High Season in June? 10,000 Tourists, 3 Large Cruise Ships in Split Today

By 24 June 2017

And it isn't even high season yet!

Three cruisers sailed into the Split ferry port this morning with as many as 10,000 tourists and crew members, reports Dalmacija Danas on June 24, 2017. This is the first time that the ferry port could accommodate three large cruise ships. While this “rush" of tourists is characteristic of July, this is the first time that June in Split is reminiscent of the high season.

While this “rush" of tourists is characteristic of July, this is the first time that June in Split is reminiscent of the high season.

With such a rush of tourist, traffic jams are certainly expected, and heavy traffic has already been reported from Zvonimirova Street to the ferry port. This juncture is usually always crowded in the summer, and citizens are asked to arm themselves with patience, or in extreme cases, go on foot - the current congestion should try and be avoided. 

Judging by the arrival of tourists, Split this year expects another record-breaking season. This year so far, through June 22, 2017, there were around one million and 300,000 overnight stays recorded. 

Director of the Tourist Board of Split commented on the record-breaking season in Split:

“Today, three large cruise ships sailed into our port with a total of 6,600 passengers and 3,000 crew members. The cruisers will sail out at 17:00 and you can expect a busy city center until about 16:00. Since most of our stationary guests (tourists that stay overnight, today there are 7,253) use our beach facilities, the capacity of the destination will not be compromised.

Throughout the year so far, double-digit growth of tourist traffic has been recorded, therefore we expect June to continue the successful trend,” concluded Alijana Vukšić.
