Monday, 5 August 2019

Central Celebration of Operation Storm Anniversary Starts in Knin

ZAGREB, August 5, 2019 - A wreath-laying and candle-lighting ceremony was held at a monument dedicated to Croatia's victory in the 1995 Operation Storm in Knin on Monday morning, the first in a number of events that will mark Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day and the 24th anniversary of the combined military and police operation that ended an armed rebellion of local Serbs, helping restore state sovereignty in occupied central and southern parts of the country and enabling the peaceful reintegration of eastern Croatia in January 1998.

A joint wreath was laid at the monument by President and Armed Forces' Supreme Commander Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and the leader of the national association of the families of Croatian defenders killed or gone missing in the war, Ljiljana Alvir.

The ceremony is to be followed by addressed by Grabar-Kitarović, Plenković and Jandroković, after which the three state officials will head for the Knin Fortress overlooking the town to attend the traditional hoisting of the Croatian flag there and a ceremony at which the names of Croatian soldiers killed or gone missing in the 1995 operation will be read out.

The Croatian Air Force aerobatic team The Wings of Storm is expected to perform a display above the Knin Fortress during the ceremony. The programme at the Knin Fortress also includes a performance by the Croatian Navy harmony singing group "St George".

After the ceremony at the Knin Fortress, participants in the event will attend a religious service for the homeland in a local church.

The combined military and police operation Storm was launched on 4 August 1995 and it liberated areas in northern Dalmatia, Lika, Banovina and Kordun that had been controlled by Croatian Serb rebels for four years.

In only 84 hours, Croatian forces, with about 200,000 people, liberated slightly less than 10,500 kilometres of territory, almost one-fifth of the country, which helped put an end to the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and enabled the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region.

The operation was launched at 5 am on August 4 along the line running from Bosansko Grahovo to the south to Jasenovac to the east, the front line being more than 630 kilometres long.

The operation culminated on August 5, when members of the Croatian Army's 4th and 7th Guard Brigades liberated Knin, until then the stronghold of rebel Serb forces.

In the following days, Croatian forces took control of the state border and launched a mop-up operation in the liberated areas. At 6 pm on August 6, then Defence Minister Gojko Šušak declared the end of Operation Storm.

With Operation Storm, Croatian forces enabled the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina to lift the siege of the northwestern town of Bihać, thus helping prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and crime similar to the Srebrenica genocide.

The Homeland War Memorial and Documentation Centre says that 196 Croatian soldiers were killed, at least 1,100 were wounded and 15 went missing in the operation, while losses among Serb forces were several times bigger.

More news about Operation Storm can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

SNV: Croatia Must Assume Responsibility for Crimes Committed in Operation Storm

ZAGREB, August 4, 2019 - The Serb National Council (SNV) on Sunday held a commemoration in Donji Lapac, a town in Lika-Senj County near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, with speakers at the event calling on Croatia to face the past and assume responsibility for war crimes committed during and in the aftermath of the 1995 Operation Storm and prosecute those responsible for them.

SNV leader Boris Milošević said that the commemoration was an act of remembering the military and police operation Storm which 24 years ago "cleansed this area of Serbs" while today's state protocol did not envisage making any mention of them in political speeches.

"I don't own the truth but I do know that plunder, arson and murders did happen and that there were no reports about it at the time. The state did not prevent the plunder but rather covered it up, while local authorities issued documents that justified property being loaded onto vehicles and taken away," Milošević said.

He said that Serb houses set on fire in the aftermath of Operation Storm were described as having been set on fire by "Chetniks who were left behind."

"The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights reported that all houses were set on fire except for those marked by the sign 'Croatian Army, do not touch'. But at the time there were no reports about that or about the killing of elderly, unarmed civilians. And if there were such reports, one of the headlines read 'Five Chetniks murdered'," said Milošević.

He cited places where war crimes were committed against civilians who had stayed in their homes, noting that the state had never expressed sympathy for those people and describing it as "a defect in moral values."

The SNV therefore calls for "acknowledgement, respect and sympathy for victims and their families, for all families, including those of Serb ethnic background."

Describing empathy as a moral issue, Milošević said that by calling for the recognition of Serb victims and sympathy for them, they were asking society to put an end to war and hate, to prevent the stigma of war guilt to be borne by children and to put an end to prejudice against children of different ethnic background. Only that way can we build a better Croatia, because it is our homeland, he added.

