Sunday, 18 July 2021

Goran Ivanišević Tennis Hall of Fame Induction Speech: "This is a Dream Come True"

July 18, 2021 - The Goran Ivanišević Tennis Hall of Fame induction speech was done in Goran fashion, with a touch of humor, a lot of emotion, and paid tribute to everything Croatia has given him. 

"This is a dream come true," said Wimbledon winner Goran Ivanišević to conclude his speech at a ceremony in Newport, Rhode Island, where the 49-year-old from Split became the first Croat to be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Along with Ivanišević, Conchita Martinez, the first Spaniard to win the Wimbledon title in 1994, was inducted into the 2020 Hall of Fame at the same ceremony.

From the 2021 generation, this honor was given to the "Original 9", nine players led by Billie Jean King, who were the pioneers of the fight for equal status and rights between tennis players and the founders of today's WTA Tour, and posthumously included in the Hall of Fame coach and educator Dennis Van der Meer known by the nickname “Teacher of teachers.”

Goran was introduced to the company of tennis immortals by his boy idol John McEnroe. The medal of a member of the International Hall of Fame was hung around his neck by the president of this organization and its member Stan Smith.

"I love Goran Ivanišević, and I am immensely excited to be able to bring into the Hall of Fame someone who can be said to have been crazier on the court than I was. I played against Goran a lot of times, I watched and commented on his matches many times, and I have to say he always kept me on the edge of my seat because I never knew what would happen next, and I’m not sure he knew either. His unpredictability is one of the reasons why we loved him and why it was so hard to play against him. What he did on the court, Goran did in his own way. It would certainly be good to have such players in tournaments ... I am proud to present my friend and a new member of the International Hall of Fame," said John McEnroe, introducing Goran to the Hall of Fame. 

"I don't think I'm crazier than you, but I'm very close. I love you, I love your tennis, you are the reason why I started playing tennis and - yes, I beat you many times," said Goran to open his speech.

He thanked the representatives of "Original 9" for initiating changes in tennis and for their courage. He said that there is no "better and more pleasant person" than Conchita Martinez to be inducted with. 

"42 years ago, I started this trip from the small town of Split in Croatia, and today it will end in Newport. Along the way, I have to thank some people with whom I went through good and bad moments, ups and downs," Goran said before listing the names of all his coaches, "because they helped him become the player he was."

"Laci Kačer, Mek Ercegović, Zoran Ilić, Niki Pilić, Boško Čavka, Balasz Taroczy, Mario Tudor, Vedran Martić and, most importantly for me, Bob Brett who is no longer with us, but proud of me up there."

Then he remembered his teammates and members of the Davis Cup national teams.

"I had the honor to play for two countries, first for Yugoslavia and then for Croatia. First, I will mention Bob Živojinović and captain Radmilo Armenulić, who helped me a lot on the Yugoslavia team. From my Croatia team, coaches Željko Franulović and Niki Pilić, Goran Prpić, Bruno Orešar, Ivan Ljubičić, Mario Ančić, Saša Hiršzon, Igor Šarić and Ivo Karlović. We played together, laughed, and won the Davis Cup in 2005."

He also thanked all the players he met on the ATP Tour.

"Some of them ruined my life. Nearly. They all made me a better player, and that’s why I’m here today."

Thanks were also given to Goran's friends, who believed in him even when it was impossible, who raised him when he despaired, and who always had nice words for him.

Goran's fans also got a special place.

"It was not easy to be my fan," said Ivanišević with plenty of laughter from the audience.

"It was frustrating, it was sad, probably a lot of people got divorced because of me. But one thing is for sure - it was fun to be my fan."

Journalists also received their share of gratitude.

"We had fun, we often did not agree, but there was mutual respect," he said, and he singled out one special person from the crowd, who accompanied him as a ten-year-old - Neven Bertičević.

"Neven, thank you for every wonderful word you have written about me."

