May 25, 2020 - Following the #CroatiaLongDistanceLove campaign, the Croatian National Tourist Board launched a new communication platform titled 'Enjoy the view from Croatia' to promote Croatian tourism further.
"Welcome to 'Enjoy the view from Croatia', where you can enjoy the countless unique beauties of Croatia in one place. The past months have been challenging. For the sake of each other, we stayed in our homes and thus showed togetherness.
Although distant, here we are together, united in love for the crystal-blue Adriatic, sun-soaked beaches, centuries-old customs, and cheerful people who make every holiday special.
Let's forget about the worries. Let's swim in the virtual waves of Croatia and enjoy the flavors and aromas that we have transferred to the screens in the hope that the hardest is behind us and that we will see each other as soon as possible!
Dear hosts, we would like to add your photos or videos to our gallery. Send us the most beautiful scenes from where you are and together, we will show the world that Croatia is waiting for you, more beautiful than ever and ready to create new memories!" writes the Croatian National Tourist Board about its latest campaign.
Namely, HRTurizam reports that the Croatian National Tourist Board invites you to participate in the project by sending photos or videos, which will be included on the CNTB platform. The photo or video should be sent to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you use Instagram, you can send the photo/video to the enjoytheview_fromcroatia profile, use #EnjoyTheViewFromCroatia or mention @enjoytheview_fromcroatia. You can also share your photo or video on Facebook and Twitter using #EnjoyTheViewFromCroatia.
The Croatian National Tourist Board especially invites hosts to send a picture or video to their guests via the inbox of the booking service they use, and write #EnjoyTheViewFromCroatia in the message. Also, the CNTB advises adding a private message if desired (example message: We hope you are well, our vacation is not the same without you!) In the message, share the link to the website so that they too can enjoy the most beautiful Croatian views. If there is a story behind your photo or video that you would like to share, feel free to add a short description.
More information about the Tourist Board's new campaign HERE
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
May 13, 2020 - Leading German tour operators, including TUI, are interested in achieving part of the season in Croatia, which is among the destinations that could be booked for the summer, with airline arrangements, according to the Croatian National Tourist Board.
Noting that the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) and its German representative offices are constantly and proactively communicating with the German market and partners about the possibilities of cooperation and the arrival of German tourists in Croatia this summer, HTZ Director Kristjan Staničić said that Croatia was mentioned in communication with the leading media in that market as a possible destination for summer vacation, primarily because of the excellent results in preventing the spread of coronavirus and as a destination that can be reached relatively quickly by car.
Apart from these trips, there is interest in "air bridges", i.e., the arrival of tourists by tour operators and airlines, however, for any travel from Germany, warnings for travel abroad will first need to be lifted in that country. This is expected in mid-June, and according to some information for some destinations, planes could be ready around June 10. Still, it will all depend on the epidemiological picture in Germany and the countries where tourists would travel.
According to Staničić, the President of the Management Board of TUI, Fritz Joussen, believes that it is necessary to distinguish destinations with conditions for receiving guests from those that are still out of reach, marking Croatia as a destination that meets the requirements.
"Assumptions and interest of TUI and other German tour operators for the arrival of German tourists in Croatia certainly exist, as well as to realize part of the season and minimize their own losses. Interest is also present among individual German tourists, with whom we also constantly communicate through networks and offices," says Staničić.
However, how, when and with which transport these trips will be realized is still being negotiated. As specific destinations will undoubtedly be out of the reach of organized tourist traffic through agencies and tour operators, Staničić believes that there will be enough air capacity to provide charter flights or regular airlines to individual destinations. Without presenting plans to invest in that market in the new circumstances, Staničić reminds that for years HTZ has been cooperating with leading German tour operators and airlines (TUI, FTI, ID Riva, RSD, Eurowings, Condor and others), and believes that some projects can be achieved.
"These companies use our communication messages all the time, as well as the new #CroatiaLongDistanceLove concept, and as soon as adequate conditions are created in the German market, we will conduct a targeted online campaign for certain groups of tourists and residents of the southern German provinces, which start at the end of June and the end of July, depending on the individual German province," reveals Staničić.
