How Does the Cost of Living in Split Compare with Zagreb?

By 29 March 2017

How do the two largest cities in Croatia compare when you add in money signs?

Zagreb, the Croatian capital, and Split, the Dalmatian capital are compared more than you might think. While the capital city is distinguished by its Austro-Hungarian architecture and urban feel, Split is known for Roman emperor Diocletian and a relaxed coastal atmosphere. The football teams Dinamo Zagreb and Hajduk Split are eternal rivals, and we both surely think our city is better than yours. 

But how do the two cities compare when it comes to cost of living? While one could automatically assume that the capital city would be more expensive, one must also remember that sometimes the coast has the most…

To kick things off quite simply, one would need 16,389.49kn in Split to have the same standard of living that one could have in Zagreb for 16,000.00kn, according to Numbeo which was last updated in March 2017.

Split actually ranks higher than Zagreb in consumer prices, restaurant prices, and the price of groceries. Zagreb ranks higher than Split when it comes to renting prices, and local purchasing power in Split is actually almost 20% lower than in Zagreb.

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Here’s a closer look at how the two largest Croatian cities compare.

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Who would have thought?