A special space in gratitude was given to those who sacrificed the most for the career of the new Hall of Fame resident - father Srdjan and mother Gorana.

"The two most important people in my career - mom and dad. Two people sacrificed their health, careers, and time and gave me unconditional love to succeed. Mom and Dad, there are no words I can thank you for, nor can I do anything to thank you for all you have done for me. If I had to go through this trip again, I would choose you for mom and dad again, and we would go together again. I love you and thank you for everything."

He also thanked his children: Oliver, who is "too young to know who his father is, but loves him," and Emanuel and Amber, who are big enough and "feel proud of what their father has achieved."

Then it was his wife's turn.

"When I was starting to be good (tennis player), she was still a girl. She didn’t know about me, nor did she know anything about tennis. Twenty-something years later, she stands here extremely proud and beautiful. Thank you for your support and love."


Goran has not forgotten the people responsible for his historical success, which made him a tennis legend.

"I thank the Wimbledon committee for awarding me the invitation. I don’t know if they did a good job and if they regret it, but thank you, guys - if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here now. It was a good decision."

In the end, Goran left thanks to "one city and one country."

"My hometown of Split - a city that has given so many wonderful people and wonderful athletes. The city gave me the most beautiful and safest childhood, where I could become a tennis player as I am today and as I was. Everything I built through my career, I brought from that city and became the man I am today. To my country. You know, we are a small country with a big heart. We never stop believing. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but I’ve never stopped believing. For the first time in my life, I can say that I am proud of myself."

In the end, he remembered the company that faithfully followed him on the road to his greatest achievement at Wimbledon in 2001.

"Boys, you made me proud. We did things our way, harder, but it was our way. But only I go inside. You can come and visit me, but I deserved to come in," said Goran with a standing ovation from the audience and concluded:

"This is the end. This is a dream come true."

Source: HRT

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Friday, 9 July 2021

20th Anniversary: Goran Ivanišević Wins Wimbledon On this Day in 2001!

July 9, 2021- Goran Ivanišević wins Wimbledon on this day 20 years ago! 

July 9, 2001, is one of the biggest days in Croatian sports history. One that most Croats will remember for the rest of their lives. 

Until that July 9, 2001, when he used his fourth match point for the final 9:7, Goran played the final match of the cult London tournament three times, and left the Central Court in disappointment every time: in 1992, he lost to Agassi, and in 1994 and 1998 to Pete Sampras. Few expected anything from a player who arrived at the tournament by invitation, was the 125th player in the world, and at the end of his career.

According to his position in the ATP rankings, he did not even deserve to play in the main part of the tournament without passing the qualifications. Still, because of the good old days and everything he gave to Wimbledon, he received an invitation. 

Although no one believed in Goran, a miracle happened, probably the greatest in the entire history of the sport.


Through the Swede Jonsson, Carlos Moya, Andy Roddick, and Greg Rusedski, he reached the quarterfinals where he defeated Marat Safin, while his opponent in the semifinals, Tim Henman, defeated Roger Federer, who made a sensation earlier by beating Sampras. Second seed Andre Agassi fell in the second semi-final to Patrick Rafter, and Goran had to play for the final in a hostile atmosphere in front of an audience that had been waiting for decades for the Briton to lift the Wimbledon trophy.

After a three-day fight and five sets, Ivanišević won his fourth chance against the Australian who was preparing for his second consecutive final.

They played a memorable match with a never-before-seen atmosphere. John McEnroe said after the match that it was the best final he had ever watched. Rafter was more agile, but Goran was more powerful, and they both fought for every point. Ivanišević was finally at 8:7 to win and end a decade of frustration and pain. After two double faults and an excellent reaction from his opponent in the third match point, Ivanišević served for the fourth time, and Rafter hit the net.

After three hours of tense fighting, tears of joy streamed down Goran's face. It was a drama that had everything, a boy's dream come true, three defeats in the finals, a great success at the very end of his career, entering the final by invitation despite all expectations, a five-set match and, to make the drama even bigger, two double faults on the match point.


