Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Prime Minister Meets with Dogus Group on Marina Development

ZAGREB, May 28, 2018 - Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Monday received representatives of Dogus Group and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) who informed him about a joint capital investment worth approximately 70 million euro, earmarked for the development of marinas in Croatia, Turkey and Greece, the Croatian government's public relations office said in a press release.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Tourism Minister Lorencin: Nautical Tourism in Croatia – Exact Opposite of What Successful Nautical Countries are Doing!

"We need 15 000 more berths, better infrastructure and lower berth prices."

In part two of TCN's interview with Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin, Danni Matijaca asks about nautical tourism. 

(Photo credit: Ministry of Tourism)
