Sunday, 26 September 2021

21st Split Marathon Held, Croatian Male and Female Runners Finish 1st!

September 26, 2021 - The 21st Split Marathon was held on Sunday, with Croatian male and female runners finishing first! 

The 21st Split Marathon was held in a beautiful ambiance only the people of Split can create. Hundreds of people crowded along the fence that separated the nearby barricades from the finish line, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

The first marathoner to cross the finish line was Ivan Dračar, a member of Zagreb's Mladost, thus winning the title of one of the most beautiful marathons in the world. Second place went to Ante Živković from the Athletic Club Dubrovnik, while Frenchman Lucas Gourg overtook Croatian Zdravko Jadrijev just before the end of the race. The Frenchman thus came in the way of a completely Croatian triumph.

All three medals went to Croatians in the women's competition. Ljiljana Mišlov Brkić finished first with a time of 3:18:22. In second place was Marijana Katić, while Marija Vrajić took third. 

"The last few kilometers were really hot but good; that's how it is in Split. I always love coming back because I spent my student days here. I am satisfied with the result, considering that almost nothing was run for two years due to the pandemic," said Mišlov Brkić.

Milan Mitrović from Serbia celebrated in the half marathon. Second place went to Alija Imamović from Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the third place went to Aleš Lindič from Slovenia. The best-placed Croat was fourth-placed Renato Sertić.

The deputy mayor of Split, Bojan Ivošević, also ran the half marathon.

"The last few kilometers were tough because I haven't trained for a long time, but with goodwill and a team that pushes you forward, everything is easier. I ran because of the position I hold; if someone attacks me, I can escape, haha," Ivošević joked.

Around 300 marathon runners started from the Riva, which is twice less than last year. The biggest news is that there were no forces from Kenya and Ethiopia because they failed to get a visa due to Covid. There were a little over 600 half marathoners, while a hundred of them took part in the relay marathon.

The marathoners toured Split's old town, Vranjica, the Lora military base, Poljud stadium, and. the West Coast to Bačvice beach and Diocletian's Palace near the end.

The Split marathon is known as one of the most demanding due to the elevation of 267 meters.

The organizers also set the musical background at every step. Josip Hatze's orchestra, band 058, Marjan choir, Split Down Syndrome Association, and many others performed along the way. 

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To learn more about sport in Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

2021 Split Marathon to be Held in September

January 19, 2021 - The 2021 Split Marathon will not be held in February like in previous years, but in late September. 

Dalmacija Danas reports that one major sporting event that has gathered several thousand runners in the city of Split in recent years is the Split Marathon. The event is usually held in February, and last year, for example, it was held on February 23.

The second marathon in the newer edition, which the organizers are preparing in this calendar year, has now been moved to autumn, more precisely to September 26, 2021. The starting time will be "at dawn", i.e., at 7:30 am, so the participants can avoid running through unbearable heat. 

The new date was revealed by Kristijan Sindik, the president of the Organizing Committee, on the official Split Marathon Facebook page

The marathon itself gathers 800 competitors and runs a little more than 42 kilometers, while the half marathon sees around 2500 runners. It is important to include the recreationists, children, organizers, track security, police, and other city services, gathering around 4000 people in one place.

The Split Marathon is an event presented by the city for some time to position itself as a sports and tourist destination for many international competitors who have the opportunity to run the track and enjoy the beauties of Split and the surrounding areas.

The Split marathon is the third-largest in the region, with only Ljubljana and Belgrade ahead, which is to be expected considering the number of inhabitants. Split, however, is said to be the best organized.

The Split Marathon event saw a record number of participants in 2020, or over 4,000, who ran on the Marathon and Half Marathon routes below. 