The programme director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Nikola Puharić, said that "there is only one final and one non-final court verdict for war crimes committed against around 600 people killed (during and in the aftermath of Operation Storm)."

He said that the initiative's petition calling for an apology to the victims of Operation Storm had been signed by around 1,200 citizens.

"By signing the petition together with us, members of the Initiative, citizens are asking also the president and the prime minister to send a message of apology to the victims and their families, because it would be a minimum, symbolic form of reparation considering that the judiciary is not prosecuting those cases," said Puharić.

More news about the Operation Storm anniversary can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Officials Issue Messages for Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day

ZAGREB, August 4, 2019 - Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Sunday issued a message on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Veterans Day, saying that Croatians today remember with pride and special respect every life given for the freedom of Croatia, a law-based country that will be chairing the European Union in the first half of 2020.

By celebrating Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Veterans Day, Croatia marks with pride the 24th anniversary of the magnificent military and police operation Storm. On 5 August 1995, Croatia's constitutional and legal order was restored in most of the occupied parts of its territory, which brought freedom and peace to the homeland, PM Plenković said in the message.

With the self-sacrifice and courage of Croatian defenders, the skill of army and police commanders, the unity of the Croatian people and the wisdom of Croatia's first president, Franjo Tuđman, in only four days the largest part of occupied areas was liberated. The constitutional order of the sovereign, independent and internationally recognised Croatia was restored in the town of Knin, a centre of Croatian statehood, and Operation Storm also put an end to the siege of Bihac and helped liberate a large part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the PM said.

Owing to Operation Storm, the country's then leadership also enabled, with the help of the United Nations, a peaceful reintegration of Vukovar and the entire Croatian Danube region, which in 1998 resulted in the restoration of Croatia's territorial integrity. Thousands of displaced persons were able to return to their homes, and a lasting peace enabled the country's reconstruction and revitalisation, said the PM.

The Croatian government responsibly protects the dignity of Croatian defenders and will continue to work with commitment on improving their social status as well as on continuing the modernisation of the army and police forces, which are a guarantee of the security of the Croatian state and its citizens, said Plenković.

Inspired by patriotism and Homeland War values, we are working with determination on reforms to build a mature, democratic, socially sensitive, economically strong and competitive country, which is worthy of the sacrifice built into the foundations of its statehood, Plenković said, offering his best wishes to Croats in the country and abroad, defenders and fellow citizens on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Veterans Day.

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, too, issued a message on the occasion of the August 5 holidays, calling for tireless patriotism.

The victory in Operation Storm made the Croats' dream of freedom and independence a reality, enabling the country to become a full member of the international community, she said.

"Let us always be tireless in patriotism! Let us build our beautiful homeland in unity, solidarity and respect for each other, so it can become more prosperous and more just, the way previous generations dreamed it would be and the way our defenders wanted it to be," the president said in her message.

More news about the Homeland War can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Wreaths Laid at Zagreb Cemetery for Victory Day

ZAGREB, August 4, 2019 - Delegations of the Croatian government and the City of Zagreb on Sunday laid wreaths at the city's central Mirogoj cemetery ahead of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day and the 24th anniversary of the 1995 Operation Storm.

Operation Storm was a combined military and police operation that was launched on 4 August 1995 and that ended a Serb armed rebellion, helping restore state sovereignty over occupied central and southern parts of the country and enabling the peaceful reintegration of eastern Croatia in January 1998.

Wreaths were laid at the central cross in the Alley of Croatian Homeland War Defenders, at the grave of Croatia's first president, Franjo Tuđman, and at the common grave of unidentified Homeland War victims.

"Many great men had dreamed of Croatia's freedom and independence, but only the generation led by President Franjo Tuđman made it a reality," Parliament Deputy Speaker Željko Reiner said at the wreath-laying ceremony, expressing gratitude to all who had fought for the country's independence.

Veterans Minister Tomo Medved, who also attended the ceremony, commented on Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić's statement of Saturday, saying that Croats did not need anyone to interpret their history for them.

Vučić on Saturday asked Croatian officials where the 400,000 Croatian Serbs and Yugoslavs registered in the 1981 census, had gone.

"I will only say that we created Croatia's more recent history and are witnesses to that time and we do not need anyone to interpret our history for us. We are proud of every detail and every minute of our history," Medved stressed.

He said that Croatia was attacked and defended itself in extremely difficult conditions.