He adds that in Germany, as well as in other markets where they plan to carry out promotional activities, they will certainly use the current image of Croatia as a safe and 'corona free' country.
Asked about estimates and expectations from the most important market for Croatian tourism, the HTZ director believes that we could achieve up to 30 percent of last year's record turnover, when Germans could travel abroad again after June 14.
TUI and other major German tour operators are currently showing similar interests for Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Spain and Austria, whose governments, according to information from German tourist circles, are negotiating with the German government on the possibility of establishing air tourist bridges after the Germans are allowed to travel.
These circles also claim that this should be agreed or negotiated at the government level, and Croatian Minister of Tourism Gari Cappelli said earlier this week that Croatia had begun negotiations with Germany on tourism.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
May 7, 2020 - Belgium VTM television and Paris-based fashion magazine Vogue have recommended Croatia as an ideal summer destination.
The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) reports that one of the most-watched commercial Belgian television companies, VTM, published a two-minute bit in Tuesday evening's news highlighting Croatia as a "corona free" destination.
The video states that some countries, such as Croatia, Greece and Portugal, have an excellent situation related to the coronavirus pandemic, which was accompanied by images of the Croatian coast and islands from the latest Croatian National Tourist Board communication concept #CroatiaLongDistanceLove.
"Former Belgian Genk footballer Frane Bućan commented on the current situation in our country for Belgian television, pointing out that Croatia organized excellent defense against the coronavirus and that Croats were extremely disciplined in implementing all prescribed measures," said the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board Office in Belgium, Ivan Novak.
They also point out that the well-known fashion magazine, Paris Vogue, published a photo of the diving board at the Kolovare swimming pool in Zadar on its Facebook profile, which is followed by more than five million people, with the description "a sunny afternoon in Croatia sounds ideal". The author of the photo is famed photographer Cameron Hammond, who described the creation of this idyllic photo as follows: “Many ask me if the scene was directed. My wife Rachel and I visited Zadar for the first time and watched the children jump into the sea for hours. Rachel went for a swim and stopped to get a better look at the diving board, and I just caught her with my camera."
Croatian National Tourist Board Director Kristjan Stanicic is satisfied with the recent announcements about Croatia in prestigious foreign media.
"Positive announcements greatly contribute to the image of our country as a safe destination and increase the visibility of Croatia on the tourist map of the world. We hope for the positive trends to continue, but also for the arrival of guests in our country when all the necessary conditions are met," said Stanicic.
The Croatian National Tourist Board reported this week that they had prepared four new videos for social networks on the topic of gastronomy, natural beauty, active tourism and culture, through which they continue to implement the new communication concept #CroatiaLongDistanceLove. The first video published on social networks was on the topic of natural beauties in Croatia.
The #CroatiaLongDistanceLove concept has so far been viewed by more than 1.5 million users, with the most views and comments in the markets of Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia.
The video has been viewed more than 40,000 times on YouTube, while the #CroatiaLongDistanceLove tag has been used more than a thousand times on Instagram.
The number of fans on 'Croatia Full of Life' channels has been growing in the last month. For example, in April alone, they reached almost four million people Instagram, more than nine thousand comments, 740,000 likes and more than 5,000 new fans, said the Croatian National Tourist Board.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
Coronavirus has seen Croatia close its borders to everyone except citizens and legal residents with addresses they can prove they have in the country. The tourist season is in question, and this segment is Croatia's strongest economic branch, accounting for almost 20 percent of GDP. While it is currently not possible for foreign tourists to visit, the Croatian Tourist Board has launched the #CroatiaLongDistanceLove campaign, which allows you to admire Croatia from afar until travel is made possible.
As Morski writes on the 5th of May, 2020, the Tourist Board (HTZ) has prepared four new videos on the topic of Croatian gastronomy, natural beauty, active tourism and culture, through which it continues to implement the readily-accepted new communication concept of #CroatiaLongDistanceLove. Promotional activities in the next period will take place in the four aforementioned segments.