The Split Marathon route:

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica – Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Solinska ulica – Splitska ulica – Krešimirova ulica – Obala pomoraca – Krešimirova ulica – Splitska ulica – Solinska ulica – Hercegovačka ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – ZrInsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Obala Lazareta – Obala kneza Domagoja – HŽ Bačvice – Plaža Bačvice – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Put Firula – Spinčićeva ulica – Šetalište Kalafata – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – OKRET – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – Šetalište Kalafata – Spinčićeva ulica – Put Firula – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Hatzeov perivoj – Ulica Matije Gupca – Prilaz braće Kaliterna – Plaža Bačvice – HŽ Bačvice – Obala kneza Domagoja – Obala Lazareta – Hrvojeva ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Marmontova ulica – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

The 20th edition of Split Half Marathon ran on an AIMS certified track: 

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica -Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Stinice ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Split Marathon: Full Marathon, Marathon Relay and Half Marathon in Store for 20th Edition

February 8, 2020 - The Split Half Marathon returns this month to celebrate its 20th edition with new events and a new name - Split Marathon. 

Who says the offseason is boring in Split? February not only boasts Carnival, but just two weeks away, the racing season begins with the Split Marathon. 

Namely, on February 23, 2020, this Split racing event will kick off for its 20th edition with a series of new events, including the full marathon and marathon relay, and the already well-known half-marathon, 5K race, and kids’ races (650 m, 1,250 m and 2,500 m).

The biggest news is certainly the inaugural Split marathon.

The Split Marathon is an AIMS certified trail that tours the peninsula of Split, with a short excursion to Solin and a tour of Vranjic (known as Little Venice). The start and destination are at the Riva, right next to Emperor Diocletian's Palace (which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List). On the course, there are 12 refueling stations and 10 lap times with live tracking of each runner. 

The relay marathon is run in 4 shifts (according to IAAF rules), 3 sections of 10 km and one section of 12,195 km, and can be run as men's relay (4 M), women's relay (4 W) or as mixed (2W + 2M).

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica – Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Solinska ulica – Splitska ulica – Krešimirova ulica – Obala pomoraca – Krešimirova ulica – Splitska ulica – Solinska ulica – Hercegovačka ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – ZrInsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Obala Lazareta – Obala kneza Domagoja – HŽ Bačvice – Plaža Bačvice – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Put Firula – Spinčićeva ulica – Šetalište Kalafata – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – OKRET – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – Šetalište Kalafata – Spinčićeva ulica – Put Firula – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Hatzeov perivoj – Ulica Matije Gupca – Prilaz braće Kaliterna – Plaža Bačvice – HŽ Bačvice – Obala kneza Domagoja – Obala Lazareta – Hrvojeva ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Marmontova ulica – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

The 20th edition of Split Half Marathon will run on an AIMS certified track that has been modified with fewer ascents. The start and finish are on the Riva, with 6 refreshment stations on the course and 6 lap times with live tracking of each runner. 

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica -Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Stinice ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

In the starter pack, along with the starting number and a chip, participants will receive a backpack, T-shirt, a towel, accreditation with numerous discounts during the race weekend and sponsor gifts. Every participant who finishes the race will receive a medal, which will be even better than last year.

Last year, the race saw 3,300 participants and 15,000 visitors. This year, numbers should be even larger.

All information about the race can be found here.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Split Half Marathon: 2,500 Registered, First Participants from Kenya and Ethiopia!

There are just two weeks left until the 19th Split Half Marathon. The entire program of this now traditional event begins on February 22 when the sports fair opens in the large hall of Gripe. Two days later, on February 24, at 9 am, the half marathon will kick off on the Riva with a record number of participants, reports Dalmatinski Portal on February 7, 2019. 

“This year we can promise that it will be the best so far. We have 2500 registered for the half marathon, 300 reported for the 5-kilometer race, and we expect 800 to 1000 children for their race. Regarding the new items this year, we have to point out that we are ensuring a strong competition. For the first time, we have representatives of Kenya and Ethiopia. Among them are five Olympic candidates,” said Chairman of the Organizing Committee Kristijan Sindik, adding:

“There are already a lot of preparations for the next year when a marathon will run for the first time. The route is complete and attractive. The presentation will be part of the Split Fair.”

The temporary head of the Administrative Department for Tourism and Maritime Affairs, Stipe Čogelj, emphasized the importance of this event for the whole region.

