Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Imotski Tourist Board Wins Award for New Project in Tourism

November 3, 2021 - The Imotski Tourist Board will be awarded the national Simply the Best award in the category New Project in Tourism. The award was given to the Camino Imota project by the Imotski Tourist Board, in cooperation with the Brotherhood of St. Jakov and the Croatian National Tourist Board, realized during 2021.

Let us remind you that after Krk, which joined the Camino family in 2019, Imotska Krajina received a section of this most famous network of pilgrimage routes. Camino Imota is a section on the general route Medjugorje - Sinj, within the Croatian road network Sv. Jacob. This section is also conceived as a separate tourist product, a motive for coming for a multi-day stay in the Imotski region, reports Turističke Priče.

Camino Imota passes by extremely interesting sacral buildings, but also important sites of natural and cultural heritage. At a total of 12 sites, there are also commemorative stamps for pilgrimage passports as proof of travel. Everyone with a completed pilgrimage passport in the office of the Imotski Tourist Board can get a certificate of the Compostela pilgrimage.

The Camino Imota is about 75 kilometers long, and it takes three days to cross the section. The beginning and end of the trail will be connected to the future route Sinj - Medjugorje. A large number of pilgrims walked the new Camino Imota route in June. Despite the high temperatures, their impressions are very positive, and this is not surprising given the spectacular landscape offered by the Imotski region.

The Simply the Best award for creativity, innovation, development, and improvement of the tourist offer of the destination is traditionally awarded by UHPA - the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies and the tourist magazine Way to Croatia.

The award will be presented to the Imotski Tourist Board at a ceremony on November 24 as part of the official program of this year's 22nd PUT Stock Exchange, which will be held from November 23 to 25, 2021 at the Katarina Hotel in Selce.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Žminj Tourist Board Takes Away 'Simply the Best' Award for 2017

The Istrian gem gets deserved praise for three beloved manifestations

Saturday, 26 November 2016

"Simply the Best" Awarded in Croatian Tourism

This week, the Bluesun Kaj in Marija Bistrica held a three-day annual meeting of Croatian businesses in the sector of travel agencies, hotels and tourist resorts. At this year's meeting, nearly 130 participants from 8 countries participated, with annual awards granted for the best tourist events and tourist stories. The awards were organized by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies and the magazine Way to Croatia.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

You’ll be Planning a Trip to Rogoznica After Watching the Official 2017 Promo Video

The Tourist Board of Rogoznica has just released a new promotional video for 2017 titled "Rogoznica - The Heart of Dalmatia" which highlights the beauty of this Dalmatian tourist pearl that has become one of the leading destinations for family holidays in Croatia.