The first video published on social media was on the topic of Croatia's incredible and diverse natural beauty. You can watch it below:
''I'm extremely glad that our communication under the label #CroatiaLongDistanceLove is achieving excellent results, which is evidenced by the great level of interest of our followers on social networks, but also the American, German, Austrian and Hungarian media who shared it to their viewers and readers.
We've started with the second phase of the concept, within which we're working to especially promote certain segments of the Croatian tourist offer for which we're known far and wide, such as Croatia's natural beauty, cultural heritage, and also gastronomy. Through these one-minute videos and their accompanying content, we'd like to remind our followers of the exceptional beauty that Croatia has to offer and let them know that they are welcome in our country as soon as the time comes that they're able to plan a trip,'' stated the director of the Croatian Tourist Board, Kristjan Stanicic.
Follow our travel page for more on the online activities of the Croatian Tourist Board, Croatia's amazing destinations along the coast and in the continental part of the country, travel updates, flight news, and much more.
May 4, 2020 - Ivana Herceg of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) Office in Hungary talks about the potential of Hungarian tourists this summer.
More than half of the Hungarian population are preparing to travel, according to a survey commissioned by the Hungarian Travel Agency, which was sent to HRTurizam by the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) Representative Office in Budapest.
The survey was conducted between April 8 and 15 on a sample of more than two thousand people and asked if they planned to travel after the coronavirus pandemic, and if so, where.
Survey data revealed that after the virus disappears, 51 percent of Hungarians plan to travel within Hungary, and 12 percent of those surveyed plan to travel abroad.
When it comes to traveling abroad, the most popular destinations are Croatia and Greece, while in Hungary, Hungarians would travel an average of 227 kilometers and would like an active vacation.
Two-thirds of those surveyed currently plan to avoid organized travel after the pandemic. Also, another factor that can help Croatia, is that according to the poll, 61% of respondents will consider which countries were most affected by the virus for their future trip.
On this topic, as well as expectations for this summer season with the Hungarian market, Goran Rihelj of HRTurizam spoke with Ivana Herceg, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board Representative Office in Hungary, who points out that Croatia, in the eyes of the Hungarians, is justifiably one of the safest destinations. In these special circumstances, our advantages are even more pronounced over the competition.
The fact that Hungarians know our country well and that many of them are "permanent guests" of certain accommodation providers will surely play an important role in choosing this year's destination for their vacation, Herceg points out, adding that the Hungarian media monitors the situation in neighboring countries. "Croatia is always mentioned as a positive example and in case travel is possible we believe that a part of the Hungarian population will traditionally choose Croatia.”
According to currently available data, the situation in Hungary (2942 cases and 335 fatalities) is slightly worse than in Croatia. Asked what the current epidemiological situation in Hungary is "from the inside" and what are the announcements regarding loosening measures in Hungary, Herceg points out that Hungary is lower than the European average for the number of patients.
"Given a population more than double than in Croatia, it is expected that there will be more infected people. Hungary has tested more than 70,000 people and at the moment, the death toll is 31 per million inhabitants. This number is higher than in Croatia, and compared to the rest of the world, it is the average number of deaths. According to the Hungarian map of the number of infections, the majority are in Budapest. Still, the western and southern parts of Hungary, along the border with Croatia, are below average in terms of the number of patients. Contrary to the situation in other European countries, the measures are still in force in Hungary, even being tightened, making it mandatory to wear a mask on public transport and shops, in markets and on visits to institutions from Monday, April 27. The Prime Minister announced a new security situation on May 3, and until that date, you could only leave homes for shopping and personal needs and going to work. However, you were not allowed to leave your place of residence."
As far as travel is concerned, the entire tourism sector is eagerly awaiting new information, especially after the first signings on the so-called "Tourist corridors". It is not yet known when the borders will open and which protocol will be in place when entering another country. However, it is a European Union level travel protocol, and each country will negotiate independently with its neighbors through bilateral relations. So too is Croatia, and talks have already begun with Slovenia, the Czech Republic and other countries.
