Sunday, 16 April 2017

Festival of Croatian Drama: 27th Days of Marulić in Split Next Week!

Days of Marulić is the annual festival of Croatian drama and theater that celebrates Croatia’s most renowned poet, Marko Marulić. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Largest Developer Conference in South East Europe Comes to Split this June

The Codeanywhere Shift Developer Conference this year will be held from June 1 to 2, 2017 at the Croatian National Theatre in Split. More than 1,500 domestic and foreign guests are expected to arrive.

Monday, 12 December 2016

This Week in Performances at HNK Split

This week at HNK Split, you can see the performances of Metamorphosis, The Nutcracker, Little Floramye, and a Charity Christmas Concert hosted by RNK Split and Klapa Cambi.

Friday, 7 October 2016

The First Children’s Musical Tonight at HNK Split

"Roko, Roko, tatino oko" is a musical for children created by young Split copyright duo Nela Bujas Luketic and Jelena Bosančić, produced by the Music School Josip Hatze. The performance involves 70-odd children who sing, act and dance, and for the first time in Croatia, will be n front of an orchestra composed entirely of teenagers.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

The New Program for HNK Split Boasts 10 Premieres

With as many as 12 concerts, premiere performances of 6 plays, 2 operas and ballets, HNK Split has released the program of the new theatre season where all lovers of culture will find something of interest.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Dalmatian Hinterland Represented in Italy at the AdriaWealth Conference

AdriaWealth is a 3-day convention held in Bari, Itlay that took place last week. AdriaWealth seeks to improve and enhance the development of cultural institutions, primarily theaters. Project partners from Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and the host country Italy, participated in the project of promotion for cultural heritage and tourism at the conference.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Ballet Studio HNK Split Final Performance of the Season

Ballet Studio HNK Split will be having their final performances of the season!

Monday, 23 May 2016

HNK Split in Hvar!

The Croatian National Theatre (Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Split - HNK Split) is working in unison with the town of Hvar, organizing a series of events in Hvar on May 27th and 28th, as well as a final event on June 4th. For the event titled "Dani HNK Split u Hvaru" (Days of HNK in Hvar), the town of Hvar will be serving its guests, locals, and tourists with a cultural treat to kick off the summer season. Set in unique theatrical history, you won’t want to miss this!

Saturday, 21 May 2016

HNK Presents: Matija Dedić and Guests

In 2015, Splićani were lucky enough to witness one of the last concerts between arguably the largest Croatian singer-songwriter, composer and poet Arsen Dedić, and his son Matija, a world renowned pianist. After Arsen’s passing in August of 2015, this event was made even more remarkable, memorable, and important for the arts and music in Split.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Raising of the Flag on Sv. Duje Bell Tower Today, and What Dover and Split Have in Common

The celebrations of the city’s patron continue - here is the overview of today’s events.

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