Monday, 11 November 2019

HDZ Wants to Sanction Leadership Criticism, Not Everybody Agrees

ZAGREB, November 11, 2019 - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) finds it unacceptable that any of its members should use hate speech or threats, the ruling party said on its Facebook account on Sunday, calling on its MP Davor Ivo Stier to state in public whether he supports hate speech and threats and accusing him of perfidiously misusing the messages of the late pope John Paul II.

Responding to Stier's Facebook post, the HDZ said that no one in the party "questions freedom and secrecy of correspondence and freedom of speech, especially not when it comes to members of the party."

However, it is unacceptable for any member to continually use hate speech and threats in groups organised under the name and symbols of the HDZ, such as calls for someone "to be impaled on a stick" or "shot in the head", and to openly incite members to support other parties and candidates and call on members not to vote for HDZ candidates, the party said.

"That is not, nor will it be, the policy of the HDZ, and if Davor Stier shares and supports such outpourings of hatred and threats directed at party colleagues, let him say so in public. It is therefore perfidious and pathetic of Stier to misuse the messages of John Paul II. Does Davor Stier think that John Paul II would consider such calls for lynching messages of freedom, peace and love?" the HDZ said.

Following media reports that the party Presidency had decided to sanction party members who used hate speech or threats or criticised the party leadership on social media, Stier recalled that freedom and secrecy of correspondence were guaranteed and inviolable under the Constitution and quoted John Paul II as saying before the fall of Communism "Don't be afraid!"

More HDZ news can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Stier: Freedom and Secrecy of Correspondence Guaranteed and Inviolable

ZAGREB, November 10, 2019 - Following media reports that the Presidency of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party has decided to sanction party members who use hate speech on social media, make threats or criticise the HDZ leadership, HDZ MP Davor Ivo Stier said that freedom and secrecy of correspondence are guaranteed and inviolable and called on his colleagues not to be afraid.

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Croatian people rejected Communism and reaffirmed their centuries-long desire for independence in the democratic elections of 1990, as written in the Constitution. That's why in the Croatian Parliament this week we defended the proposal that 30 May be observed as Statehood Day. After 30 May 1990, democratic and civic freedoms were also guaranteed by the Christmas Constitution. Article 36 of the Constitution says: 'Freedom and secrecy of correspondence and all other forms of communication shall be guaranteed and inviolable.' Also, Article 6 reads: 'The internal organisation of political parties shall be in accordance with the fundamental constitutional democratic principles,'" Stier wrote on his Facebook page.

He said that the state or party authorities no longer have the right to monitor correspondence between citizens or internal communication between party members. He added that stories being floated around that such monitoring will be introduced are damaging not only to the party but also to all citizens and to democracy in Croatia, because "democracy implies responsibility and freedom from political intimidation."

"That's why nowadays, when we remember the fall of the Berlin Wall, the words of Holy John Paul II, which preceded the fall of Communism, ring even louder. 'Don't be afraid!'" Stier concluded.

The Večernji List newspaper said on Sunday that the HDZ Presidency has decided to sanction all party members who use WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook groups to spread hatred, make threats or just criticise the policy of the HDZ leadership and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković.

More HDZ news can be found in the Politics section.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Stier Stirs Rumours about Running for HDZ Leader

ZAGREB, May 31, 2019 - Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) parliamentary deputy Davor Ivo Stier said on Friday that the party experienced a failure in the recent elections for the European Parliament because it had become distant from the right electorate, and he expressed readiness to work on reuniting the HDZ and its voters also as party president.

Recalling that the HDZ won four seats in the EP vote, while the goal had been to secure five seats, Stier told the press in the national parliament that voters had sent a clear message that the party had become distant from the right electorate and that the HDZ must focus on the fight against corruption and clientelism.

"We cannot run in parliamentary elections with the approval ratings of 22% or 23%. Voters have sent us a message that the struggle against corruption and clientelism is extremely important and that it must be in the centre of our political activity," Stier said.

He insists that for the HDZ to ensure a convincing election victory, the party must also win the votes of the right electorate.

Many traditional HDZ voters went to the polls this past Sunday but this time they did not vote for the HDZ, Stier said.

Stier, who used to be an HDZ MEP and foreign minister, believes that it is his mission to work on consolidating the party and uniting the HDZ and its voters.

Asked whether this means that he is ready to take over the helm of the HDZ, he replied: "Why not? However, you will receive my precise answer when the time for intraparty elections comes."

Stier underscored that he despises the conduct of those who vigorously applaud the leader when he is powerful and turn their back on the leader when he finds himself on slippery ground.

Prime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Andrej Plenković said on Friday that the HDZ was a democratic party in which everybody could say what they thought as well as run for party presidency.

In his comment on Stier's statement, Plenkovic said: "It would be good if all those willing to help actually did so during campaigns and elections. As regards Stier's wish that as many people as possible support the HDZ's projects and programmes, that is a good idea," Plenković told the press while arriving at the Zagreb City Assembly for a special session on the occasion of City Day.

"We are a democratic party, everybody can say what they think, definitely. I don't think that it is a problem. When intraparty elections are held, all aspirants can submit their candidacies," Plenković said.

In his response to Stier's criticism, Plenković said that the HDZ did not become distant from anybody.

When reporters remarked that the right camp had won the support of 17% of those who went to the polls for the last EP election, Plenković said that "they voted so in this election." "When parliamentary elections come, you will see who they will vote for."

The HDZ will win the next parliamentary election, Plenković said, adding that he would certainly remain at the party's helm.

More HDZ news can be found in the Politics section.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Prime Minister Removes His Party Opponents from HDZ Leadership

ZAGREB, June 5, 2018 - The Presidency and the National Council of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) on Monday evening with a majority vote relieved of duty Davor Ivo Stier and Miro Kovač, HDZ political and international secretaries, and appointed Lovro Kuščević and Davor Božinović to those posts.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

HDZ Still Divided over Istanbul Convention

If HDZ political secretary Stier votes against the ratification in parliament, he will probably be dismissed.

Monday, 12 March 2018

HDZ Split over Istanbul Convention Ratification

ZAGREB, March 12, 2018 - Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) political secretary and MP Davor Ivo Stier believes that it would be irresponsible and harmful, both for the HDZ and for the development of Croatian democracy, to ask HDZ MPs to vote for the Istanbul Convention as that would mean reducing or marginalising Christian democracy in the HDZ, and that disputes surrounding the convention cannot be bridged over with interpretive statements.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

One Year Late, Croatia Adopts More Liberal Anti-Discrimination Plan

The plan is a precondition for Croatia to continue receiving money from EU funds.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Foreign Minister Stier Resigns

The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs is leaving the government.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Croatia Warns about ISIL Fighters Returning to Region

About a thousand people from Southeast Europe went to fight for ISIL, and 300 have returned, says Croatian Foreign Minister Stier.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Foreign Minister Stier to Attend Joint Meeting with US Secretary of State Tillerson

Earlier today, Reuters reported that Croatian Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier will be the only foreign minister not to attend a meeting organized by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington, but Croatian Foreign Ministry has denied Reuters’ report.

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