Bolivian Artist Leaves Interactive Puzzles Around Split

Puzzles are popping up around Split for the bright-minded to tackle…

At Marjan Park-Forest and Turkish Tower at Park Mladosti, two puzzles have been erected within the works of Bolivian multimedia artist Efra Avila, reports Dalmacija Danas on May 3, 2017.

“I hope that my art will be of benefit to the citizens of Split and all of Split’s visitors. So that citizens can understand the concept of my puzzles and how they are to be solved, there is a short video explanation,” said the artist. 

Here’s a look at Avila’s concept. 

Efra Avila's Interactive Sculptures from Efra Avila on Vimeo.

Ph.D. Darko Hren from the Faculty of Philosophy in Split even tried to tackle the interactive sculpture and riddle himself. 

The second of this type of puzzle was displayed at Turkish Tower over the weekend for the visitors of the EgoFree Festival.

If you have yet to test these riddles, you now know where to go for a bit of innovative “outside of the box” thinking in Split!
