begin with scampi & shrimp pate, bruschetta topped with mozzarella, tomatoes, pesto, or a chilled and tart tuna carpaccio with shallots, rocket, pomegranate, and citrus. 

A light apricot risotto served with a pea cream or linguine prepared 'buzara' style with shrimp, shells, and the freshest fish available will make you forget you're even at a steakhouse. The mango-dressed salmon filet with chickpeas, sea bass filet in a red paprika sauce, or grilled local bluefin tuna can do no wrong, while the beautifully grilled monkfish soaked in a truffle sauce is a delightful, delicious, and dangerously good option you won't be sorry you chose. 

Classic soups and salads are readily available to lighten the load, and a dessert selection from sorbet made in-house to traditional egg flan, mirror-glazed cheesecake, or chocolate souffle are just a few of the ways you can end a stellar meal. 

You can explore the full Chops Grill menu HERE.

For all info and reservations, call +395 91 365 0000.

Chops will work every day from 12 pm to 10 pm.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Run Rudolph, Run! Chops Grill Announces Photo Adventure Around Split

December 23, 2020 - Run Rudolph Run! Chops Grill has announced a prize game starting today, December 23, until December 31, 2020.

Because we should still enjoy the perks of Advent while we can!

Chops Grill is helping you enjoy the beauties of Split while taking photos next to the sights indicated on their Run Rudolph, Run map, just in time for the holidays. 

To participate in the prize game, post a photo on your Instagram in front of one of the sights with a drink or delicacy from the Chops TO GO offer and tag @ChopsGrill restaurant. Every day, Chops will reward one post with an Advent breakfast TO GO!

ChopsGrill has made sure that this year's Advent on Marmontova did not pass without their favorite Christmas delicacies at promotional prices.

Open every day from 7.00 to 22.00, eat your way through Split at Chops TO GO, with breakfast treats such as savory croissants stuffed with scrambled eggs, pancetta, or salmon, eggburgers, and cheese toast.



Later in the day, dig into homemade sausages and bakalar to get into the Christmas spirit.

Follow Chops on Instagram to explore the offer and more! 

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Third Split Gastroadvent at Chops Grill: How Mediterranean Diet Helps Recover Senses Lost from COVID-19

December 13, 2020 - The third Split Gastroadvent Sunday honored news portal journalists at Chops Grill, focusing on how the Mediterranean diet can help you recover the senses damaged by COVID-19. 

The loss of taste and smell from COVID-19 is particularly pronounced. Although it is not uncommon for upper respiratory tract infections to affect our senses of smell and taste, it is precisely a symptom of COVID-19,  which attracts a great deal of attention. The average prevalence of odor loss is about 41%, while taste loss is about 38%.


It is known that people recognize four tastes: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. In the middle of 2000, the fifth sense was confirmed, which Japanese scientists named umami - a pleasant taste. Science confirms that umami produces sodium glutamate, and it is found naturally in fish.

Loss of taste and smell is certainly uncomfortable, and to activate the olfactory nerves, most experts recommend "smell training." Even better, the Mediterranean diet contributes to the recovery of the senses damaged by viral infections.

Fish products are a good source of zinc (Zn), a micronutrient of great importance that has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of macronutrients and carbohydrates and protein synthesis. The role of Zn in the protection of cells from oxidative stress and the normal function of the immune system is significant. It is imperative to consume enough fish, oysters, crabs, tuna, and shellfish.

As 2020 marks the jubilee 10th anniversary of recognizing the Mediterranean diet, this year's theme pays great attention to the sea. The Mediterranean Sea boasts about 2.5 million km² and connects all countries of the original Mediterranean diet.

Following this theme, this year's Gastroadvent wreath is also dedicated to the sea and its preservation. The seafoam wreath symbolically and literally simulates the sea world and is created from discarded trash and plastic. The Mediterranean diet theme inspired prominent sculptor Nives Čičin Šain to send a message artistically: “Let's preserve our sea and the life in it that feeds many with its beauty."


