What Should We Expect at the Upcoming EgoFree Festival?

By 18 April 2017

The second edition of EgoFree Festival will take place at the Turkish Tower in Split over Labor Day (May Day) weekend.

EgoFree Festival boasts a colorful program of music, handicrafts, and creative workshops which will be held from April 29 to May 1, 2017, at the Turkish Tower in Split. Admission is free, and the goal of the festival is to raise charitable funds for the Association Lastavice, reports Dalmacija News on April 17, 2017. 

EgoFree Festival's second edition is a free humanitarian event which also aims to encourage socializing among the people of Split while utilizing the quality green spaces within the city. The people of Split will have the opportunity to spend the long Labor Day weekend in the beautiful natural surroundings of Park Mladosti (better known as the Turkish Tower) which has been renovated and cleaned up thanks to a civil initiative last year. With a rich program prepared by the organizers, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. 

The Bambi Molesters, the headliners of the festival, are a true musical treat known as one of the most important protagonists of the surf-rock genre in the world. The concert will be held on the first day of the festival on the ”Fantasy Forest" stage. The music portion of the festival will be hosted on two stages with more than 40 musicians from the region who will present a full range of genres, from rock to tech-house. 

In addition to a varied musical program, there will be plenty of handicrafts during the festival from more than 20 designers and exhibitors. Each exhibitor will donate one of their items for the sweepstakes that will aim to raise funds for the residents of association MoSt.

There will even be free creative workshops for children and adults which will be lead by InfoZona, Yoga & Art House, AnST, Boja Duša and many others. Visitors can also expect a show by acrobats and jugglers from the collective "Let's kill boredom" and circus performers from the association Kam-Hram.

This Labor Day celebration is made for Split citizens of all generations, and there will be free meals and drinks at affordable prices!

All proceeds from the festival will go to charity, specifically to the Association Lastavice from Split. The festival is supported by the City of Split, Parks and Horticulture, Tourist Board of Split and Fire Brigade of Split, GK Lovret, and many sponsors and donors including Zagreb brewery, Iliric d.o.o., Star System productions, Polyclinic Bajem, and more. 

All details about the festival, official after-parties, and competitions for designers can be found on the Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/egofreefestival 