On July 10, 2001, over 100,000 fans welcomed him in Split. 

“Wimbledon champion Goran Ivanisevic received a hero's welcome when he returned to Croatia on Tuesday. More than 100,000 people in Ivanisevic's hometown of Split flocked to the city's main waterfront to celebrate his remarkable five-set win over Australian Pat Rafter in Monday's final. Ivanisevic flew into his hometown of Split at around 1800BST in a private plane provided by Slavica Ecclestone, the Croatian wife of Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone. He then boarded a ship that took him to his final destination in the harbour, where prominent athletes and celebrities greeted him for a party to be capped by a firework display. However, the champion is definitely in need of some sleep in order to find out if he is still dreaming,” wrote the BBC on July 10, 2001. 


Source: Dalmacija Danas

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Friday, 26 June 2020

Goran Ivanisevic Tests Positive for Coronavirus

June 26, 2020 - After two negative test results, Goran Ivanisevic has tested positive for the coronavirus. The former tennis player and Adria Tour Zadar director is in self-isolation, and is said to have milder symptoms and feels well.

Dalmatinski Portal writes that in addition to being in constant contact with Novak Djokovic, Goran Ivanisevic was with the tennis players and participants of the Adria Tour in Zadar.

"Unfortunately, after two negative tests in the last 10 days, I just found out the results of today's third test and it is positive for COVID-19. I feel good and have no symptoms. I want to inform everyone who has been in contact with me that I am COVID-positive and ask them to take all necessary steps to protect themselves and their loved ones. I will continue to self-isolate as I have been doing already. I wish everyone who got infected a speedy recovery," Ivanisevic wrote on Instagram.

The drama started just a few minutes before the final of the Adria Tour in Zadar between Djokovic and Rublev was to take place on Sunday. However, Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dimitrov, who also played in Zadar, announced on Instagram that he was positive for the coronavirus. The final was canceled and participants were tested.

Apart from Dimitrov, Croatian national team player Borna Coric and Serbian tennis player Viktor Troicki also received positive results, as well as Marko Paniki, fitness coach of Novak Djokovic and Christian Groh, coach of Grigor Dimitrov.

The No. 1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, did not test with the others in Zadar, but in Belgrade. His result was positive. His wife Jelena is also positive, while their children's test results are negative. Novak's parents Srdjan and Dijana, as well as his uncle Srdjan, received negative results. His brother Đorđe, who was the director of the Adria Tour in Zadar, was tested in Croatia and was also negative.

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Thursday, 25 June 2020

Goran Ivanisevic Hits Back at Djokovic Critics Over Adria Tour

June 25, 2020 - Tournament director Goran Ivanisevic hits back at critics of Novak Djokovic after the coronavirus outbreak at the Adria Tour in Zadar.

The final of the Adria Tour in Zadar was canceled when it was learned that Bulgarian player Grigor Dimitrov tested positive for the coronavirus. Panic ensued, and the tournament could not go on. Everyone who was there was asked to be tested.

Among those infected now are Croatian tennis player Borna Coric, as well as the Adria Tour tournament organizer and number one player in the world, Novak Djokovic, and his wife.

While some consider the main culprit Dimitrov, who kept silent that he wasn't feeling well and did not want to be tested, many are pointing the finger of guilt at Djokovic, who has been the target of severe attacks in recent days. Goran Ivanisevic, who was one of the directors of the tournament, also spoke out, and in conversation with Sportske Novosti, said that he was outraged by the number of attacks on Djokovic, as reported by T.portal.

"It is easy to be a general after a battle. Now everyone is very smart. A lot of them attack Novak, it’s very popular, as if they could hardly wait for his wrong move. He tried to do something big that had a humanitarian character after we were all imprisoned for three months," said Ivanisevic.

