Ethnographic Museum Opens New Exhibition as Part of Sv. Duje Celebration

By 28 April 2017

In the context of events related to the celebration of Split’s patron saint, St. Domnius (Sv. Duje), a new exhibition has opened at the Ethnographic Museum of Split titled "Smoke - The Story of Tobacco".

The story of tobacco takes you through the journey of a plant that was known as both the queen of the plants and the devil’s grass. This exhibition will display the various interpretations of tobacco through many small stories: from the shaman who was poisoned by tobacco in order to establish contact with the spirit world, to the pickers of Dalmatian tobacco which would give them bread, to the “tabakina” of Rovinj – the women who worked in the tobacco industry and were given the chance for emancipation.

Pozivnica DIM SPLIT

The exhibition was brought to Split by the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb, and visitors will have the opportunity to see the exhibition until June 18, 2017.

The Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1910, displaying the ethnography of Dalmatia through the most typical costumes of the region. Various trades are also on display including pottery, knitting, and handiwork, and you can even see the instruments, jewelry, and weapons of the area over time.

At 19:00, the Split cathedral will hold the first mass in honor of St. Duje. After the mass, a concert of spiritual music will be held. Mass will be held until May 5th with a concert following each time.