"Croatia managed to defend and liberate its territory and eventually, through peaceful reintegration, restored its constitutional order in the Danube region as well. We are proud of everything we did," he said.

More news about Operation Storm anniversary can be found in the Politics section.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Ahead of Operation Storm Anniversary, New Tensions Between Croatia and Neighbours

ZAGREB, August 4, 2019 - Where have 400,000 Serbs and Yugoslavs from Croatia gone, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić asked Croatian officials on Saturday, ahead of events marking the 24th anniversary of the Croatian military and police operation Storm.

Relations between Belgrade and Zagreb become tense every year in August when the operation whereby Croatia in 1995 won the war against the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and local Serb rebels, is commemorated.

Croats consider the operation a legitimate action that liberated then occupied parts of the country while Serbians see it as an act of ethnic cleansing of their ethnic kin from Croatia.

Vučić asked Croatian authorities to explain how it was possible that of the 582,000 Serbs and 106,000 Yugoslavs in Croatia's 1981 census, only 184,000 declared themselves as Serbs in 2011.

The Serbian president is confident that by 2021, there will be fewer than 150,000 Serbs left in Croatia.

"If you say that 100,000 have emigrated for economic reasons, what about the other 400,000? How will you explain that?" asked Vučić.

He reiterated that for Croatia the day of Operation Storm was "a day of joy" while for Serbia "it is one of the saddest days in the country's modern history."

"We must not be ashamed of our tears, we should respect others' victims but unlike before, we must also respect our, Serb victims, talk about them and not downplay them," Vucic told reporters in Belgrade.

Serbia-Croatia relations have been deteriorating in recent years, mainly because of opposite positions on Operation Storm and the plight of Serbs in Croatia, Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) president Milorad Pupovac said this past Thursday, adding that it was necessary to conceive a policy of remembering all the victims which would enable people to live normally.

Pupovac, a Croatian MP, said Croatia-Serbia relations had been bad since 2011 and that, aside from different interpretations of Operation Storm, "a serious problem for Serbs in Croatia" was the absence of sentences for war crimes, persecutions, the destruction of villages, and the prevention of returns.

This year Operation Storm has also caused disputes in relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, after President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović said that it had saved Bosnia and Herzegovina's northwestern Krajina region from genocide and that she would like the neighboring country never to forget who gave it a hand in the most difficult times.

A former commander of the Bosniak Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdija Abdić Tigar, dismissed Grabar-Kitarovic's statement, claiming that it was Bosniak troops that had liberated parts of Croatia.

"The hell they saved us... We kept this region safe for them the whole time. What would have happened had we been defeated? Where would Croatia be today? Its border would be running along the Karlovac-Karlobag-Virovitica line," said Abdić.

The 24th anniversary of Operation Storm will be marked on August 5 and as in previous years, the central commemoration will be held in Knin, the former stronghold of Croatian Serb rebels, and it will be attended by the highest state officials.

On August 5 Croatia also observes Victory Day, Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans' Day.

More news about the Operation Storm can be found in the Politics section.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

SNV Sympathises with All Who Do Not Forget Their Loved Ones

ZAGREB, August 3, 2019 - On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the 1995 Croatian military and police operation Storm, the Serb National Council (SNV) on Saturday issued a remembrance statement calling for a minute's silence and expressing sympathy with all who remember their family members, neighbours and friends killed in that operation.

"We express sympathy over the lost and abandoned homes. Even though we are not part of the collective memory established by the state, it is up to us to say the victims' names and the names of their villages and towns without fear and with dignity, and to remember them freely," reads the statement, signed by SNV president Boris Milošević.

The SNV leader noted that the war in Croatia did not end with Operation Storm, or with the murder of the last old man or the departure of the last tractor, and that it also did not end with Croatia's accession to the EU.

"The war has never been more alive and the news of its end travels slowly," the SNV says, adding that the news of the war's end has still not reached Croatian courts, members of parliament, schools and those who do not know what to do with themselves in peacetime.

"The war is not over and Serb children who have to bear the stigma of criminals in their schools and feel the guilt for its destructive consequences are the ones who know it best," the SNV says.

It warns that in such circumstances it is not only Serbs, killed and expelled during the Storm and Flash operations and tortured and abducted during the war, who are being forgotten, also forgotten are Croat civilians killed in the war. Their suffering becomes equally invisible and unreal in a society in which the war and war myths become values in themselves while ethnic and religious backgrounds are treated as life achievements, reads the statement.

