October 18, 2022 - The second half of October has been surprisingly warm and sunny in Croatia. With temperatures still reaching the mid-twenties, you might as well head south and catch some sun at the beach. If you are like us, though, and your body and soul are ready for the weather to become colder and foggier, you enjoy the sun but secretly want to wear your favourite sweater, you'll be looking for something a little bit more cosy and autumnal to do. We'll cover both, just in case. An overview of the remaining October events to get you through this pre-autumn time.
Food & Wine
National Restaurant Week - October 14 - October 23
Tjedan Restorana
Motovun Teran and Truffle Festival - Saturday, October 22
As stated on the invitation, the 11th Teran Wine and Truffle Festival brings numerous exhibitors, tastings of teranTeranffles and various products based on teran and truffles. The Motovun's Teran Wine and Truffle Festival is a synonym for quality winemakers and especially good examples of teranTeran, and a meeting place for the best producers of truffle products and companies dealing with truffles. Check out the event here.
Motovun Tourist Board
Korčulanske Pjatance - Thursday, October 20 - Sunday, October 23
The unique island gastro story was started in 2017, and this year's festival will be the fifth edition. The festival is held all over the town (and some locations on the island, outside of the confines of Korčula town), and. This they are offering a variety of visits by famous chefs, lectures, workshops, just and hanging out with the people in the industry, exhibitions, fairs and thematic evenings, and you will also get to discover the secrets of the autumn on the tastiest island in the Mediterranean. Find out more about the festival in our article.
Sport& Recreation
Cres & Lošinj Trail Weekend - Saturday, October 29 and ,Sunday, October 30
Cres & Lošinj Trail Weekend Trail is a race consisting of two separate stages with three difficulty categories: Purple, Blue and ,Green. Competitors choose in wh category they want to compete and consequently choose one or both days of this unique event. It is not necessary to perform in the same category on both days.
The event underlines the idea to connect and show the beauty of both islands and their hidden corners and protruding peaks in the style of a trail race. The first stage is on the island of Lošinj on Saturday, October 29, 2022, and the second on the island of Cres on Sunday, October 30, 2022. More on the event here.
Remarkable Events
Plitvice Field Trail 2022 - Saturday, October 22
Plitvice Field Trail is a new treat in the offer of Run Croatia and the municipality of Plitvička Jezera. The race starts at the Korenica town square (Trg Sv. Jurja) at 15.45. There will be three routes: 2km, 6.5km, 10km;and as ,ell as a race for children of 250 m. More info about the event here.is
Run Croatia
Svetvinčenat Young Wine Fest Bicycle Race - Saturday, October 22
Cycling club Axa and the Svetvinčenat Municipality Tourist Board are inviting all lovers of nature and cycling to join them and spend a few hours in nature with occasional breaks for refreshments with water, juices, desserts... and after the bike ride drin,ks with a drop of good wine. The race kicks off at 1 pm. More info here.
Svetvinčenat Municipality Tourist Board
Zabok Industrial Race - Sunday, October 23
After more than 30 years, a road race is taking place in Zabok. As part of the "Zabok Industrial Race 2022" event, you will be able to choose between two races called the "ZA10" of 10 km and the "ZA5" race of 5 km. More information about applications, the track and ,other details here.are
Atletski klub Klubk
Culture, film, music
Biograd Boat Show - October 26 - October 30
This year the Biograd Boat show will celebrate its 24th year following 21 years of continuous recorrecord-breakings and two highly successful pandemic shows, which proved the resilience and importance of the event. This is Central Europe’s in-water show, attracting many visitors and exhibitors from neighbouring countries, and the biggemost significanting point for Croatia’s nautical industry, marking the end of the boating season and the start of a new business year. More info here.
Biograd Boat Show
The Cure - Thursday, October 27
The giants of alter-rock - The Cure will, hold their first solo concert in Croatia on Thursday, October 27, 2022 in A,rena Zagreb. Need we say more. Mor? info here.
