Thursday, 16 November 2017

Sailing in Croatia: 3 – 5 Day Sailing Tours for Groups or Individuals

Want to experience a sailing holiday in Croatia but don’t have a full-week or you aren’t travelling with a large group of friends? AndAdventure has the answer for you.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Sailing on the Hanse 455 from Croatia Yachting

On Saturday 21st October 2017 we chartered the new Hanse 455 from Croatia Yachting for an end-of-season sail.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Sailing in Croatia: the Adriatic Alphabet - Č & Ć

In this instalment of our alphabet series, we're focusing on two problem-makers in Croatian language: letters Č and Ć

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Mediterranean As It Once Was: Sailing the Adriatic in the 80s (Video)

So many people asked me, why in the world would you take a sailboat all the way to Europe, to Yugoslavia? Well, it's the will to go where and when I please. It's a will that has existed in sailors ever since they crossed the smallest body of water. There's hardly a place where water flows that sailors cannot and will not sail. And only a fool would believe it was easy.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Sailing in Croatia: Is October the New September?

October 15th 2017, the summer goes on and on. Will October become the new September for sailing in Croatia?

Monday, 2 October 2017

A Morning at Rijeka Nautic Show (Photos)

The fifth edition of Rijeka Nautic Show took place last weekend, September 29 – October 1. Over the years, Rijeka became one of the favourite destinations in Croatia for sailing enthusiasts, and judging by the number of occupied berths at the waterfront in the city centre, it's also transforming into a popular destination for yacht owners.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Should We Brand Our Traditional Boats and Regattas?

On September 29, Murter island celebrated the day of its patron saint Mihovil (Michael). The island population doesn't mess around when it comes to important events, so they actually celebrate throughout Septmeber with a manifestation titled Days of the Lateen Sail (Dani Latinskog Idra) and a regatta featuring traditional wooden boats with lateen sails. Why not turn such events into a better-marketed, popular brand? 

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Sailing in Croatia: Sojourn Tax for Boat Owners to Increase in 2018

Substantially increased sojourn tax for boat owners in Croatia in 2018 caused an international backlash.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Marina Punat on Krk Island Voted Best in Croatia

Congratulations to Marina Punat!

Monday, 18 September 2017

Charter Croatia: Why You Shouldn't Ask to Board Early (Video)

Every week, new holidaymakers fly, drive or ferry into Croatia, excited to start their charter – a week sailing in Croatia! And, guaranteed every week, guests ask to board early. We have two words for you – please don’t.

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