The legendary Croatian tennis player admits that the party in Belgrade was excessive and that they were carried away by the atmosphere. The parties were considered the source of the focus in Zadar, but Goran disagrees. 

"I can accept that we didn’t need it, but all the players are there for themselves. No one forced anyone to come to that club, no one was forced to dance or take off their T-shirts," says Ivanisevic and adds: "Again, how can anyone say that the infection started from there? Marco Panichi, Novak’s fitness trainer, wasn’t even at the party. I was with him in Belgrade every day for almost two weeks, and he tested positive, while I tested negative twice. Can anyone explain that to me? Or that Miljan Amanovic, Novak's physiotherapist, treated Grigor Dimitrov's elbow in Zadar, more than once, and his test was negative?"

Ivanisevic also revealed why Zadar is the main topic, and there are fewer cases of infection there than in other places.

"Zadar is 'attractive' because the most famous ones tested positive there, so now everyone would like to score some points. That's how it goes, and it doesn't matter that there are fewer people infected than in some other cities in Croatia," says Ivanisevic.

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Thursday, 18 June 2020

Novak Djokovic Enjoying Zadar Ahead of Adria Tour

June 17, 2020 - The No. 1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, arrived in Zadar on Tuesday ahead of the Adria Tour humanitarian tournament. 

"I have been all over Croatia, but I have never been to Zadar, and I am looking forward to meeting Zadar and the people here and all the participants of the Adria Tour. I am very excited and happy to have the opportunity to visit Zadar as part of the Adria Tour, and then a few more locations in the region," Djokovic said upon his arrival, revealing that he did not know that Zadar was Luka Modric's hometown.

It didn't take long for Djokovic to dip into the local mindset, as he was filmed at training at a Zadar beach. 

"Mother Nature's Gym," he shared on Facebook with a short video. The post even prompted a reaction from American football legend Tom Brady - "The best!"

Slobodna Dalmacija reports that the final preparations are underway for the Adria Tour. The main court, which boasts room for nine thousand spectators, will be filled to half capacity to meet COVID-19 measures.

Tournament participants include world no. 1 Novak Djokovic, German star Alexander Zverev, and Gregori Dimitrov from Bulgaria, as well as Croatian Davis Cup national team members Marin Cilic and Borna Coric.

It has been known for a long time that Dominic Thiem, Austria's best tennis player, will not come to Visnjik, so there are three vacancies left. One spot should be filled by Felix Auger Aliasiemm, and the seventh participant will be obtained after the final of the HEP tournament. 

Yesterday, Novak trained with Borna Coric at the tennis courts of TK Zadar 08 in the bay Drosanjica, which was followed by a line of eager fans waiting for an autograph. It was also on these courts that Borna took his first tennis steps, as his grandmother lives nearby.

After training, the great Nole signed the club's bulletin board and thus left his historical mark on a humble Zadar tennis court.

Although he did not appear on the central ground of the Visnjik Sports Center, Zverev did his training at the Falkensteiner & Spa Hotel Iadera in Petrcane. Just after noon on Tuesday, Zverev stayed with the Djokovic family on the luxury yacht Asha, and sailed together to the Kornati National Park on Wednesday morning.

Goran Ivanisevic, tournament director for Adria Tour Croatia, aired his thoughts on the Adria Tour in Serbia, emphasizing that it was a tennis mega-spectacle and that he is convinced that things will be even better in Zadar.

"It is a real shame to miss the matches that await us in Zadar," said Ivanisevic, obviously satisfied with the fact that apart from Djokovic, a tennis player who conquered the world not only with his game but also with his sportsmanship and humanitarian efforts, the audience will admire the moves of other tennis stars. 

Only one question remains: "Are there any tickets left?"

The world is buzzing about the Adria Tour, as is evidenced by the fact that the scenes from Zadar will be broadcast to 110 countries on all continents.

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Thursday, 4 June 2020

Goran Ivanisevic: Adria Tour is a World Opportunity for Zadar and Croatia

June 4, 2020 - Organized by Novak Djokovic, the Adria Tour will be held in Zadar from June 20-21, 2020.