Zagreb Tourist Board
Zoom Festival Rijeka - October 14 - October 19
The performances presented at the thirteenth edition of Zoom Festival – October 14-19, 2022 – revolve around the problems of climate change, markea t economy, interpersonal relationships and ,more, trying to resist the prevailing pessimism, offer different perspectives on the vision of the future, and answer the questions “where did we come from?” and “where are we going?”, both in art and in life. More info here.
Drugo more
20th Zagreb Film Festival - October 23 - October 30
The jubilee, twentthe ieth edition of ZFF will, be held from October 23 to October 30 in the Tuškanac, SC, Kinoteka, MSU, Dokukinu KIC cinemas and online at www.kinoeuropa.hr and www.croatian.film. Since its beginnings, the ZFF has been focused on discovering and promoting contemporary independent films and debut works by directors from all over the world, so . This's main program will also feature the first and second films of talented and award-winning authors from all over the world. More info here.
Zagreb Film Festival
Micro Festival Tenzije Rijeka - October 22 and 23
The micromicro-festivaldventurous and experimental A/V performances TENZ,IJE (Tensions) is occupying Rijeka again this year with avant-garde sonic narratives in unexpected places. The educational, artistic and ,club program of the third edition will host European and national performers, a masterclass in rhythm machine programming, a video tutorial on sound synthesis, DJ performances and ,live performances by Svetlana Maraš and, in co-production with Sonica Festival from Ljubljana, Isabella Forciniti. More info here.
Restoring Our Heritage - Traditional Wear Fashion Show, Trnjani (Slavonski Brod) - Saturday, October 22
The Centre for Traditional Cultural Heritage in cooperation with the KUD "Lovor" from Trnjani is organising the event "Restoring Our Heritage - Fashion Show of Reconstructed Traditional Wear". The event will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Trnjani near Slavonski Brod (Sports hall, Ulica sv. Marka 45). More info here.
The Centre for Traditional Cultural Heritage
For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.
August 4, 2022 - Vukovar is fast becoming the place to go for events and activities. After an eventful summer, it will welcome autumn with a unique sports event, a Water Tower race. To date, more than 150 participants have registered.
As Glas Slavonije writes, the Vukovar Athletic Club is organising a race up the stairs of the Vukovar Water Tower called Vukovarskih 198 (The Vukovar 198).
The name of the race is due to the fact that the Water Tower has 198 steps, and each competitor will also run 200 meters of the memorial path, which means that the finish line of the race will be at the top of the famous structure in Vukovar. Daniel Lovrinović, the secretary of the Vukovar Athletic Club, who runs recreationally, is the initiator of this specific race.
“Every morning I get up at five o'clock and go for a run before work, because I consider it mental hygiene. As I’ve regularly passed by the Water Tower, even while it was being renovated, I thought it would be interesting to organize a race in it. I have participated several times in the "Zagrepčanka" race in Zagreb, and running up the stairs fascinates me. As far as I know, no race has been organised in a monument such as the Water Tower, and I believed that it would attract a large number of participants”, Lovrinović told us, explaining that it is not only important to organise the race for its own sake, but also to promote the Vukovar Athletic Club, which started working actively with children this year, and will soon have activities for recreational athletes.
The organiser's wish is that Vukovar benefits from the race, because those who come from outside the city will stay for a day, two or three, which means that they will sleep in Vukovar, maybe try some local specialties, visit museums or other interesting locations. Ultimately, it will help the promotion of the city on the Danube. All those interested can apply online until August 31, and Lovrinović pointed out that more than 150 participants have registered so far out of 240, which is the maximum number.
“We cannot accommodate more runners because the Water Tower is open and we managed to reserve it for the race on September 17 from 8 am to 1 pm. We want the race to become traditional. So far, we’ve had applications from many Croatian cities, literally from Vukovar to Dubrovnik, but also from abroad - France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany. The principle of the race itself is quite simple. The second runner will follow 60 seconds after the first, and when the eighth competitor reaches the top of the Water Tower near the flag, we will take a minute or two break, until the first seven reach the elevator that will take them down. When they reach the elevator, the next runner will start and so on until everyone has completed the planned course”, he explained.
