Sunday, 13 March 2016

From Brown Bear to Slow Worm - The Rich Vrlika Fauna and Flora

For many of us, the pure untouched nature is one of the key factors when choosing a holiday destination. Vrlika is one of those destinations, where you will fall in love with the endless meadows, pristine spring water and a clear blue sky. Just what you need to relax.
But then again, pure nature is pure nature as you will not be alone there, for sure. The Vrlika area is full of native vegetation and several protected endemic species in insects. So be aware, as you could run into a Short-toed Snake Eagle or a Dalmatian Ringlet, a Nose-horned Viper or a Longhorn Beetle. Here is more useful information about the flora and fauna of the Vrlika area from the great Vrlika tourist board website. Enjoy!


Native vegetation of the Vrlika region comprises a large number of plant communities, or habitat types. According to the data available, in the area of the Dinara mountain there are around 750 plant species, of which more than 110 are strictly protected and 55 are endemics.

The flora comprises:

  • Mountain Grasslands
  • Scopoli's Rock Cress
  • Dinarian Mouse Ear
  • Dalmatian Rockbell
  • Pasque Flower
  • Lion's Paw
  • Yellow Gentian
  • Common Juniper
  • Hairy Azalea


1. Birds

In terms of ornithology, the Vrlika region, particularly the peaks and the slopes of the Dinara mountain appertaining to it and the habitat around the Upper Cetina, from its source to the Peruća dam, is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) according to the EU Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds.

The bird species include:

  • Shore Lark
  • Redshank
  • Stone Curlew
  • Moustached Warbler
  • Short-toed Snake Eagle

2. Mammals

The mammals of the Vrlika region are:

  • Brown Bear
  • Grey Wolf
  • Eurasian Lynx
  • Wildcat
  • Red Fox
  • Wild Boar
  • Eurasian Badger
  • Brown Hare
  • Balkan Snow Vole

3. Insects

The relatively well-preserved, extensive and diverse habitats of the Dinara and Svilaja mountains and the Upper Cetina provide a refuge to a number of invertebrate species whose natural habitats have been endangered due to specific living conditions they require, while many of them are endemics and placed on the Red List (certain species of caddisflies, dragonflies, stoneflies, orthoptera, etc.).

Invertebrates living in caves and holes make a special group – their biology remains relatively unknown, but they are protected as the cave fauna together with cave vertebrates.

Insects include:

  • Dalmatian Ringlet
  • Rosalia Longicorn
  • Longhorn Beetle
  • Firebug
  • Hornet
  • Bumblebee
  • Stag Beetle
  • Marsh Fritillary

4. Herpetology

The herpetofauna of the Vrlika region comprises around 15 species of lizards, snakes and amphibians, some of which are endangered, mostly due to the fact that their natural habitats have been either reduced in extent or suffered degradation.

The herpetofauna comprises:

  • Smooth Snake
  • Balkan Whip Snake
  • Nose-horned Viper
  • Fire Salamander
  • Slow Worm
  • Karst Meadow Viper
  • Alpine Newt
Thursday, 10 March 2016

Amazing Promo Video of Vrlika

You can easily fall in love with Vrlika after watching this amazing promo video from the Vrlika tourist board. So much beauty in 4 minutes - heritage, culture, nature, adventure, sports and more - watch the movie below and visit Vrlika!!


#ExperienceNature ... Town of #Vrlika #InlandDalmatia

Pure #InlandDalmatia, #Croatia ... #History, #Heritage and #Nature at its best :)

Posted by Vrlika Tourist Board on 20. november 2013
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Split Scientists Discovered a Rare Example of Evolution in Cetina River

(photo: Dalmacija News)

Algae made it from the sea to the Cetina river and adapted to the life there, reports Dalmacija News.

An international team of sceintists, leb by Ph.D. Ante Žuljević from Split institute of Oceanography and Fisheries discovered a type of coralline algae, that has come out of the sea to the river and adapt to the life there.Their findings were presented at the prestigious journal Scientific Report from the Nature group and the algae got its name after the Cetina river, where it was discovered - Pneophyllum cetinaensis. Among Croatian experts, Italian, Spanish, French and Belgian scientists participated in the research.

To explain what the coralline algae actually is, we can say, that they are among the most important components of the shallow sea bottom. One of their distinguishing features is, the incorporation of calcium carbonate in the body of the algae. Therefore, they are strong, resistant to most herbivore organisms, essential architectural types and when they die, they contribute to the deposition of ash at the seafloor.

The evolutionary transition from sea to fresh water is an extremely rare event. It is believed that there were only about 40 crossings of snails from the sea to fresnwater species, but they still diverged into more than four thousand species. In addition, most of the crossings occurred in ancient geological times. All this makes Pneophyllum cetinaensis special among algae species in general.

"For the last two years, an international team worked on a study about a very special algae that belongs to the so-called coralline algae. There are more than 700 types of coralline algae to live in the sea. The Cetina algae is the first and so far the only coralline algae, which lives in freshwater. What is interesting is, that the evolutionary transitions from sea to freshwater is extremely rare and that this shift occured just in the Cetina river. The reason for this were certainly biological and chemical characteristics of the river. It seems, that the relocation of the one coralline algae, which incorporates calcium carbonate into her tissue could only happen in a karst river. All the other rivers of the world have not satisfactory chemical conditions to be able to support an algae from the coralline group", said about this discovery Ph.D. Ante Žuljević.