HRT HRT reports that for the first time in his prosperous career, Croatian tennis legend Goran Ivanisevic found himself in the role of a tournament director. Namely, Ivanisevic will help direct the Adria Tour, which will be held on June 20 and 21 in Zadar. The tournament is organized by the world's best tennis player Novak Djokovic, in cooperation with the Croatian Tennis Federation, and will bring together some of the biggest names in international tennis.

"The tournament will be played on clay, we were ready for concrete, but Novak's team still decided on clay. We are waiting for the final confirmation of the number of fans that will be allowed. It will be a stadium for nine thousand people that will be installed this week, and I hope that it will allow us half of that capacity for the audience to see these best players in the world," Ivanisevic pointed out and added:

"This is a world opportunity to show Zadar and Croatia in a beautiful light, as a corona-free country and we invite tourists. Zadar proved to be not only a basketball city but also a tennis city with the two Davis Cup matches that it organized incredibly. I do not doubt that this organization will go well and that all our guests and tennis players who come from abroad will be extremely satisfied."

Ivanisevic will also participate in the tournament as Djokovic's coach, a position he has held since last year.

Adria Tour was created on the initiative of the Serbian tennis star in order to promote sports, positive values and fair play, but also to raise funds for those who need it. The Adria Tour will be held in several countries, with Dominic Thiem, Alexander Zverev, Grigor Dimitrov playing alongside Djokovic, and the two best Croatian tennis players, Marin Cilic and Borna Coric, will also play in Zadar.

"Novak already had the idea to organize a 'tour' or a couple of exhibition matches in Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Croatia. It’s hard to organize, especially with the usual schedule of tennis players. This corona, no matter how much evil and misfortune it brought, made the 'Adria Tour' possible. Novak asked me how Croatia could get involved, I checked with the Croatian Tennis Federation and with their help we chose Zadar. Novak's wish has come true and with this team coming, I can say that this will be a tennis spectacle in the Balkans," said Ivanisevic about Djokovic's initiative.

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Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Goran Ivanisevic to be First Croatian Inducted into Tennis Hall of Fame!

January 28, 2020 -  Former World No. 2 tennis player Goran Ivanisevic will be inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame as part of its Class of 2020 on July 18 this year. 

24 Sata reports that the legendary Split tennis player Goran Ivanisevic, 48, will become the first Croatian to be admitted to the Hall of Fame, the organization announced on Monday.

“This is a great honor. I am proud and humbled to become the first Croatian in the Hall of Fame. I am grateful to the committee for choosing me as well as the fans who voted for me in the poll, but also those who have supported me throughout my career, especially the many fans in Croatia. I am honored and excited to be a Hall of Famer,” said Ivanisevic.

Ivanisevic played 599 ATP tour matches from 1991 to 2004 and won 22 titles. The whole tennis world remembers Ivanisevic winning Wimbledon in 2001 against Patrick Rafter as the 125th player in the world, and as a wildcard entry, in his fourth attempt in the final. Recall, Goran had lost in 1992, 1994, and 1998.

Ivanisevic is also a two-time 1992 Olympic bronze medalist (in singles and doubles with Goran Prpic). With him, Spanish tennis player Conchita Martínez (47), the Wimbledon winner of 1994, will also be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2020.

“We are thrilled to welcome Goran Ivanisevic and Conchita Martínez to the Hall of Fame,” Smith said. “Between their accomplishments on court and the way they’ve represented themselves, their countries, and our sport, they are undoubtedly among the best of the best in tennis and are most deserving of tennis’ ultimate honor,” said International Hall of Fame President Stan Smith.

Ivanisevic is currently a part of 16-time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic’s coaching team. The Croatian joined Djokovic's team last year before Wimbledon.