This is the minimum start time difference between participants because the staircase is narrow and it is not possible to get around the runners in front who may need more time to reach the top.
For more, check out our Lifestyle section.
May 6, 2022 - This week, for the first time, an event aimed at bringing science closer to the public, the Science Festival is being held in Vukovar.
The Science Festival is an event that has been held in Croatia since 2003 with the aim of bringing science closer to the public by informing about activities and results in the field of science, improving public perception of scientists, and motivating young people to research and acquire new knowledge, reported Sudarić, dean of the Vukovar College of Applied Sciences.
"We brought this event to Vukovar precisely to encourage our young people, especially children attending kindergarten and primary school to do science and introduce them to the idea that science is very important. We are witnesses that during the pandemic, scientists were key, they were the ones who had to find a solution to end it", said Sudarić.
The longing for expansion of knowledge and encouraging innate curiosity in all ages are valuable goals of the Science Festival, which will take place in Vukovar on 6 and 7 May. As part of this event, more than 40 activities will be carried out at four different locations, some of which are open to the general public.
"The festival will be held at four locations - the Vukovar Gymnasium, the Vučedol Culture Museum, the Vukovar City Museum, and the "Lavoslav Ružička" College in Vukovar, where all fans of science and those involved in it, depending on age, will be able to expand their knowledge of life because it is the central theme of this year’s Science Festival. We have a lot of activities this year, the first year of the festival in Vukovar. I must admit that when we started the event, we thought that there would only be three or four registered activities", said Dean Sudarić.
The Vukovar Festival is the result of cooperation between the Vukovar Gymnasium, the Vučedol Culture Museum, the City Museum in Vukovar, and the Lavoslav Ružička College in hopes that Vukovar will receive its place on the map of the Festival and become part of this scientific event, says Sudarić.
For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.
April 21, 2022 - Đakovo is one of the hosting cities of the Ghetto Games Euroleague, a unique street football tournament. It was established as part of the "Medicines for Europe's Ghettos" initiative, with the main idea being the use of street sports as "medicine" for underdeveloped areas in Eruope.
It is supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ program in cooperation with some of the largest street sports organisations in Eruope, including Ghetto Games from Latvia, DGI from Denmark, Fryshusetfrom Sweden, Malta BMX from Malta and the Estonian Street Sports Federation.
As Glas Slavonije writes, the Croatian portion of the tournament will take place at Strossmayer Square in Đakovo, starting on Friday, 22 April at 5 pm. The competition itself takes place in a cage (which is approximately 18 meters long and 10 meters wide), and three such cages will be ready for the competition. Two age groups are participating in the competition, one including ages 16+ and the other focusing on those younger than 16. There will also be a special category for girls/women. As for the entertainment aspect, a competition with the best eight freestylers from this part of Europe is planned. Online qualifications have taken place for this part of the tournament. Additionally, there will be a "1 v 1" competition in a specialized cage, smaller than the others.
The tournament is held in nine other EU cities (Amsterdam, Budapest, Prague, Copenhagen, Berlin, Warsaw, Rome…), which means that Đakovo has now taken a spot on this prestige list as one of the great ones. The arrival of numerous sports participants, clubs, players and influencers from Slavonia is expected. The competition will be live streamed worldwide, and the event will be broadcast on many channels on social networks.
The partners include the EU, Ghetto Games, the City of Đakovo, the Tourist Board of the City of Đakovo, as well as Rafael Spajić, the man who brought Ghetto Games to Đakovo in the first place, after having played street football for over 17 years.
For more, check out our lifestyle section.
April 6, 2022 – On Saturday, April 9, the annual Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon will be held, with a range of events for professional and recreational athletes alike.
As SiB writes, the citizens' race and relay race will start at 10.00 am on Ante Starčević Square, while children's races will start at 5.00 pm on the promenade of the upper Drava coast, west of the winter port. A press conference was held yesterday on the central city square in Osijek, the Ante Starčević Square, at which the 18th Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon was announced, a traditional event that will this year take place on Saturday, April 9.