As this Advent Sunday was held at Chops Grill Steak & Seafood, chef Ivan Nikolić, prepared simple and quick 'to-go' dishes to adapt to Croatia's current epidemiological measures. Namely, the menu items presented today included a croissant with scrambled eggs & salmon, Grana Padano, and scallions, a croissant with scrambled eggs & bacon, rocket, Grana Padano and a special sauce, and an egg burger with sriracha mayo, scallions, and cheese, which are all available for locals to pick up at Chops' 'to-go' window and enjoy while walking around the city until 3 pm every day. 


Chops also prepared monkfish in shrimp sauce with macaroni. 


The fish of the Adriatic Sea was presented by partner Gastro Ribarnica Brač, which makes fish more accessible through regular campaigns, and with its professionalism, guarantee safety, availability, and originality. The Amare brand, which focuses on "love from the sea," combines hand-cleaned meat of Adriatic shrimp, which is synonymous with quality and an indispensable food for restaurants and households, as well as marinated shrimp, marinated anchovies, and salted anchovies. Their novelty is the first burgers made of Adriatic shrimp and scampi, which have achieved notable success on the market. On the wings of this success, the idea for a burger made of Adriatic fish was created, more precisely, of four types of white fish and two types of bluefish.


Along with domestic fish during the holiday season, at Centaurus d.o.o., you can get an excellent "Premium" cod (Bakalar).


Ecology and competence in gastronomy and tourism are the future projects of the Split School of Tourism and Hospitality. Under the leadership of director Ivo Bilić, the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Split has been appointed the Regional Center of Competence in Tourism in the summer of 2018.

The regional center of competence in the tourism and hospitality sector is the name of a long-term project of the Tourist Catering School Split and partners.


The idea of creating a Regional Competence Center (hereinafter: RCC) arose as a need to improve human resources in tourism, and this school has been in development for about 10 years. Seven years ago, a model of the center was presented at the Ministry of Tourism, originally as an idea for the development of quality schools in tourism. The initial model was for Split-Dalmatia County with about 15 schools (mostly in Croatia) that educate for at least one of the occupations in the tourism and hospitality sector (there are about 100 schools in Croatia). The main goal was (and remains) that students have better exit competencies upon completion of education and uniform in all schools. The important role of the RCC is to connect with the local community, and it will be manifested through two goals:

1) Projects with kindergartens and primary schools in creating habits among young people and encouraging reflection on tourism, and on the other hand as promoting our professions,

2) Participation in local (regional) events, creating habits among the population about the benefits and importance of caring for the guest-tourist. 

This year's Gastroadvent also features Mediterranean Food -, a project funded by the European program Interreg Mediterranean, worth 3.7 million EUR, and implemented by the Public Institution RERA S.D. for the coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia County. The project involves 14 project partners from 9 countries in the Mediterranean, aiming to popularize the Mediterranean diet. The main goal of the project is to strengthen research in this area following the UNESCO Convention on Mediterranean Nutrition, to raise the quality of food and life in 9 project partner countries, as well as promote the Mediterranean diet, which is recognized as the gold standard of proper nutrition, as well as its far-reaching beneficial effects on health.


This time, the "Braća Radić“ school from Kaštel Štafilić presented 100% raw natural energy bars, made of broad beans, dried figs, grapes, carob, almonds, lemon, dates, and olive oil. The vegan energy bars are gluten-free and are made without any added sugar or preservatives. They are high in energy, soluble fibers and micronutrients, and plant proteins! 

All products presented at Gastroadvent will be evaluated, and the best will go to international competition in Seville, Spain next year.


Per epidemiological measures, all to-go food items were individually packed by Chops for us to enjoy at home.


We were even given Probiotic packets by M.E.V. Feller to stay healthy! 

Split Gastroadvent is held every Advent Sunday at a new location, honoring a different group of journalists. 

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Chops Grill, Your Go-To for Birthdays, Baptisms, Business Lunches and More

November 7, 2020 -  Chops Grill Steak & Seafood is here for you beyond the beef. It's your go-to for birthdays, baptisms, business lunches, and more!

As we approach the most wonderful time of the year, when spending time with family reigns above all, it's good to know that family gatherings don't always have to mean we're stuck in the kitchen.

Enter Chops Grill, who will do all of the heavy lifting for you. 

"In the unique and elegant ambiance of the Chops Grill Steak & Seafood restaurant, spend moments with relatives, friends, or business colleagues that will forever remain in your memory. An exceptional offer, friendly staff, and top gastronomic specialties are what make Chops Grill Steak & Seafood restaurant recognizable.

