THE Split Summer Rental? A Tent on a Balcony!

By 25 June 2017

Desperate times call for desperate measures, or do they?

Today we bring you one of the funnier stories relating to property rentals in Split during the summer, thanks to the satirical Facebook page ''Daily Dose of the Average Dalmatian""

Earlier today, Daily Dose of the Average Dalmatian  shared a post on their Facebook page from Airbnb where a Split renter was offering their accommodation to tourists. While this doesn't seem strange just yet, what the Split renter was offering was not an apartment or a bedroom, but a tent set up on the renter's balcony! 

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Clever and crazy, we must admit, what makes this story even more interesting is that the balcony tent has been rated 4/5 stars and has collected mostly positive reviews!

While it's not as bad as just sleeping on the balcony in a tent, the renter allows the guests full use of the accommodation facility and even offers to swoop guests from the bus station or ferry port.

"This is a sharing summer flat. All my guests are welcomed to share large kitchen and living room, bathroom etc. The tent is located on the outside balcony with a roof above and inside is placed mattress bed with pillows and blankets. The balcony is spacious with an amazing view. In the case of bad weather tent or the mattresses can be moved in the living room," reads the Airbnb advert

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The tent rents for only $25 per night (around 165 HRK) and is somehow, but also not surprisingly, booked throughout summer. And the best part? The balcony is not even located in the center of Split, but in Sućidar, about a 15-minute drive from the center of the city, reports Dalmacija Danas on June 25, 2017. 

"Vera was really sweet and extremely helpful in coordinating rides for us and making sure all of our needs were met! The tent was super cozy and the apartment was clean and comfortable," reads one of the reviews.

Don't knock it until you've tried it, you might say, but we think this story perfectly sums up the madness that is Split in the summer. 

You can find the full listing on Airbnb here