The SNV has fought and will continue fighting for a remembrance policy in which there will be room for all victims and all those who today suffer injustice due to their ethnic and religious affiliation, the statement says.

"We will eventually have to look at ourselves in the mirror as a society regardless of how much we fear our own reflection," the SNV says, adding that the sooner this is done, the better it will be for the freedom and equality of all people in Croatia.

"The necessity of that act is reflected in the fact that violence was sown in society long ago and is evident in schools, in political speeches, in the media and in the street. History will repeat itself to all those who do not see the connection between the glorification of the war and an almost complete absence of solidarity and empathy," the SNV said.

More info about the Homeland War can be found in the Politics section.

Friday, 2 August 2019

President Says Operation Storm Saved Bosnia

ZAGREB, August 1, 2019 - President and Armed Forces Supreme Commander Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović said on Thursday that Croatia's Operation Storm saved Bosnia and Herzegovina and that she would like the neighbouring country never to forget who gave it a hand in the most difficult times.

She was speaking at a ceremony at the Defence Ministry on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, Croatian War Veterans Day and the 24th anniversary of Operation Storm, at which 266 soldiers were promoted and more than 100 were awarded.

"Looking at you all fills me with special pride. Seeing young people who are willing to continue on the path of Croatian defenders in serving the homeland guarantees that in these stormy times full of new challenges, on Croatia's bulwark, stand the defenders of its freedom, security and future," said Grabar-Kitarović.

She said the 1995 Operation Storm was a watershed that marked the arrival of peace in a war-torn Croatia and that it was followed by operations in BiH where, she added, Croatian forces, with many victims, broke the Serbian aggression and prevented new Srebrenicas.

The president recalled last week's terrorist attack in Afghanistan in which Croatian lance corporal Josip Briški was killed and two members of the Croatian contingent in the Resolute Support mission were wounded. All three were decorated.

The president said nearly 24 years had passed since the last Croatian defender was killed in battle. "Like Josip Jović, the first defender killed in the Homeland War, lance corporal Briški gave his life for peace, defending Croatia far from its borders."

Defence Minister Damir Krstičević said the Operation Storm anniversary was a celebration of the greatest victory of the Croatian army and police in the Homeland War, but also a day to remember the defenders who built their lives into the foundations of the state for present-day peace and freedom.

"An enormous sacrifice was made for our freedom," he said, adding that this year's Operation Storm anniversary would be "significant and sad because of our Josip Briški, who died serving the homeland and all of humankind in the struggle for peace, freedom and security in the world."

Krstičević said Briški's death proved that peace and security had no price and that it was therefore necessary to continue to develop and strengthen the Croatian army and the homeland security system.

More info about the Homeland War can be found in the Politics section.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia Strengthening Cooperation in Search for War Missing

ZAGREB, July 30, 2019 - Locating and identifying the remains of those gone missing in the war in the former Yugoslavia is primarily a humanitarian issue and must not be the subject of political dispute between countries in the region, Croatia's representative told his counterparts from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in Sarajevo on Tuesday with whom he signed protocols to speed up that process.

Croatian Assistant Veterans' Affairs Minister Stjepan Sučić, the head of Serbia's office for missing persons, Veljko Odalović, and the director of the Institute for Missing Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nikola Perišić, signed documents on the implementation of a previously agreed protocol on cooperation in the search for missing persons.

Croatia is still searching for 1,892 people who went missing during the 1990s Homeland War, yet the previously signed agreements have not produced any progress for that issue to finally be resolved, Sučić recalled. "When the time for action comes, disputes emerge," he added.

The missing, however, are primarily a humanitarian problem that must be separated from other outstanding issues between countries in the region, he said.

Today's signing is a "small step forward" and we aren't expecting "anything spectacular if good will doesn't exist and if that issue is not treated without any politics or relating it to other outstanding issues," Sučić said.

The existing agreement on tracing the missing signed with Serbia need to be reviewed as do the rules of procedure so that they are in line with the law on missing persons recently adopted in the Croatian parliament because it is necessary to protect the rights of missing persons and their families too, he said.

Perišić said that the documents signed today define the method of cooperation and exchange of information, including the exhumation and handing over of remains.

There are still about 12,000 people considered to have gone missing during the wars in the entire area of the former Yugoslavia and morgues throughout the region contain the remains of about 4,000 people that have not been identified.

He added that in Bosnia and Herzegovina alone there are about 7,200 missing persons and without institutional cooperation that search would be an impossible mission.

