The Mediterranean Film Festival is just around the corner...
The 10th Mediterranean Film Festival begins in less than a month, with the jubilee edition taking place from June 8-17, 2017. Festival organizers have confirmed that the festival will be held at the open-air cinema "Bačvice”, Cinematheque "Golden Gate”, and terrace theater "Tesla", which will host free screenings each evening, reports Dalmacija Danas on May 9, 2017.
Just yesterday, anxious film buffs were given a taste of the visual identity for the first double-digit edition of the festival through a poster created by Split designer Karlo Kazinoti.
“Undressing on the beach has always been a bit of a clumsy act which can make each protagonist uncomfortable and vunerable among other bathers. Depending on the performance skills of the individual, the moment of enjoyment can easily be changed into drama, comedy or horror,” explained Kazinoti of his visual idea.
On Wednesday, May 11th, the Mediterranean Film Festival will release a limited amount of "festival tickets” which will allow attendees entrance to the festival without waiting in lines at all screenings around the city. For all those who are willing to purchase this ticket before the publication of the complete program, which will be announced on May 23rd, organizers will provide a gift package.
Those interested in volunteering for this popular cultural event can still apply until May 15th. The online application form is available on the website of the festival, and the festival is looking for film lovers for daily work at the cinemas, box offices, information desks, and in the distribution of promotional materials.