There is interest in Croatia in Hungary, both according to the above survey and according to Herceg. "In contact with partners in the tourism sector, but also in the interest of the media, we can conclude that there is an interest in Croatia, as indicated by a survey commissioned by the Hungarian Tourism Organization (MTÜ). According to the survey, 51 percent of Hungarians will travel after the pandemic within Hungary, and 12 percent of respondents will travel abroad. Among foreign destinations, Croatia was the most frequent answer, along with Greece. The results of some other studies show even greater interest in Croatian destinations, which is expected because Hungarians are incredibly fond of Croatia, which is easily accessible by car, and because a large number of Hungarians own real estate and ships in Croatia."
At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the interest of Hungarians in Croatia increased, which is certainly a good indicator of Croatia's position in Hungary.
“At the beginning of the year, it seemed that this would be another record year for Croatian tourism. In January and February, we achieved growth from the Hungarian market, after many years Croatia and Hungary had to be connected by airline and new itineraries of the largest Hungarian tour operators were in preparation. During April and May, we planned to implement several prepared activities, which we had to cancel, which were to promote different products and different parts of Croatia. Travel agencies still mainly deal with cancellations and refunds, but according to some partners, bookings for Croatia are canceled less than in other countries."
Although it is difficult to predict, in the event this slows down and borders open in the next two months, Herceg believes that Croatia could still be the first choice of most Hungarians.
"This is supported by its proximity, possibility to travel by car, and a quick return in case of any problems, but also the fact that the Hungarians know our country well, consider it safe and feel welcome. The fact that a large number of Hungarians stay in private accommodation during their stay is also positive in this situation, compared to competing countries, which mainly offer accommodation in hotels. We also support information from individual partners who have informed us that guests are looking to change destinations and that instead of Greece, for which they have already paid, they want to swap for Croatia," Herceg concludes.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
ZAGREB, April 29, 2020 - The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) has posted new promotional content under the title "#CroFact" on social media, including lesser known facts and curiosities about Croatia, additionally presenting Croatia to past and future visitors.
#CroFacts is the HTZ's new online presence aimed at their many fans on Instagram and Facebook. The HTZ plans to include the less known facts in quizzes, considering the popularity of such virtual challenges in the times of the coronavirus pandemic.
"Proactive relationships with our audience and the media in key markets are an important part of our activities, the goal of which is to increase the visibility and the promotion of Croatia in these challenging times. That is why we publish interesting content such as this, because in that way we can keep our presence and increase interest in Croatia in a large number of people. I am certain that facts such as the one that the first quarantine in the world was in Dubrovnik, or that the longest street in the world is in Vrbnik on the island of Krk, will intrigue and cheer up people, and remind all those who have already been to Croatia of all the scenery and particularities of our country, while prompting those who haven't into visiting soon," the HTZ director, Kristjan Staničić, stated in a press release.
Apart from the two mentioned curiosities, the top 10 facts and curiosities include the fact that Croatian doctor Andrija Štampar was one of the World Health Organisation's founders, and that Croatian scientist Faust Vrančić was the inventor of the parachute.
There is also information on the first "vampire" from Istria, the fact that Croatia was the motherland of the ancient Vučedol culture, the fact that Croatia has the shortest funicular railway in the world, as well as the fact that the tie was originally a scarf tied around the neck, worn by Croatian soldiers in the 17th Century.
Other included curiosities are a cathedral bell in Osijek, which has been tolling every Friday at 11 a.m. for the last 330 years, as well as the original Museum of Angels in Varaždin.
The HTZ invited their fans on social media to share their memories from Croatia. They also asked them what they missed the most, and the most frequent answers were: the crystal-clear sea, islands, the Croatian way of life, the culture of sipping coffee, the food, the City of Zagreb, Croatian people, summer, sun and sunsets.
More tourism news can be found in the Travel section.
April 24, 2020 - The Croatian National Tourist Board is involved in a campaign launched by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to promote gastronomy as an essential part of tourism and the overall tourist offer.