“The Split Half Marathon is a brand of Split. This organization has strategically everything that our documents prescribe. Preseason, number of competitors. It is a healthy sporting and tourist event. In the coming years, we expect and plan for a stronger connection of sports and tourist offerings, especially with Inland Dalmatia,” said Čogelj.

On behalf of Split, the half marathon is supported by the head of the Social Activities Department, Mate Omazić.

“We have long-term cooperation. Thousands of participants are proof that the organizers are doing a good job and that the Split Half Marathon is recognized,” said Omazić, who then revealed:

“All participants can visit any city museum at affordable prices.”

The director of the Split Tourist Board, Alijana Vukšić, also commented on the event.

“From year to year, this very important event brings together the story of a destination, from sport, culture and healthy lifestyle. At a time when we're starting with new tourist results, we have the opportunity to be promoted in the best possible way. It is well known that athletes are the best ambassadors. In the long run, they spend more and come back. We believe that we will all enjoy the event and that our guests will be the best advertising for our city,” she concluded.

To read more about Split, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Monday, 28 January 2019

19th Split Half Marathon Less than a Month Away

January 28, 2019 - With the long and rainy January nearly over, we can finally let out a sigh of relief and look forward to the (hopefully) better days ahead. Like the 19th Split Half Marathon, set to take place in the Dalmatian capital on February 24, 2019. 

Many of you might have included exercise in your New Year’s resolutions, and others might have taken on the task of living a healthier lifestyle in general. Whatever your story, February’s choice event is here to help you get out and get active - or simply cheer on those doing it for us. 

The Split Half Marathon is entirely a volunteer project organized out of love for running, Split and a passion for humanitarian work. You might even recognize one of the marathon’s biggest promoters, Dina Levačić, who was the first Croatian swimmer to cross the La Manche

The course of the half marathon runs throughout the 1,700-year-old city, which you can see a map of below. 

Screenshot 2019-01-28 at 12.44.29.png

In addition to the half marathon race, each year, a number of other races are also organized. 

The half marathon relay, for example, is perfect for anyone who is not capable of running the entire course but wants to enjoy the spirit of the half marathon race. 

Last year, the team organized the 5-kilometer humanitarian run to end Polio, and even the 'dm Baby miles' race for the youngest, which included participants from 7 to 15-year-olds who wanted a taste of the half marathon in 4 categories with three different distances.

To date, the Split Half Marathon has seen 9,700 participants from 52 countries, with over 210,000 kilometers run and 45,000 visitors. 

Last year’s event alone welcomed some 3,500 participants from over 50 countries! 

Apart from the event being a significant story to promoting the sporting spirit of Split, and Croatia as a whole, it is also an event that encourages off-season tourism in Split-Dalmatia County. County Head of Tourism and Maritime Affairs, Stipe Čogelj, said last year that the half marathon brings around 10,000 visitors to the Dalmatian capital. 

Just 26 days away, are you up for taking on Split by foot? 

More information on the half marathon can found on the official website

To read more about Split, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Friday, 23 February 2018

Split Half Marathon Will See 3500 Runners from Over 40 Countries!

This highly anticipated Split Half Marathon will take place this weekend in the Dalmatian capital.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

PHOTOS: Runners Fill the Riva for Split Half Marathon

The 17th Split Half Marathon took place this morning with over 2,000 runners from 40 countries. Total Split was at the finish line.

Friday, 24 February 2017

From Carnival to Split Half Marathon: Your Guide to the Best Events this Weekend

It may be a bit rainy or windy at times, but this weekend is full of things to do from Carnival to the Split Half Marathon. 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Split Half Marathon will Host 2,000 Runners from 40 Countries

The 17th Split Half Marathon will be held this Sunday, February 26 at 9am. The organizer is Marathon club Marjan. 

Monday, 26 December 2016

Split Half Marathon: A Run Through the Most Beautiful City in the World

Exactly two months away, the Split Half Marathon will take place from the 24-26 of February 2017.