As he said, the algae relocated from the sea to the river before 20.000 to 100.000 years. This is what makes it unique. Most crossings occurred in geologically ancient times.

Read the whole article (in Croatian) here.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Happy New Year from the Total Inland Dalmatia Team

It was a great year. Full of record breaking-results for Inland Dalmatia. Full of significant anniversaries, changes and happenings. I myself learned a lot about this beautiful and unique destination and want to thank you all for making it possible. To all people in Inland Dalmatia, to all its guests and visitors - Happy New Year!! Let us enjoy the beauties of the Dalmatian Hinterland every day.

Happy New Year from Dalmatia Explorer

Happy New Year from Klis (Grad na Kamenu Klis FB page)


Happy New year from Vrgorac tourist board (New Year´s Eve in Vrgorac from 1955-1956)

Happy New Year from Vrlika tourist board

Happy New Year from Sinj

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

A Beautiful Blog about Vrlika and Sinj in French

Autumn and winter might be more peaceful periods in Inland Dalmatia, but it is a great time to visit and to experience places like Vrlika in all their beauty. Because peace and quite is just what places like this are all about. Just the untouched nature and you. Ok, maybe having the great company of Domagoj from Dalmatia Explorer might be a good idea, as he can show you place. Like he did with this French blogger - Violaine Malié.

(photo: google plus profile)

Violaine has a travel and photography blog (Vio Vadrouille) in French and visited Inland Dalmatia this summer. She shared her experience about the beautiful Vrlika nature, Cetina source, Church of the Holy Salvation and her visit to the Alka museum in Sinj. You can read the whole article (in French) here.



Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Stage is Ready for Tuesday - Open-air Opera in Vrlika

It feels like yesterday that I wrote about the famous Croatian opera Ero the Joker for all of you to mark your calendar. And here we are, just 2 more days to go until the wonderful open-air event at Vrlička Česma.

Everything is being prepared in Vrlika for the highlight of their cultural summer program. The director of the Vrlika tourist board Dijana Maras sent us some sneak-peak pictures from the preparations at the Cesma. The stage is ready for all of the 186 members of the Croatian National Theatre Split to sing and dance for us (And there will be horses on stage too - how do they prepare for the event anyway? I would really like to know that).


The unique open-air opera Ero the Joker will take place on Tuesday August 4, 2015 at 21:00 in Vrlika. All welcome!!



Thursday, 30 July 2015

Which One Will be the Best? Uštipak World Championship in Vrlika on Saturday.

The second year of the Uštipak World Championship will take place in Vrlika on Saturday and you will have a chance to decide for yourself, which one is your personal favourite.

I still hope, there will be a sour-dough version as I suggested last time, so am very curious about that. The competition starts at 19:00 and the most helpful director of the Vrlika Tourist board Dijana Maras calls all Uštipak-fans to help tasting and eating the best pieces of Uštipak in the world.

And after even the last Uštipak is eaten, head down to the Culture Centre (Dom Kulture) for an Evening of Poetry and Exhibition of paintings, organized by the Artistic and Literary Association "Vlaho Bukovac". The theme of the event is Free Art and the exhibition will take place until August 6, 2015. Entrance is free!!

Have a great time in Vrlika on Saturday!!


Friday, 24 July 2015

UNESCO Protected Ojkanje Singing - Festival in Vrlika Tomorrow

Ojkanje singing from the Vrlika area is truly something uniqe. It is the oldest preserved type of singing in Croatia and as such, it is listed on the UNESCO list of endangered intangible world heritage. Even today, in our modern way of living, Ojkanje singing is being preserved by passing on from one generation to another and lives through people from Vrlika as a strong part of their culture.

Once a year, there is this special festival where Ojkanje singingRound dance and Vrlika national costume are brought up to the spot light - it is the Večer Pisme, Kola i Narodnih Običaja (Evening of Songs, Round dancing and National Traditions). Tomorrow, July 25, 2015 Vrlika will host this wonderful event and you are all welcome to join the celebrations from 20:00 at the Vrlička Česma (entrance is free).

Amont the folklore association KUU Milan Begović from Vrlika, there will be several others performing in Vrlika tomorrow: HFD Jadro, KUD Podbablje, HKUD Fra Jozo Križić, EU Petrovo polje, KUD Sv. Ilija Kljaci. After the cultural program, the celebrations will continue with the entertainment program by Vatreni poljupci band.



Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Open-air Moliére at the Vrlička Česma

Based on the Moliére´s Miser, but with a complete different names for the characters and set into 19th century Dalmatia - "Škrtičina" is a well accepted play performed by the Croatian National Theatre in Šibenik and was a huge success at the Dubrovnik Summer Program two years ago.

Should be a lot of fun and for those of you who do not speak Croatian, the open-air location at the Vrlička Česma could be reason enough to come.

Vrlička Česma on July 18, 2015 at 21:00 (entrance is free) in Vrlika.





Friday, 10 July 2015

Game Stew Cooking Contest in Vrlika Tomorrow. They Need People for Tasting!!

An interesting e-mail from the Director of the Vrlika tourist board Dijana Maras in my inbox today as they prepared a sort of last minute event for tomorrow July 11, 2015.

Together with the Hunting Society Svilaja from Vrika, the Vrlika tourist board is organising a contest in game stew cooking, where hunters will be preparing 55 kg of game meat. There will be 6 teams with 3 members each.

The jury will be determined tomorrow, but all of you are welcome to taste as it will for sure be delicious. Enjoy!!

More information at the Vrlika tourist board (+385 21 827 460).



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