HRTurizam writes that the gastronomic project is part of the #TravelTomorrow campaign that seeks to highlight the fundamental and enduring value of tourism, including the culinary heritage of UNWTO member countries.
As part of the project, each country will highlight its most famous national dish, which will be promoted through UNWTO's official website through video material, photos and original recipes. The richness and diversity of Croatian gastronomy will be presented through Zagorje strudel, a traditional specialty of Croatian Zagorje.
In Croatia's video campaign, the process of making Zagorje strukli or struklji is presented, whose popularity has spread from the Croatian Zagorje to other parts of Croatia. Today, it is one of the trademarks of Croatian gastronomy.
At a time when the coronavirus pandemic has hit the tourism sector, the UNWTO aims to show how culinary heritage gives people a strong sense of belonging and brings a touch of local flavors to their homes to keep the dream of future travel alive.
Hrvatska Puna okusa - Štrukli from Croatia Full Of Life on Vimeo.
Croatia is also part of WTTC and ETC promotional campaigns
The Croatian National Tourist Board will also join the #TogetherInTravel World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), a global tourism authority representing the private sector and destinations in all parts of the world.
The goal of this campaign is to highlight the importance of tourism worldwide by encouraging interaction by sharing promotional material in the form of videos and photos with the common tag #TogetherInTravel. Also, as pointed out by the CNTB, in addition to several European tourist organizations, they are participating in a significant promotional project, being supported by the European Travel Commission (ETC), through the promotion of several types of tourism products such as nature and outdoors, and creative cities, history and cultural heritage.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
April 15, 2020 - The 65th session of the Croatian National Tourist Board was held yesterday through a video conference.
The 65th session of the Croatian National Tourist Board discussed the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on tourism and repealing the Annual Work Program and Financial Plan for this year. Adjustments to previous council decisions were also addressed to more effectively overcome the current situation and to minimize the impact of the coronavirus on the continued operations of the Croatian National Tourist Board.
"In the context of the hitherto unprecedented crisis of the tourism sector, which has plagued Croatia, but also the whole world, it is important to jointly and severally accept the responsibility to cut all costs that are not essential and put the health of citizens and tourists first. It is also our task to prepare the tourism system for a more agile restart as soon as the restriction is introduced so that Croatia can regain its position as one of the most desirable tourist destinations in the world as soon as possible. The Croatian Government has in two waves passed packages of economic aid measures. It is still considering introducing new measures if this proves necessary to preserve the stability of the entire Croatian economy, and of course, the tourism sector, which accounts for almost a fifth of total revenues in Croatia," said the Minister of Tourism and Croatian National Tourist Board President Gari Cappelli addressing the Tourism Council.
“The consequences of the global coronavirus pandemic have a profound adverse impact on both Croatian and world tourism. Business tourism processes are almost completely stopped. For this reason, we outlaw key strategic documents such as the Annual Work Program and the Financial Plan for 2020, which are simply unenforceable in these market conditions. All previous decisions of the Tourist Board, which derive from HTZ's financial obligations, have also been out of force. We unanimously adopted our decision to reduce the salaries of HTZ employees in Zagreb and representative offices by up to 30 percent, while the compensation for the members of the Tourist Board was suspended. We are fully aware of the current situation and the fact that we can only overcome this crisis by jointly having solidarity, understanding and continuous work in these very challenging times," said HTZ Director Kristjan Stanicic, adding that the development of the situation in key markets is further intensively monitored and the promotion strategies and activities, as well as the timing of their implementation, are defined accordingly.
It was determined at the session that the coronavirus pandemic will have an impact on the economic activity in Croatia, and thus on financing the entire system of tourist boards. Also, the Croatian National Tourist Board will not be able to fully implement the Annual Work Program for 2020, which is why it was decided, to act swiftly to overcome the financial difficulties and normal functioning of the Croatian Tourist Board in special circumstances, it was decided that all decisions of the Tourist Board from which the financial obligations derive would be repealed. These are decisions related to the implementation of public calls: joint advertising, strategic projects, Sports Croatia, DMK 2020, TOP events, as well as a call for expressions of interest for the implementation of special promotional projects and advertising activities in the key markets in 2020. Furthermore, during the online session, the Tourism Council adopted a decision proposing the HTZ Assembly repeal the Annual Work Program for 2020, except related to activities carried out so far.
