October 31, 2017 - The island of Hvar is home to a UNESCO Holy Week tradition dating back more than 500 years. Vatican TV channel TV 2000 reports on the unique Za Krizen procession which has taken place every year through the night of Maundy Thursday in six towns and villages on the island since the 16th century.
The Islanders were Kapetan Luka's most honored guests this weekend!
On the 25th October 2017, we attended a wine tasting at Wine and Cheese Bar Paradox with Jo Ahearne, the only Master of Wine to make wine in Croatia.
On the 24th October 2017, Slobodna Dalmacija reports on poison being set for cats in local communities; however, this is not a one-off but rather a tragic regular occurrence.
Another day, another top 20 list, this time from Yahoo on October 24, 2017. Could you at least get the country right?
Who said the fun stops when the season ends?