In the #ChopsClassic or #ChopsSuperior lunch offer, we offer services for organizing birthday parties and baptism celebrations, as well as business events and socializing.

Give your loved ones and business partners unforgettable celebrations at popular prices and spend a pleasant afternoon with the flavors of the culinary magic of our chefs!" 


Namely, for 250 kn, the Chops Grill Classic menu begins with a selection of prosciutto, cheese, bruschetta, scampi pate, and steak tartar. You then get to choose between shrimp risotto and macaroni with prosciutto with truffle, or homemade soup with noodles, boiled beef, potatoes, carrots, and šalša. 

The main course includes a Chops meat platter with beefsteak, aged rump steak, veal chops, and grilled chicken, with a side of baked potatoes with ham and onion, grilled vegetables, and seasonal salad, OR, veal prepared peka style (under the bell), with potatoes and seasonal salad. 

The Chops Grill Superior menu, which is 300 kn, also begins with a selection of prosciutto, cheese, bruschetta, scampi pate, and steak tartar, followed by creamy Vichyssoise soup, and shrimp risotto and macaroni with prosciutto with truffle.

For the main course, guests can enjoy the Chops meat platter with beefsteak, aged rump steak, veal chops, and grilled chicken, with a side of baked potatoes with ham and onion, grilled vegetables, truffle mashed potatoes, caesar salad, and beef wellington (with a mushroom and goose liver cream, wrapped in puff pastry). 

Both menus end with dessert and include juice, beer, and house wine!

So, how about have your next celebration at Chops?

For reservations and more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit their Facebook page, or call +385 91 365 0000. You can also visit their website for all menu options here.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Chopsylicious Menu Returns to Chop Grill as Perfect Offseason Treat

October 21, 2020 - Famous Split steakhouse Chops Grill is taking on the offseason in a big way with the return of the three-course Chopsylicious menu!

While some of us are bitter that summer came to an end, many of us are eager to bring on the charms of a new season - especially as the coziest time of the year lies ahead. 


The autumn and winter seasons at Chops Grill continuously surprise with a world of new culinary delights, which can be seen in the return of the offseason edition of Chopsylicious. 

“As in previous years, this year, we tried to make our offer more creative and certainly different. The Chopsylicious offer is contained in three sequences; by choosing appetizers and desserts as desired, and the price for your chosen menu depends on the choice of the main course. We allow all our guests to create a menu to their liking and enjoy top delicacies for whose recipes chefs find inspiration partly in traditional cuisine and partly in recipes from all over the world. Feel and taste the Chopsylicious magic in the pleasant ambiance of Chops Grill,” the famous Split steakhouse wrote on their Facebook to introduce the new three-course menu. 

Now, let’s have a closer look. 

For starters, diners can choose between:

Creamy ‘vichyssoise’ soup with potato and leek, spicy chicken wings, spring rolls stuffed with vegetables, rice noodles, and sweet and sour sauce, tuna tatake with soy sauce, or steak tartar with butter and toast.


The main courses, however, are what really make this Chopsylicious menu shine. 

Namely, mushroom risotto, glazed pork ribs with homemade potato chips, sea bass with young spinach, chestnut puree, mandarin sauce, and lemon foam, or scampi and mussels buzara with macaroni make up only half of what you can enjoy. 

Meat lovers can dive into veal ribeye or Argentinian ribeye with aromatic young potatoes, beef wellington with cream of mushroom, red onions, and goose liver wrapped in pastry with mashed potatoes and a beef and truffle sauce, or the bone-in ribeye for two (dry-aged 30-100 days), with truffle mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables!


Because no meal is complete without something sweet, guests can choose between ‘fruit after rain’ - a white chocolate tart with cream cheese, raspberries, and pistachios, ‘hibernation’ - creme brûlée with crispy chocolate and mandarin sauce, fruit sorbet, or traditional ‘rozata’ with lavender, rose extract, and whipped cream. 

The Chopsylicious offer is good until the end of the year! 

Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 17.00.11.png

For reservations and more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit their Facebook page or call +385 91 365 0000. You can also visit their website for all menu options here.