Also, the councilors adopted a measure to reduce the salaries of HTZ employees in the amount of up to 30 percent of the base until full liquidity is established or by the end of the current year. At the same time, the monthly compensation for the members of the Tourist Council will be temporarily terminated. The measure above was adopted to preserve jobs given the loss of source revenues (tourist memberships and fees) caused by the reduction of economic activities of members of tourist boards and the immediate cessation of tourist movements around the world. The same percentage reduction in salaries as employees in the Zagreb office will apply to directors/heads of representative offices abroad.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
ZAGREB, April 3, 2020 - According to data from eVisitor, there were 118,200 tourists in Croatia in March, or 75% fewer on the year, while the number of overnight stays decreased by 53%, which confirms that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on tourism, says Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) director Kristjan Staničić.
In the first three months of 2020, 635,000 tourists visited Croatia and generated nearly 1.9 million overnight stays, which are respective decreases of 33% and 20% compared with the same period in 2019.
Of the 118,200 tourist arrivals in March, about 65,000 were foreign tourists, which is a drop of 80.3% compared with March 2019, and they generated 64.5% fewer overnight stays, or nearly 280,000.
The biggest number of overnight stays was generated by domestic tourists, and tourists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Slovenia and Austria.
There were 53,300 domestic tourists and they generated 238,800 overnight stays, which are respective decreases of 60.7% and 24.2% compared with March 2018.
Commercial accommodation facilities accounted for 72% of tourism turnover, while non-commercial facilities accounted for the remaining 28%, seeing an increase compared with March last year, the HTZ has underscored.
About 110,000 overnight stays were generated in commercial accommodation facilities, a decline of over 60%, and nearly 8,000 overnight stays were generated in non-commercial accommodation, an increase of 110%.
Staničić said that at this point it was too early to forecast demand for the peak season (July, August and September), underscoring that intensive work will be done to promote and position Croatia as a safe country once adequate conditions have been achieved.
"The focus will be on the domestic market and on those who can reach Croatian destinations by road," Staničić said.
More tourism news can be found in the Travel section.
ZAGREB, March 5, 2020 - In February, Croatia was visited by 287,000 tourists, up by 5% compared to February 2019, while a more significant increase was noted in overnight stays (727,000, up 9%), the National Tourist Board (HTZ) said on Wednesday, citing preliminary data from the eVisitor system.
There was an increase in the number of both the domestic and foreign tourists in February 2020 compared with February 2019. There were 177,000 foreign tourists, up by 1% compared with February 2019, and they accounted for 62% of the total number of arrivals. Compared with February 2019, foreign tourists generated 9% more overnight stays, or 479,000 in total.
The number of domestic tourists was up by 12% compared with February 2019, and they generated 7% more overnight stays.
In view of the increases generated both in February and in January, when the number of tourists increased by 5% and the number of their overnight stays by 7%, the physical tourist turnover in the first two months of 2020 was in the black. In total, 551,000 tourists arrived, up by 5% compared with the same period last year, and 1.4 million overnight stays were generated, up by 8%.
Compared with the first two months of 2019, the number of foreign guests increased by 1% and they generated 9% more overnight stays, while the number of domestic tourists rose by 12% and they generated 7% more overnight stays in the first two months of 2020.
"Due to the coronavirus situation, it is difficult to predict tourist turnover in March and the rest of the year. We are actively monitoring the situation, and we are responding by adapting our promotional and marketing activities on various markets. For example, the planned marketing campaigns and activities in the most significantly affected areas, such as China, South Korea, and Italy, have already been modified and rescheduled, just like the digital and online platform campaigns," HTZ stated.
More tourism news can be found in the Travel section.