This is the largest and most visited race in the Slavonia and Baranja region, which has been held since 2005 and brings together many athletes, recreationists, and other citizens who want to enjoy running through the streets of Osijek. In addition to the half marathon (21.1 kilometers), there is also a 5km citizens’ race "Are you running, lega?", as well as the men's, women's, and mixed relay races of 3 x 7 kilometres and children's races from 300 meters to 1 kilometer. The organizer of the event is the Marathon Club Hrvatski Sokol from Osijek, and the sponsors are the Osijek-Baranja County, the City of Osijek, the Tourist Board of the City of Osijek, and the Croatian Red Cross.
"The pandemic finally allowed us to gather in large numbers and continue to socialize outdoors through running, cycling, walking, and other sports. I urge our citizens to come to the race because the contemporary lifestyle means a lot of sitting and using cars or public transport, so we need to practice sports. I am sure that everyone who runs the race for the first time will be excited for the next Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon," said the prefect Ivan Anušić.
The citizens' race and the relay race will be starting at 10.00 am on Ante Starčević Square, while the children's races will start at 5.00 pm on the promenade of the upper Drava coast, west of the winter port. More than 1,250 competitors have already registered, not only from Croatia but from 10 other countries (USA, Sweden, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon is not just a sporting event, but a combination of sports, entertainment, culture, and tourism, and contributes to the branding of Osijek. What is especially enriching about this event is that not only athletes but also recreational athletes take part, and even more so that children do. The city will continue to support this event", said the mayor of Osijek Ivan Radić.
He added that Osijek cares about its athletes and sports facilities and that this year Osijek will acquire a real Olympic swimming pool (at the Copacabana pools) for the first time, as well as introduce scholarships for athletes of the 5th and 6th categories while striving to raise sports and recreation to a higher level.
The Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon is an event that has been organized by the Marathon Club Hrvatski Sokol since the first race. The Club entered into a partnership with Ferivi & Co d.o.o. in 2008. and the race has since been called the Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon. Last year, the event had a record number of participants and outstanding accompanying content.
To read more about sports in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
18 March 2022 - Spring is on the horizon! Ceremonies and events are slowly but surely moving outdoors and since TCN already covered “Five Places You Must Visit During Spring in Croatia”, this is a look into what festivities in Eastern Slavonia are happening during the new season.
Firstly, we need to start with the biggest city of Eastern Slavonia - Osijek. As usual, the greenest city in Croatia has various events that can fulfill any person's preferences: from music, film, theater, and traditional events to sports and other activities that include all of citizens and guests. Since there is no shortage of events this spring season, we had to single out a few that will happen soon. It doesn't hurt to mention again that Osijek is going to host the 29th Porin Music Awards on the 25th of March. For more details, check the article here.
Antiques Fair, (Photo:Okusi sreće by Pavica/Facebook)
Antiques Fair - 2nd of April
The citizens of Osijek love their culture and heritage so it’s not surprising that the Antiques Fair is one the most popular events in the city. From old gramophone records to lost books and masterpieces from local unknown artists, this festivity is for everyone. Excitement as you pass by a sea of stalls that potentially contain a lost “treasure”? It is guaranteed only at the Osijek Antique Fair that is usually held on the first Saturday every month in the Old Town of the city - Tvrđa. However, the next Antique Fair will be held in King Držislav Park near the famous urban statue The Shell (Školjka) on the 2nd of April. The Park is located just across from Tvrđa, so it is not hard to find it. You can check for more here.
Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon (Photo Osječki Ferivi Polumaraton/Facebook)
18th Osijek Ferivi Half marathon - 9th of April 2022
This event, as the name suggests, will take place in Osijek, with four different races included: a half marathon (21.1 km), relay (3 x 7 km), citizens’ race (5 km), and a race for the youngest - children. These events will be accompanied by a music festival, instrumental, dance, and singing groups with a goal to entertain the visitors and competitors. Since its foundation, Osijek Ferivi Half Marathon has had an increase in the number of participants every single year and it’s becoming one of the biggest sporting events in Osijek and its surroundings. If you’re interested, the application is still open for everyone - it doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or casual, everyone is welcome!
