With a 36% increase in British tourists in 2015, the UK is falling in love with Croatia again, a generation after it was the second most popular desination of all. 23 reasons why, by The Daily Telegraph on July 1, 2016.
After visitors run around and about the city’s landmarks, beers are next.
Among the five largest, only Uniline and Katarina Line are in the green, the largest loss is felt by Atlas, who announces a turnaround in the current year
Tourism vouchers, tax deductable for employers, would stimulate citizens to travel across Croatia out of season, experts say
Some fascinating statistics released by the Central Dalmatian Tourist Board on June 17, 2016, show some revealing trends in the region's tourism, including the rise of the Norwegians to match the decline of the Italians, and the growing importance of Split.
A truly unique place to spend your vacation.
Croatia sells itself as a stunning destination with its spectacular beauty. All it takes is a little magic with the camera, such as that shown by Aljaž Čuček on June 14. 2016. FABULOUS!
An infographic published in leading Norwegian daily Afterposten on June 13, 2016 shows how Croatia is benefitting from global events. Is it something Croatia can build on for the long term?
Valamar Riviera also has the largest salary average and plans to grow strongly by 2020
Many seek work, even if only seasonal, but have plenty of conditions