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Friday, 4 October 2019

Goran Ivanisevic Fan Favorite for 2020 Tennis Hall of Fame

October 4, 2019 - After five weeks of voting by tennis enthusiasts from 120 countries, legendary Croatian tennis player Goran Ivanisevic collected the most votes from fans to enter the Tennis Hall of Fame, which would earn him an additional three percentage points in the election.

Splitski Dnevnik writes that of the four nominees, the Croatian tennis legend and 2001 Wimbledon winner finished first, garnering the largest number of fan votes.

“Croatia’s Goran Ivanisevic’s serve-and-volley style of play led him to great success on the grass courts of Wimbledon where he was a quarterfinalist once, semifinalist twice, and finalist three times, before winning the title in 2001. That year, ranked world No. 125, the big-serving lefty was granted a wildcard into the tournament. In a magical run to the trophy, he knocked out three players who were former or future world No. 1s en route to a five-set battle with Patrick Rafter in the final. Ivanišević is a two-time Olympic medalist, having won a singles bronze and doubles bronze, both in 1992,” the International Hall of Fame wrote for Goran’s nomination. 

Spanish contender Conchita Martínez finished second in the fan vote, Sweden’s Jonas Bjorkman finished third, while Sergi Bruguera finished fourth.

For winning the fan vote, Ivanisevic will receive three bonus percentage points on his results from the official voting panel comprised of journalists, historians and the Hall of Fame members. Martinez will get two bonus points and Bjorkman one.

To be elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame, a candidate must receive at least 75% of the official panel’s votes and bonus points earned through fan votes. 

The final voting results will be announced in January 2020 during the Australian Open and the selected candidate will be listed in the Hall of Fame on July 18 next year, at a special ceremony during the final weekend of the Hall of Fame Open in Newport.

"In today's digital world, sports fans know more about athletes than ever before. Because of this, it makes sense to give them a voice when determining who will be the recipient of the highest tennis honor. With votes coming from more than 120 countries, we are delighted that many tennis fans have accepted the fan vote,” said the International Tennis Hall of Fame Director Todd Martin.

So far, 257 tennis greats from 26 countries have been admitted to the International Tennis Hall of Fame, including legends such as Andre Agassi, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, John McEnroe, Bjorn Borg, and. Martina Hingis.

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Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Goran Ivanišević Nominated for Tennis Hall of Fame Ballot

August 22, 2019 - For the second year in a row, Croatian tennis legend Goran Ivanišević has been nominated to join the International Tennis Hall of Fame, reports HRT and the International Tennis Hall of Fame. 

In the class of 2020, his contenders will be Spaniard Sergi Bruguera, Swede Jonas Bjorkman, and the only Spanish candidate, Conchita Martinez, the institution's headquarters announced on Wednesday. 

“Throughout their careers, Conchita Martinez, Sergi Bruguera, Jonas Bjorkman, and Goran Ivanišević have systematically demonstrated their commitment to excellence. As a result, they have achieved the highest level, winning Grand Slam titles, Olympic medals, triumphs in the Davis and Fed Cups and winning top positions on the ATP and WTA lists. They have represented their countries and their sport very well, and it is my pleasure to announce their nomination for the highest honor - induction to the International Tennis Hall of Fame,” said President of the institution, Stan Smith.

All candidates are nominated for the second time, and this is the penultimate of the three opportunities to be listed among the immortals of tennis and greats that made the sport globally one of the most popular today.

The charismatic Split native and the 2001 Wimbledon winner also won two 1992 Olympic bronze medals in Barcelona. During his career, Goran Ivanišević managed to reach 2nd place in the individual ATP rankings, and in 2020, he will have a slightly easier competition than this year's elections, when China's Na Li, France's Mary Pierce and Russia's Yevgeny Kafelnikov were listed in the Hall of Fame.

Sergi Bruguera is a two-time Roland Garros winner (1993 and 1994) and silver medalist at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, with a career-best third place in the ATP ranking. 

