Split in History: A Walk Down Memory Lane

By 16 June 2017

Split, the most beautiful city in the world, in black & white. 

Today we take a walk down memory lane with the help of Facebook group Split kroz povijest (Split through history). 

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Užežin MIS - 1979, submitted by Božo Balota

19113985 10155539036953919 1290501524123579142 n

"First day on the Riva without traffic" - 1970s, submitted by Stari Izvidac 

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"Three happy friends" on the Riva - 1935, submitted by Maja Barun whose mother is in the middle

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A look at Split's town port in the 1930s from the West Riva, most likely from the platoon in front of the hotel "Ambassador," submitted by Ante Barišić

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1939, submitted by Božo Balota

19145717 1740412739320734 4289382598044939584 n

"My grandmother, Aranka Krstulovic Gluscevic, the first speaker on Radio Split and my grandfather Porin Gluscevic, with my dad," submitted by Aranka Lola Gluscevic

19145724 313362689099909 953209246370598161 n

Diving board at Bačvice - the 1920s, submitted by Božo Balota

19113970 312164882553023 5890820981393984932 n

1939, submitted by Božo Balota 

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Bačvice - 1920s, submitted by Božo Balota 