Odalović said that Serbia is prepared for cooperation without any restrictions so that the issue of those gone missing during the 1990s wars can be resolved, but considering the nature of all those conflicts, that problem cannot be solved without regional cooperation.

"There has to be a regional search mechanism" Odalović said, adding that country borders must not be an obstacle in the search for the war missing.

More news about the Homeland War can be found in the Politics section.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Homeland War Museum Opened in Karlovac - Turanj

On Friday, the Homeland War Museum was officially opened in Turanj, a village near Karlovac where the collection of the Homeland War arms and equipment has been preserved as an open-air exhibition for a while.

Now the entire museum, including the exhibition within the building, has been opened to the public by the Croatian President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

At the museum opening ceremony, she reminded everyone that Turanj was not only one of the many locations where Croatia was defended during the war, but that it was also an important symbol of victory for all of Croatia.

The President reminded everyone that the imagined border of the so-called Greater Serbia was supposed to be Virovitica-Karlovac-Karlobag, and that because of the shape of Croatia, the biggest danger was around Karlovac.

However, she added that "Croatia wasn't broken here - rather, Turanj became the symbol of victory for Croatia". The President also said that it's important to cultivate the culture of remembrance, and expressed her hope that the Homeland War Museum will become one of the key symbols of the memory of the Homeland war, along with the water tower of Vukovar.

Tomo Medved, Minister of Veteran Affairs, said that the museum is mostly directed towards the younger generations, as a permanent reminder of more recent Croatian history and the strength, determination and bravery of Croatian soldiers. The Homeland War Museum has already become a part of the visit made by eighth-graders to Vukovar, Turanj, Knin and Okučani, which is a part of obligatory history lessons. Medved added that the Museum should also serve a tourist purpose, as it will be in all tourist catalogues and maps of the region.

Minister of Culture Nina Obuljen Koržinek visited the museum and said that it's very modern, and that she hopes that it will soon become one of the most visited museums in that part of Croatia. The total investment into the Museum was almost 27 million kuna, and the Ministry of Culture participated with eight million kuna.

The building that houses the museum was named "Hotel California" during the worst days of destruction, and it has been conserved in such a delapidated state, which made it the exhibit in the museum itself. In addition to the indoor exhibition, the open-air collection includes 23 makeshift armored vehicles and several planes used during the war.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Parliament Commemorates Srebrenica Genocide Victims

ZAGREB, July 5, 2019 - A commemoration on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, when more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces, was held at the Croatian parliament and a message was sent out that a crime of that nature must never occur again.

The commemoration, during which the names were read out of 33 victims whose remains will be laid to rest on July 11, was organised by the Association of Bosniak Homeland War Veterans and the member of parliament who represents a group of minorities, including the Bosniaks, Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj.

Deputy Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner said that commemorations for the Srebrenica victims reopened old wounds.

Twenty-four years after the atrocity, its dimensions are still being uncovered because in 1995 thousands of innocent people were killed in the most massive crime and genocide after World War II. They remain in our collective memory of the brutality of individuals who demonstrated their inhumanity. The truth is important for the sake of the victims and their families because any denial hides the seed of future wars and crimes, said Reiner.

Only the truth and admission of responsibility for crimes pave the way to a catharsis, Reiner said.

Hamdija Malić of the Association of Bosniak Homeland War Veterans said that the Srebrenica tragedy occurred because of the aggressive and criminal policy of Slobodan Milošević, who, he said, could have prevented it with a single phone call to criminal Ratko Mladić yet he did not do so.

Killing more than 8,000 people in several days is an unprecedented crime after World War II, he said, accusing international politicians in power at the time of failing to do anything to prevent the atrocity despite having witnessed the tragedy of the Croatian town of Vukovar.

He said that it was tragic that the Serb Orthodox Church encouraged Great Serbian paramilitary forces that killed, raped and expelled non-Serbs and burned their homes.

We thank Croats and the Croatian Parliament for having a big heart and for recognising the participation of 25,000 Bosniaks in the Homeland War, of whom 1,100 were killed, Malić said.

The commemoration in the parliament was also addressed by Lekaj Prljaskaj, an envoy for the Croatian president, Mirjana Hrga, and Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić.

Nermin Mujkanović, who was a child at the time and survived the Srebrenica genocide but lost two older brothers in it, spoke at the commemoration about those events.

More news about the relations between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina can be found in the Politics section.

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