Jonas Bjorkman has a complete collection of Grand Slam titles in men's doubles, while in the singles he was a semifinalist at the US Open and Wimbledon. In doubles, he reached the top of the ATP ladder, and in the individual competition, he made it to No. 4. 

The only female candidate, Conchita Martinez, the 1994 Wimbledon winner, won a total of 33 singles and 13 doubles trophies. She has been a five-time member of the Spanish national team that won the Fed Cup and has three Olympic medals in the women's doubles competition. She was also a finalist in the singles competition at the Australian Open and Roland Garros.

Now that the ballot has been set for the Class of 2020, it will go before the ITHF Player Voting Group, which is comprised of tennis media, historians, and Hall of Famers. Additionally, tennis fans across the globe are encouraged to voice their opinions about who is deserving of Hall of Fame induction by taking part in the Fan Vote. Fan Voting will open on Monday, August 26 at, and run through September 29.

The top three vote-getters in the Fan Vote will earn bonus percentage points added to their result from the ITHF Player Voting Group. First place will receive 3 bonus percentage points, second place will receive 2, and third place will receive a bonus of 1 percentage point. To be elected into the Hall of Fame, a candidate must receive an affirmative vote of 75% or more from the Player Voting Group result or a combined total of 75% or more from the Player Voting Group result and any bonus percentage points they earn through the Fan Vote.

Goran Ivanišević was second last year, behind Li Na, but did not garner enough electorate votes.

The results of Fan Voting will be announced at the conclusion of the voting period in late September. The overall results and the complete Induction Class of 2020 will be announced in January. The 2020 Induction Ceremony will be hosted on July 18, 2020, in Newport, RI.

Located in Newport, Rhode Island, the International Tennis Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting the history of tennis and celebrating its greatest champions. Since its inception in 1954, the honor of Hall of Fame Induction has been granted to 257 great champions and contributors to the sport from 24 different nations.

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Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Goran Ivanišević and Novak Djokovic Continue Working Together in Spain

While a collaboration between these two tennis aces was speculated for a long time, just before the start of Wimbledon, Goran Ivanišević joined the team of Novak Djokovic, the current best tennis player in the world. 

After training Marin Čilić, Tomas Berdych and Milos Raonić, the celebrated Croatian tennis player began working with the Serbian tennis player who has now won 16 Grand Slam tournaments, just behind record-holder Roger Federer.

"It was strange, a bit of an unexpected call, and it surprised me, as I was just traveling to Sweden. I finished that yesterday and came to my first training session today. I will only be able to be here for one week, because I have obligations I am trying to postpone,” Ivanišević said back in June.

Ivanišević was meant to stay with Djoković only for the first week of Wimbledon, before returning to Umag where he is the director and ambassador of the Croatia Open ATP tournament. 

“However, when Novak Djokovic calls you, that's a big deal. It is great recognition for me as a trainer because he does not just choose anyone he likes or doesn’t like. If you can help him, he’ll choose you. I am glad that Vajda agrees with that. I hope it will last,” he added.

Thankfully, whatever time Ivanišiević managed to give Novak was enough, as the Serbian player went on to win Wimbledon just a few weeks ago in a marathon final against Roger Federer. 

During the Croatia Open in Umag, Ivanišević announced that the two tennis greats would continue cooperating, reports HRT on July 31, 2019.

“I heard from him, he is still deciding which tournaments he will play in this summer, but as things stand, I remain on the team, so after the US Open we will see what we will do next,” Ivanišević said at the time.

And now, the Croatian tennis player continues collaborating with the world's best in Marbella, Spain, in preparation for the remainder of the season. 

Marian Vajda, Djokovic's first coach, will not be on the Serbian player’s team until the US Open due to family obligations. 

Otherwise, Djokovic canceled his appearance at the Masters 1000 ATP tournament in Montreal, which begins on August 3, as he believes he needs extra rest after winning Wimbledon. Before the US Open, Djokovic will only perform in Cincinnati.

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