Split and Zagreb Join Forces for Completely Free Music Festival

By 14 April 2017

To this day, music festivals in Croatia are mostly tied to ticket prices that the majority of the student population could not afford. 

This will no longer be the case, at least for the cities of Zagreb and Split, as they have been diligently preparing for the Torpedo Student Festival which will be completely free for all visitors, reports Radio Dalmacija on April 13, 2017.

The desire of the organizers is clear - after seven years of a successful Rijeka Student Day Festival, the idea of free music content should be expanded to other cities.

“Free” and “quality” are the principals guiding the Torpedo organizers, hence the strong line-up basis. The Zagreb Torpedo Student Festival will be held on May 27th, and the Split Torpedo is scheduled for June 10th with local rock and rap forces Urban and Kiša Metaka.

In addition to being free, the Torpedo Student Festival has another innovation that has been unprecedented at previous festivals in the region - the use of modern technology in the activation of visitors. What exactly does that mean? By downloading the free Torpedo mobile application, in addition to free entrance to the festival, participants will be given a series of discounts when visiting other entertainment, music, and art locations.

“The times of being a student are not only remembered by what we were taught but about the good times we had. There is an increasing amount of entertainment and festivals that have to be paid for, and we want to show that it does not have to be that way. Aggregating modern technology and music is our goal. In Rijeka, we have a similar concept that has already achieved great success and we would like to show that it is possible to make a good festival with a strong line-up that will be accessible to everyone who is looking for a good time,” said Ivan Roje, co-organizer of the Torpedo Student Festival.

The Torpedo mobile application will be available to download a week before the start of the Zagreb festival on both the App store and Google Play platforms. 