Craft Beer Festival in Osijek (Photo: Osijek CRAFT BEER Festival/Facebook)
Craft Beer Festival - sometime in May (to be determined)
How can Spring pass in Osijek without an event for beer lovers? In the last decades, Osijek has become a center for beer connoisseurs, not only in Eastern Slavonia but for beer enthusiasts all over Croatia. This fact is not surprising at all if we take into account that Osijek is also a center of multiple small breweries that produce various types of beers which have become iconic for this part of Croatia. Craft Beer Festival has been held last year during June but this year it’s probably coming back to its original date in May. We still don’t know the exact date. Nevertheless, the event will come back to the famous so-called “beer street” - Sun Street (Sunčana Ulica). For updates check their Facebook page.
If you’re interested in breweries in Osijek, check an article from our intern Toni.
After Osijek, we go further East and present cities of Vinkovci and Vukovar. Two historical Slavonian cities have a lot to offer with the support of surrounding small towns and their own events that enrich the lives of locals in Vukovar - Srijem County.
Flower Festival in Vukovar (Photo: Miroslav Slafhauzer/Turistička zajednica grada Vukovara)
Flower Festival - end of the April
Flower Festivals are a common event in Slavonia (we already had one in Osijek during Women’s Day). At the end of April every year, a Flower Festival is held in the center of Vukovar which brings together local and regional plant growers, florists, arrangers, related craftsmen, and lovers of flowers and ornamental plants. The Fair has sort of an exhibition and sales character which gives a completely different, colorful, and warmer look to the center of Vukovar. This event is also an overture for marking City Day.
Svi zaJedno Hrvatsko Naj Festival in 2019 (Photo: svizajedno.eu/Galerija)
Svi zaJedno hrvatsko naj - cultural and tourist event - part of Vukovar City Day, 3rd of May
This festival is fairly new - it was firstly held in 2018, as a part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the first Croatian festival to present protected Croatian intangible cultural heritage on the national and UNESCO list with the most attractive tourist events, attractions, and destinations from all over Croatia. During the event, visitors have a chance of exploring various manifestations held all over Croatia by tasting autochthonous Croatian dishes and enjoying the offer of the best Croatian wines. Of course, what would be a Slavonian event without traditional music and dance groups? For more details, you can check their website.
"Motorijada" in 2021 (Moto Klub Županja/Facebook)
Motorijada by Moto Club Županja - 10th of April
Motorijada (Moto Race) is an event that is organized by Moto Clubs all over Croatia. Motorcycle enthusiasts organize these events to promote, among other things, motorsports and use this opportunity to meet with their fellow motorcycle buddies. This April, Moto Club Županja is organizing the 16th Opening of Moto Season of Vukovar - Srijem County with the aim of drawing the attention of other road users to the presence and safety of motorcyclists in the traffic. They will start their tour in the village Rajevo Selo and go through multiple towns in Vukovar - Srijem County with the ending in the host city - Županja. Everyone is invited and if you’re a motorcycle enthusiast or just love looking at the motors, this is a great event to visit. For more information, check their Facebook page.
Logo of the Festival (photo: Festival Glumca/Facebook)
Actor’s Festival - all cities of Vukovar - Srijem County, 13 - 22 May
The festival was founded in 1994 by the Croatian Society of Dramatic Artists and Vukovar - Srijem County and it is the only festival in Croatia dedicated to the actor and their artistic work. Today, this event has grown into a festival that brings chamber and large ensemble performances to the audience. If you’re interested in the festival full of character, good acting, acting personality, talent, and originality, visit Vukovar - Srijem County from 13th to 22nd May this year. Every city will have its appropriate events surrounding this festival. For more, check their official website.
Petrovačko Zvono event few years ago (photo: savezrusina.hr)
Petrovačko Zvono - sometime in June, 49th edition
Rusyns are a national minority in Croatia with most of the residents residing in the village of Petrovci, which is located near Vukovar. Tradition, heritage, and constant maintenance of their culture for more than 40 years made this event one the most important in Vukovar - Srijem County. Rusyns from all over Croatia and other countries, visit Petrovci to connect to their fellow Rusyn people. They have a strong connection to Ukraine and their people, so if you’re nearby, visit this event, learn about the traditions of the people who’ve chosen Croatia as their home, and enjoy Petrovačko Zvono and its celebration of their heritage. For more details, you can visit their website here.