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Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Seafood at Split's Best Steakhouse: Everything but the Beef at Chops Grill

September 23, 2020 - We know that Split's best steakhouse should be all about the beef, but what if the grass is also greener on the other side? Dig into the seafood side of Chops Grill in Split!

As we move into a new season where comfort food is king, it's good to remember that we're able to keep the lightness of summer fare in Split year-round, as seafood truly reigns us all. 

However, you may not think that some of Split's best seafood would be found and Split's best steakhouse. 

We're here to prove you wrong. 

The seafood offered at Chops Grill takes restaurant-goers on an adventure of flavors, textures, and temperatures, from cold starters to rich, bold, and brimming-at-the-seams-with-flavor mains.

Let's begin our ride through the seafood side of Chops Grill. 

For starters, choose from a scampi & shrimp pate, bruschetta topped with mozzarella, tomatoes, pesto, and the option to add shrimp or salmon, and last but not least, a chilled and tart tuna carpaccio with shallots, rocket, pomegranate, and citrus. 

For those looking for something with a bit more substance, to begin with, a light and fresh apricot risotto served with a pea cream is your best bet. 

However, the real stars of the show are the seafood mains, where an explosion of flavors makes you forget meat even existed in the first place. 

Staying true to Dalmatian cuisine, the fisherman's choice linguine is prepared 'buzara' style with shrimp, shells, and the freshest fish available. Salmon lovers can enjoy a grilled filet served with chickpeas, beans & spring onion salad, and mango dressing.

While you can't go wrong with the sea bass filet in a red paprika sauce, served with a vegetable carpaccio, or the grilled local bluefin tuna, the beautifully firm, lean, bright-white, mild, and sweet grilled monkfish, soaked in a truffle sauce, is a delightful, delicious, dangerously good option you won't be sorry you chose. 

For reservations and more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit their Facebook page, or call +385 91 365 0000. You can also visit their website for all menu options here.

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Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Chopsylicious: Enjoy Chops Grill at Promotional Prices this Week Only!

June 23, 2020 - As we say hello to summer, we must say goodbye to the favorite Chopsylicious menu at Chops Grill in Split. 

Summer is officially here after it felt that spring had no end - and with the coronavirus measures mostly lifted in Split, we can get out to enjoy the summer sunshine. 

Because any excuse to eat out, and eat outdoors this season is a good one, we're here to tell you about one promotion you'll need to run to, to make sure you don't miss out until next season.

We've told you a thing or two about the cherished Chopsylicious menu at Chops Grill, which offers mix-and-match three-course menus at Split's favorite steakhouse for stellar promotional prices. However, with summer in full swing, Chops is gearing up for something new, and this springtime-favorite menu is around for just one more week. 

So, why is this menu THAT good, you might ask? Let us enlighten you. 

For starters, guests can choose from a selection of Vichyssoise soup of leek and potato, tuna belly carpaccio with shallots and a rocket salad with pomegranate and citrus, the crispy Panzanella salad with skuta cheese and whole grain mustard dressing, or steak tartar. 


For main courses, it’ll be hard to decide between the beetroot risotto or seafood spaghetti with squid ink sauce and local wild herbs, though that’s without mentioning the list of meat dishes on the menu. 

For instance, the supreme chicken is served with seasonal vegetables and potato puree, while the beef, vegetable and plum skewers are accompanied by potato wedges. The grilled rump steak is filled with bacon and cheese, while you can never go wrong with the classic T-bone steak. However, we think the real star of the show is the beef wellington, wrapped in mushroom, onion, foie gras sauce and fresh black truffle. For only 210 kuna, you'll be hard-pressed to find a dish this good for this cheap anywhere else in Split (locals, we're looking at you). 


And because no meal is complete without dessert, Chops has pulled out all of the stops, offering guests the fruits of forest crème brûlée, semifreddo, chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream or the traditional rožata (egg flan) with lavender, rose, and Chantilly cream.

Are you convinced, yet?


This is your chance to try some of the best Chops has to offer before the menu morphs into summer mode, though we promise you'll want to be a part of that, too. 

Chops Grill is now open every day from 12 pm to 11 pm. 

For reservations and more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit their Facebook page, or call +385 91 365 0000. You can also visit their website here.

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