This is it for now. There are a lot more events that need mentioning, however, this article won’t be enough. TCN will bring you stories from some of these events and part two of places to visit in Eastern Slavonia is already on the way. Stay tuned!
Make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
September the 18th, 2021 - The Zagreb Fair (Zagrebacki Velesajam) has been the ''place to be'' over the last few months to get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus. A ban issued by the National Civil Protection Directorate on the holding of events and fairs put a dampener on everything the facility was previously used for. That is all finally set to change as the Zagreb Fair begins playing host to the fair and event industry once again.
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes, following the recently made decision from the Croatian Civil Protection Directorate on lifting the ban on the holding of business fairs and indoor events, which came into force yesterday, finally lifting the eighteen month ban on this activity, the Zagreb Fair announced that in the coming days they will announce the schedule of this location's events until the end of the year.
"Following the decision, the final dates for various fair/event projects of the Zagreb Fair until the end of 2021 will be announced in the coming days. In order to safely hold fairs and protect the health of all participants, the Zagreb Fair has prepared the organisation of upcoming projects with the epidemiological measures currently in force in mind, including the implementation of recommendations for health and safety according to the instructions of the National Civil Protection Directorate and the Croatian Institute of Public Health,'' they announced from the Zagreb Fair.
According to unofficial announcements from their website, this year, Inova, Art Fair, CroAgro and the Fair of Food and Healthy Living will all be held there.
It has been announced that they're also prepared for the wildly popular Interliber to take place, which draws visitors from all over the country, but concrete details on that are yet to be revealed.
For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.
23 June 2021 - Dubrovnik digital nomads recently had a chance to enjoy one of the city's most breathtaking event venues - the Karaka event ship.
We covered the first-ever digital nomad in residence program that took place in Dubrovnik during May. The Dubrovnik Digital Nomads-in-Residence program was designed by Saltwater Nomads in partnership with Total Croatia News and with plenty of help from the City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik Tourist Board. For more about it and Zagreb digital nomad program, check out our dedicated page.
One of the highlights of the entire program in Dubrovnik was the presentation of the design thinking workshops' results. Yes, it was an important point of the entire effort, but it also took place in one of the most magical settings in Dubrovnik – Karaka.
Karaka is a beautiful replica of a 16th-century wooden merchant ship of the Dubrovnik Republic. The quality and craftsmanship involved in creating it are enough to make you stop and stare. When seeing Karaka sailing into Dubrovnik's historical port, you can't help but reach for your camera. Of course, she's not just about looks. In fact, Karaka is a top-quality event & special products ship.
The ship offers full catering and features outside decks in two levels. There are also two levels of the indoor restaurant area. Options are endless on Karaka as most spaces can be quickly converted between dining areas to presentational areas or entertainment venues. Powerful Wi-Fi, plenty of electrical outlets, and some onboard A/V equipment make life easy for event organisers. Aside from that, Karaka is a very sea-worthy vessel. With an experienced captain at the helm and a dedicated crew, no distance is too big and no port too far for Karaka.
It is very popular for product launches, small cocktail parties, gala dinners, weddings, family celebrations, and various themed events (with pirate and Game of Thrones themes being the most popular). The latest high-profile event was the product launch of Croatian electric “hypercar” – Rimac Nevera. So, it is hardly surprising Karaka has seen its share of rich and famous gracing its decks like Benicio del Torro or Mickey Rourke. But, you don’t have to be rich to come aboard. There are regular boat tours organised with Karaka as well. These amazing adventures cruising around the picture-perfect islands of the Dubrovnik archipelago are sure to leave you with lasting memories.
Weddings on the Karaka are absolutely spectacular. Dubrovnik is a renowned wedding destination. It only makes sense destination wedding organisers often choose Karaka as their preferred venue for intimate ceremonies or after-parties. Tying the knot on such an impressive vessel overlooking one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe is a wonderful way to start the married life.
Options abound when it comes to Karaka. Simply seeing it in the port is a treat. But, seeing the world from its wooden decks is a time-traveling experience. With a highly skilful and efficient team managing it, you will make the right choice by choosing Karaka for your next Dubrovnik business or private event. Explore more on Karaka’s official website and get full information on the options and contact details.
For more on Digital Nomads in Croatia, click here
For those looking for travel news, follow our travel section.
ZAGREB, 16 May, 2021 - The 26th "Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri" book fair will take place in Pula, Istria County on 4-13 June under the slogan "Where are we?", organisers announced earlier this week.
This year's edition will overflow with poetry and music, organisers said, thanks to 15 poets led by Petar Gudelj who will appear before the public accompanied by musicians led by jazz trumpeter Branko Sterpin.
The fair will feature the traditional "Breakfast with the author" programme and a new one, called "The new faces of Pula".
Participating in the fair for the first time are writers Svetislav Basara, Želimir Periš, Ivana Bodrožić, Magdalena Blažević, Tanja Stupar-Trifunović, Ena Katarina Haller and Ivica Đikić.
Another novelty will see Zagreb Croatian National Theatre actors reciting the verses of contemporary Croatian women poets.
For more news about lifestyle in Croatia, click TCN's dedicated page.
For more news about Croatia, CLICK HERE.
May 15, 2021 -The Ruđer Bošković Institute of Science (IRB), the top science facility in Croatia, is hosting a public event. Despite the event being online, the educational and entertaining side of the 17-year-old manifestation won't go amiss.
With the pandemic still causing havoc, events happen either with a limited number of visitors or in the virtual world. And with Ruđer Bošković Science Institute (IRB) being both socially responsible and brilliant in using modern technologies in the best possible matter - chose the latter. The doors of the Ruđer Bošković Science Insitute, from May 18th until May 22nd, unlike previous years, will not be as open as they were before for the public, but the scientific platforms which will be launched on the ODI2021 website aim to ensure an educational and fun experience.
The doors will be open to ''children of all ages, their parents, teachers, students, professors and everyone with a curious and open mind and an adventurous spirit“, IRB stated, welcoming people to join the platform in the description of their Facebook event announcement.
All the content will be available on social media under the following hashtags: #odi2021hibrid, #odi2021, and #istraziplatforme.
Additionally, you can follow the event on Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Ruđer Bošković, painted by R. Edge Pine in London, 1760 © public domain
The Ruđer Bošković Institute is named after Ruđer Bošković, a famous Croatian scientist and philosopher (May 18, 1711, in Dubrovnik - February 13, 1787, in Milan).
The online edition of the Croatian Encyclopedia describes Ruđer Bošković as a universal mind that enrolled in various branches of science, was an excellent mathematician, and even a writer, and a poet who also dealt with practical problems such as swamp drainages and more.
''Bošković was the first person in the history of science to introduce the method of the equation of measurement by setting up two conditions that P.S Laplace later explained in a mathematical form, which is why it's called Laplace's method (in recent times it has been referred to as the Bošković.Laplace method)“, according to the Croatian Encyclopedia.
As Biografija.hr states, the IRB Institute was established back in 1950 and was originally focused on atomic physics. Today, however, IRB is the largest scientific research institution in all of Croatia.
''With its size, scientific productivity, international recognition in research, and the quality of scientific personnel and research equipment, it's the leading scientific institution for nature and biomedical sciences, as well as in the research of the sea and the environment“, says the IRB website.
© Ratko Mavar / Institut Ruđer Bošković
The aforementioned success and recognition saw the Ruđer Bošković Institute's open door day, which has been being held since back in 2004, and attracts huge public attention. Three thousand people attended the event back in 2019, making it an excellent opportunity to popularise and introduce science to people of all ages, in the hope society will appreciate scientists' hard work more on the one hand, and attract new generations to pursue scientific or research careers on the other.
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